Registration Form

This form is to be returned with a copy of your child’s birth certificate


First Name : / Surname :
Middle Name : / Gender:
Likes to be called : / Date of Birth:
Home address :
Postcode :
Home phone number:
Home email:
Ethnic Origin : / Nationality :
Religion : / First Language :
Other languages understood:


Mother’s Name : / Father’s Name :
Mobile Number : / Mobile Number :
Daytime contact number: / Daytime contact Number :
Home address if different to child’s : / Home address if different to child’s :
Home phone number if different to child’s : / Home phone number if different to child’s :
Does this parent have Legal Responsibility ? / Yes ¨ No ¨ / Does this parent have Legal Responsibility ? / Yes ¨ No ¨
Does this parent have permission to collect? / Yes ¨ No ¨ / Does this person have permission to collect? / Yes ¨ No ¨
Is this parent an emergency contact? / Yes ¨ No ¨ / Is this parent an emergency contact? / Yes ¨ No ¨

Does anyone else have Legal Responsibility (please see Admissions Policy included in this pack for details) e.g Guardian, Step-Parent ? Yes ¨ No ¨

If yes, please give details below :

Name : ……………………………………………………….. Relationship to child: …………………………………………………

Contact Number: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Contact Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Please provide in order of priority contact details for 4 responsible people who can be contacted in case of emergency- inclusive of parents if required:

Contact One / Does this person have permission to collect? Yes ¨ No ¨
Name : / Relationship to child:
Mobile Number : / Daytime contact number:
Contact Two / Does this person have permission to collect? Yes ¨ No ¨
Name : / Relationship to child:
Mobile Number : / Daytime contact number:
Contact Three / Does this person have permission to collect? Yes ¨ No ¨
Name : / Relationship to child:
Mobile Number : / Daytime contact number:
Contact Four / Does this person have permission to collect? Yes ¨ No ¨
Name : / Relationship to child:
Mobile Number : / Daytime contact number:

Please provide photographs where possible.

We operate a family password system; in the instance of the usual person not being able to collect the child, this password will be asked for and parents must advise the Nursery before a different person is due to collect a child.

Please fill in your password :

Anyone you authorise to collect your child must also be authorised to sign any medication or accident forms relating to your child if there are any from that day. They will be given the details of any accident and asked to make sure that the information is passed on to you.


In the interests of health and safety, please give the following details

Doctor’s Name : / Doctor’s Number :
Doctor Surgery address :
Health Visitor’s Name: / Health Visitor’s
Number :

Do we have your permission to discuss your child with your Health Visitor ? Yes / No

Does your child have any special needs / requirements ? ……………………………………………………


Does your child have any long term needs regarding medication ? (please include signs/symptoms/name of medication/how often your child requires it) : …………………………….



Please indicate whether your child has any known allergies : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Please indicate whether your child has any dietary needs : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Please give details of any childhood diseases :

£ Chicken Pox £ Whooping Cough £ Measles £ Scarlet Fever £ Polio

£ German Measles £ Diphtheria £ Other ……………………………….


Please indicate if your child has received the following immunisations :

£ Diphtheria £ Meningitis C £ Whopping Cough £ BCG

£ Hib £ Polio £ MMR £ Tetanus

Please give details of any medical condition your child may have : ..……………………………………….……………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………


In the unlikely event that your child suffers an extreme allergic reaction, Clarecroft Day Nursery will administer the recommended dose of PIRITON, whilst calling an ambulance.

*please delete the following sentences as appropriate:

I *DO/DO NOT give consent for Clarecroft Staff to administer Piriton in an emergency

Parent’s signature : Date :

If your child has a temperature we will attempt to contact you for permission to administer Paediatric Paracetamol. In the event we cannot contact you and their temperature reaches 38.6oc, we will administer the appropriate dose of Paediatric Paracetamol to try and reduce their temperature.

*please delete the following sentences as appropriate:

I *DO/DO NOT give consent for Clarecroft Staff to administer Paediatric Paracetamol. I can confirm that my child has had this medication before.

Parent’s signature : Date :

Children under 30 months old will need to be supplied with teething gel/ crystals. These will be kept at nursery and administered as required. Please sign below to agree to provide a suitable teething aid that your child has had before, and to give staff permission to administer it.

* I DO/DO NOT give consent for Clarecroft Staff to administer teething gel/ crystals, supplied by me, as required.

Parent’s signature : Date :

Children wearing nappies may develop nappy rash, which can be uncomfortable. Sudocream is kept on premises and inclusive

*I DO/DO NOT give consent for Clarecroft staff to apply Sudocream. In the event that Sudocream is not sufficient I will supply an alternative clearly labelled with my child’s name.

Parent’s Signature : Date :

* The only other medication administered by Clarecroft Staff must be prescribed by a doctor and individual medical forms must be signed by the parent. Clarecroft Day Nursery reserves the right to refuse to administer medication. Please speak to the Supervisor if you require clarification on this issue.

During the hot sunny months Clarecroft will supply and apply sun cream with an additional charge of £1 Per month. The only exception to using our suncream is if your child has had a confirmed reaction to factor 50 child sensitive suncream

*I DO/DO NOT Give permission for Clarecroft Staff to apply sun cream to my child in the event of hot sunny weather

Parent’s Signature : Date :


I DO/DO NOT give permission for staff trained in first aid to give first aid treatment should it be required. I understand that in the event of a medical emergency care of the child will be transferred to medical personnel who will decide on appropriate emergency treatment. If I refuse this permission I will supply in writing the procedure I wish to follow in the event of such emergency.

