26th and 27th June 2018
Strasbourg, France
Start-up Slams
The call for applications for the Start-up Slams is open to all innovative start-up companies (less than 5 years old) having an innovative product/technology to present.
This application form must be returned by e-mail to
Anaïs Schoreel at before15th April2018
Jury & Selection:
The project will be reviewed by a jury of experts who will meet inMay.
The selection committee will retain the most promising start-ups that will be consequently presented during the pitch session. They will also benefit fromadvice and feedback from experts.
The successful candidates will be informed after the selection committee process whether or not they have been selected.
The application musthighlight the start-up’s potential and convince the experts of its relevance for a potential industrial partner or investor.
The projects will be selected according to the following criteria: strength of the team, potential of the start-up, interest of use regarding the market, competitive advantages, IP strategy and business model.
By submitting an application, the applicant agrees that certain information may be published on the event website and/or in the presentation book.
Contact of the applicant:
First name: free text
Last name: free text
Email: free text
Phone: free text
Name of the company:
Date of creation:
Organisation that the spin-off stems from (if applicable):
3 Key words:
Number of people in the team:
Strengths of the team: from 100 to 500 words
Future team strategy (e.g.: strategic hiring): from 100 to 500 words
Product / Technology
Describe your product / technology and in what it is innovative:from 100 to 500 words
Type of product/technology
IVD medical device Implantable medical device Medical device
Medical device:Anyinstrument, apparatus, appliance, software, material or other article, used for diagnostic or therapeutic.
Implantable medical device:Any medical device which is intended to be totally or partially introduced, surgically or medically, into the human body or by medical intervention into a natural orifice, and which is intended to remain after the procedure.
IVD medical device: Any reagent, reagent product, calibrator, control material, kit, instrument, apparatus, equipment, or systemto be used in vitro for the examination of specimens, including blood and tissue donations, derived from the human body.
Development phase:
Proof of concept Design and development Successful commercialisation
Is your device:
EU labelled FDA approvedNone Other (which):
Did you start a reimbursement claim process for the device?
Not needed No Yes. In which country:
Actions planned to ensure the regulatory compliance of the project: N/A or from 100 to 300 words
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26th and 27th June 2018
Strasbourg, France
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26th and 27th June 2018
Strasbourg, France
Market size (Customers / Target market and quantification):from 100 to 500 words
Industry & Competitors: N/A or from 100 to 300 words
Competitive advantages(e.g.: medical benefit fulfil with the device, benefits compared to existingproducts, benefit in terms of cost or effectiveness ratio, healthcare savings…):from 100 to 300 words
Main hurdles to overcome:from 100 to 300 words
IP / Partnerships
IP strategy / IP portfolio (“internal / external tools to protect and value technological/ IP assets”)from 100 to 300 words
Pre-existing academic and/or industrial partners:N/A or from 100 to 300 words
Type of partnership sought (academic and/or industrial):N/A or from 100 to 300 words
Award(s)/price(s) already won for the product/technology (which and when): from 100 to 300 words
Funding sources (amount in € / $ and origin):from 100 to 300 words
Company ownership: from 100 to 300 words
Financing need(amount in € / $) and Future steps / Milestones / Use of proceeds: from 100 to 500 words
Other comments
Free text
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