


Mrs Helen Goody


01737 276174

E-MAIL: / TO: /



13 April 2005



APPLICATION NO: / 05/00455/F / WARD: / HE / RECEIVED: / 11/03/05
APPLICANT: / Mr and Mrs Driscoll / AGENT: / Andrew Jamieson
DESCRIPTION: / Single storey rear extension, and demolition of existing side garage and erection of replacement
DRAWING NUMBERS: / 255.01 & 255.02


This application is referred to Committee as the applicant is an employee of the Council.

The proposal is for a single storey rear extension, and demolition of existing side garage and erection of replacement.

The extension and replacement garage are considered to integrate with the existing building in terms of their design and materials, and there would be no adverse impact on neighbouring properties.

Planning permission is GRANTED subject to conditions.


Highway Authority: no objection.


Neighbours were notified by letter dated 17/03/05, and site notice posted 17/03/05. Notification period expires 07/04/05. No representations received to date. Any subsequent representations received will be reported to the meeting.

1.0 Site and Surroundings

The site is located on the north side of Castle Drive. The property is a semi-detached bungalow with the garden bounded by fences to the rear and an open setting to the front. There are no significant trees affected by the proposal on the site. The neighbourhood is characterised by residential properties of similar style with two storey detached and semi detached properties in the wider street scene. The site is accessed from Castle Drive.

2.0 Relevant History

2.1 There is no relevant planning history

3.0 Current Proposal

3.1  This is a full application for a single storey rear extension and demolition of existing side garage and erection of replacement.

4.0 Policy Context

4.1 Local Plan Designation

Urban Land

4.2 Surrey Structure Plan 2004
Housing Development / SE4
4.3 Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 1994
Housing / Ho9, Ho13, Ho16
4.4 Local Plan First Alteration (Revised Deposit Draft) 2000
Housing / Ho9

4.5 Other Material Considerations

Planning Policy Guidance Notes / PPS1
Supplementary Planning Guidance / Householder Extensions & Alterations
Other / Human Rights Act 1998

5.0 Principal Issues

5.1 The main issues to consider are:

·  Impact on character of the area

·  Neighbour amenity

·  Flooding issues

Impact on the Character of the Area

5.2  The proposed extension would have a roof design and pitches that match that of the main dwelling. The revised garage would have a ridged roof and tile hanging detail that would match the front elevation of the dwelling.

5.3  The proposal has been well designed in a similar style and would be finished in materials, which match the existing dwelling. The proposal would complement the appearance of the existing dwelling and would be in keeping with the character of the area.

Neighbour Amenity

5.4 43 Castle Drive is the attached neighbouring bungalow to the west. There would be no detrimental impact on this dwelling due to the size and design of the proposal. The neighbouring property has itself been extended at the rear with a conservatory, which has obscure glazing in the eastern (flank) elevation.

5.5  47 Castle Drive is a detached dwelling lying approximately 4 metres away on the eastern flank boundary. This property is set back from the application property, and has one small obscured glazed window in the western elevation. Due to the relationship between the two dwellings, and the design and size of the proposals, there would be no detrimental impact on this property


5.6 The application site lies within the 1:100 floodplain. Having regard to the standing advice issued by the Environment Agency, no objection is raised on flooding grounds given the modest nature of the extensions to an existing dwelling. Conditions and informative are recommended advising the applicant of good practice in relation to reducing the risk of damage due to flooding.


1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission.


To comply with Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The proposed external finishing materials shall match those of the existing buildings and there shall be no variation without the prior approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.


To ensure that the development hereby permitted is only constructed using the appropriate external facing materials or suitable alternatives in the interest of the visual amenities of the area.

3. There shall be no raising of existing ground levels on the site within the area liable to flood, other than in accordance with the approved details.


To prevent the increased risk of flooding due to impedance of flood flows and reduction in flood storage capacity.

4. All spoil and building materials stored on site before and during construction shall be removed from the area of land liable to flood upon completion.


To prevent the increased risk of flooding due to impedance of flood flows and reduction of flood storage capacity.


1. The applicant is advised that this property lies within a floodplain. Practical advice on how to reduce flood damage to your property is available in a free document entitled "Preparing for Floods" February 2002. Copies of "Preparing for Floods" is available free of charge from the Environment Agency 24 hour "Floodline" on 0845 988 1188, or on our website www.environment-agency.gov.uk/floodline. The Environment Agency’s Indicative Floodplain Maps provide a general overview of areas of land in natural floodplains and therefore potentially at risk of flooding from rivers. To find out more information about where your property lies within the floodplain, investigate the Agency’s internet site: www.environment-agency.gov.uk under the “What’s in your backyard?” pages. Additional information on the IFM can also be found on the internet. Alternatively, contact the Environment Agency’s Floodline on 0845 9881188.

2. The applicant is advised that any steps or ramps shall be of an open construction so as not to impede the flow of floodwaters and reduce the risk of flooding elsewhere.


The development hereby permitted has been assessed against development plan policies SE4, Ho9, Ho13 and Ho16, and material considerations, including third party representations. It has been concluded that the development is in accordance with the development plan and there are no material considerations that justify refusal in the public interest.