George Forbes VIEW Award for Excellence

Information Sheet

About the Award

This award honours the contribution to the advancement of Australian women by George Forbes, who established the VIEW movement to enhance the Voice, Interests and Education of Women.

The prestigious Award recognises excellent service in the past 12-24 months by a VIEW member or person whose voluntary work has progressedthe VIEW organisation nationally.

The Award was first presented at the VIEW Convention in 2005.

The Award is announced annually and awarded at VIEW National Convention when a suitable candidate has been identified; it does not need to be awarded every year nor is the recipient required to attend Convention.

Selection Criteria for Award

The selection criteria for the George Forbes VIEW Award for Excellence in Service in or for VIEW are:

  1. National focus or national outcomes thathave significantly advanced the VIEW organisation
  2. Service that has occurred in the past 12-24 months,
  3. Voluntary service over and above an elected office bearer role
  4. Demonstrated values of VIEW:
  5. Inclusive and welcoming
  6. Diverse and respecting
  7. Supportive and caring
  8. Locally focused while nationally active
  9. Collaborative and future-looking

Examples of service: Convention, Development, Online training, External Relations

Nomination process:

*Note: The Nominee does not need to be aware of this nomination.

  • May -July–Nomination Form to be completed by a National Councillor or Executivemember and submitted to VIEW National Office for consideration by the National Executive.
  • July- August – National Executive considers nominees and makes selection.
  • September / Convention – National President announces the recipient of the George Forbes VIEW Award for Excellence at Convention. If recipient is present, the Award is presented at Convention, otherwise a suitable occasion will be found for the Award to be presented.


Refer through VIEW National Office – 1800 805 366 or

George Forbes VIEW Award for Excellence

Nomination Form

Please complete and email to VIEW National Officeand cc to all National Executive by Monday 31July 2017.

Criterion 1: National focus or national outcomes that have significantly advanced the VIEW organisation. Describe the activity/activities that the nominee has been engaged in.

Criterion 2:How has the nominee demonstrated VIEW and The Smith Family values through their actions(i.e. demonstrated respect and caring, inclusiveness and diversity, collaboration and teamwork, innovation and creativity, excellence and professionalism). Describe how the nominee has demonstrated these actions.

Criterion 3: Has this voluntary service been conducted over and above what would normally be expected of an office bearer?Select one: Yes. No.

Please name a person willing to act as a referee who can be contacted confidentially to speak about the nominee/s.

I, Proposer(print name)
nominate(print name)
Relationship to nominee/s:

as suitable recipient/s for the George Forbes Award.

Signature of Proposer:
Contact details of Proposer: / (phone)

George Forbes Award Nomination October 2016