Artifact 14
Feedback from Voyager Curriculum Representative
This artifact was developed during my practicum experience at SummerReadingAcademy.
This experience was at Peace River Elementary School Summer Reading Academy Summer 2007.
My role in this artifact was as site facilitator of curriculum. I verbally conferenced with the representative after her on site visit during the summer school program. After she left she sent this written documentation of our meeting.
I received positive feedback from my administrator and the representative.
This project addresses the following Florida Educational Leadership Standards:
Standard 1: Vision / The principal has a personal vision for the school and the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop, articulate and implement a shared vision that is supported by the larger organization and the school community.X / Standard 2: Instructional Leadership / The principal promotes a positive learning culture, provides an effective instructional program and applies best practices to student learning, especially in the area of reading and other foundational skills.
Standard 3: Managing the Learning Environment / The principal manages the organization, operations, facilities and resources in ways that maximize the use of resources in an instructional organization and promotes a safe, efficient, legal, and effective learning environment.
Standard 4: Community and Stakeholder Partnerships / The principal collaborates with families, business, and community members, responds to diverse community interests and needs, works effectively within the larger organization and mobilizes community resources.
Standard 5: Decision Making Strategies / The principal plans effectively, uses critical thinking and problem solving techniques, and collects and analyzes data for continuous school improvement.
Standard 6: Diversity / The principal understands, responds to, and influences the personal, political, social, economic, legal, and cultural relationships in the classroom, the school, and the local community.
Standard 7: Technology / The principal plans and implements the integration of technological and electronic tools in teaching, learning, management, research and communication responsibilities.
Standard 8: Learning, Accountability, and Assessment / The principal monitors the success of all students in the learning environment, aligns the curriculum, instruction, and assessment process to promote effective student performance, and uses a variety of benchmarks, learning expectations, and feedback measures to ensure accountability for all participants engaged in the educational process
Standard 9: Human Resource Development / The principal recruits, selects, nurtures and where appropriate, retains effective personnel, develops mentor and partnership programs, and designs and implements comprehensive professional growth plans for all staff—paid and volunteer.
Standard 10: Ethical Leadership / The principal acts with integrity, fairness, and honesty in an ethical manner.
Reflective statement: I learned that curriculum implementation requires more than a half day inservice. Teachers need additional support in order to successfully implement curriculum especially in an intensive remedial program such as summer school. Teachers need an on site facilitator that they can turn to for answers. Giving teachers a 1-800 number or website is not enough. I enjoyed this experience tremendously.
Implementation Support
District /SchoolCharlotte/PeaceRiver______Date 6/21/07______
Literacy Implementation Specialist Carla Dean
Implementation Support Services
X Classroom Observations
XSide-by-side Coaching
□District and/or Building-Level Coach Meeting
□Data Meeting
□Ongoing Professional Development Session
□District Level Meeting
XOther Meeting with teachers
□Other ______
Affirmations and ObservationsMs. Konrardy had arranged for me to meet with several teachers at a time before my classroom observations/side by side coaching sessions. They were all very positive and asked some great questions about specific parts of lessons.
I was able to observe/coach Passport being taught in all 9 classes and could see that teachers have been working hard this summer and have positive outlooks. They are closely referencing the curriculum guides during instruction. Their pace is brisk and they are deliberate in their teaching. They called for group responses as well as individual responses. In going from class to class it was apparent that routines have been followed and students are familiar with the terminology used in Passport lessons.
Before I left classrooms I complimented them and their students for their diligence.
Something that enhanced Peace River’s instruction was the fact that there were several ESE and ESL teachers using a push in model working with small groups of students while the classroom teacher also taught a small group of Passport.
I met briefly with Adrienne McElroy, the other acting summer school principal, and shared my findings. She was at training and has taught Time Warp before so she has a working knowledge of Passport. She will share our conversation with Ms. Konrardy.
Focus for Next Scheduled Visit
Due to the lateness of this visit, there will be no more visits.
Please feel free to call or email me with any questions or concerns you may have. My number is 239-035-9110 and my email address is
Principal / Tara Konrardy
Adrienne McElroy
Regional Coach
Report discussedverbally with principal(s)
Report forwarded to Voyager
Tentative date of next scheduled visitNone