Parent’s Signature : Date :

I hereby give Clarecroft Day Nursery permission for a Doctor to treat my child in the event of an accident / emergency should the need arise and I cannot be contacted.

Parent’s Signature : Date :


Photographs are regularly taken of the children in connection with educational experiences we offer, and are included in both theirs, and other children’s personal development folders and on internal wall displays etc. Occasionally we feature in the local papers for special events e.g Nativity Play, Children in Need etc., and the your child’s picture and name may appear in the local paper.

*please delete as appropriate

* I DO/DO NOT agree to my child’s photograph being used within Nursery and in both their's and other children’s personal development folders.

* I DO/DO NOT agree to my child’s photograph and name appearing in the local paper.

Clarecroft may wish to use your child’s photo on their website (names will NOT be shown)

* I DO/DO NOT agree to my child’s image being used on the Clarecroft Website and Facebook Page.

Parent’s Signature : Date :


From time to time the children are taken on outings to local locations e.g library, park, duck pond, shops etc.

* I DO/DO NOT give permission for my child to take part in local outings

Parent’s Signature : Date :

Please could you provide contact details for any other setting your child attends (this includes Childminders). This will allow us to share information regarding your child’s learning and development.

Setting Name: ………………………………………………………………………….

Contact Name: ………………………………………………………………………….

Contact Phone Number: …………………………………………………………

Has your child already had their 2 year old Progress Report completed ? Yes / No

Nursery Education ‘Free Entitlement’

From the term after their 3rd birthday, your child will be eligible to claim the ‘Early Education Free Entitlement’. This means that you are entitled to 570 hours free Childcare per year - (this is equivalent to 15 hours of free nursery education per week for 38 weeks per year during term time or 11 hours per week over the whole year.)

If you would like to use some or all of your funding with us, you are required to complete and sign a Northamptonshire County Council funding form, which will be available to complete in the nursery. We will need to take a copy of your child’s birth certificate and proof of address to accompany your claim form.

Please indicate below how many of your 570 hours free entitlement you would like us to claim on your behalf, from the term after your child’s third birthday.

2 year funding

The Funded Early Learning for 2 year olds entitles eligible children to 570 hours a year of Funded Early Learning. The 570 hours will be split by the Authority intothree funding blocks. The maximum amount of hours that can be taken in a week is 15 hours.

Further information can be found on the website of Northamptonshire County Council ( They have an Online Eligibility Checker that can be used. This will provide a Reference Number that we will require in order to confirm the eligibility for this funding. The successful Reference Number will expire after 6 weeks.

If you would like any further information, please tick the box below and we will arrange a suitable time to get back to you.

I would like you to claim ______hours of Free Entitlement Funding on my behalf. I would like to claim these hours *term time/All year round.

If you are sharing funding with another setting can you please confirm the settings name ______how many hours of Free Entitlement Funding they are claiming on your behalf______. Are you claiming this funding term time/ All year round.

If your child is starting with us before they are eligible to claim the 3 year old Free Entitlement Funding, we will contact you in due course on how you would like to use your Free Entitlement.

Signed : ______


Sun Room
(3 – 24 Months) / 8am – 6pm / 8am – 1.00pm (including Lunch) / 1pm – 6pm / 9am – 3pm / 7.30-8 am / 8 – 9am
Main Nursery (Moon and Star Group) / 8am -6pm / 8am – 12 / 9am - 12 / Lunch
12 – 1pm / 1 – 4pm
(Free Entitlement session only) / 1pm – 6pm / 9am – 3pm / 7.30-8am / 8 – 9am
Out of School Club / Before school 7.30-9am / Before School
8-9am / Before School with Breakfast / After school till 5pm with Tea / After school till 6pm with Tea

Do you require: Term Time only ¨ All Year Round ¨

Start date required : ………………………………………….

We offer a home visit prior to your child starting at Nursery (as outlined in the prospectus), please indicate if you would like a home visit : Yes ¨ No ¨

Pre-School Polo Shirts Order Form

To support the pre-school curriculum, we have a pre-school polo shirt to help the children feel part of the Clarecroft pre-school community, and help them get used to wearing a uniform before they go off to school. The polo shirts are optional, but we would urge you to consider buying at least one so that your child can feel part of their peer group.

Child’s Name :______

I would like to order the number & size Polo shirts indicated below :

Size Age 3 – 4 years (26”) Age 5 - 6 years (28”)

Qty ______

Polo shirts are £6.35 each and you will be invoiced for them separately.

Signed : ______

Please tell us how you found out about the Nursery :


Please tell us why you chose Clarecroft Day Nursery:


Both parents are required to sign below:

I ………………………………………………………………….… and I ………………………………………………………….. have received, read, understood and agreed to all the supplied terms and conditions (which are supplied within the prospectus pack) and information stated within the prospectus when enrolling my child/children with Clarecroft Day Nursery.

Parent’s signature : ………………………………………………… Date : ……………………….

Parent’s signature : ………………………………………………… Date : ………………………..

Important – Please ensure the registration form is returned with a copy of your child’s birth certificate

We ask that you keep us informed of any changes to your details. Periodically we may ask you to confirm your details for our records.