Third Grade Standards-Based Report Card Rubric
1stNine Weeks
Language Arts
The expectations listed below are not exhaustive of all that will be learned for mastery of standards in English Language Arts through Reading, Writing, Language, and Speaking and Listening.
Standards / Emerging (1)
The student demonstrates limited or minimum progress or is unable to: / Progressing (2)
The student is progressing toward achievement but inconsistently: / Meets (3)
The student consistently and independently: / Exceeds (4)
The student, with evidence of exceeding, consistently and independently: / Evidence/Notes
Comprehends literature independently and proficiently / Generate questions before, during, and after reading
Self-monitor comprehension to clarify meaning
Read and comprehend text of steadily increasing complexity / Generatesquestions before, during, and after reading
Usesbackground knowledge and information from text when answering questions
Identifiesthemes, lessons, and morals infolktales, tall tales, fables, and myths
Self-monitors comprehension to clarify meaning / Generatesquestions before, during, and after reading
Usesbackground knowledge and information from text when answering questions
Identifies themes, lessons, and morals in folktales, tall tales, fables, and myths
Self-monitors comprehension to clarify meaning
Makes judgments and inferences about characters in a story / Reads above grade level texts and infers characteristics of characters and events / Fountas and Pinnell Benchmarks
Text assessments
Comprehends informational text independently and proficiently / Use textual evidence to support what the text says explicitly
Generate questions monitor comprehension
Make inferences about the information read / Uses textual evidence to support what the text says explicitly
Generates questions to improve comprehension
Makes inferences about the information read
Identifies main ideas, supporting ideas, and supporting details / Uses textual evidence to support what the text says explicitly
Makes inferences about the information read
Uses organizational patterns for conveying information (e.g., chronological order, cause and effect, similarity and difference, questions and answers) / Understands and infersbeyond grade level expectations / F&P Benchmarks
Understands and explains text features / Read informational
texts and incorporate new words into oral and written language
Determine the meaning of unknown words on the basis of context
Apply learned strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words (context clues, reference materials, word families, etc.) / Reads informational
texts and incorporate new words into oral and written language
Determines the meaning of unknown words on the basis of context
Applies learned strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words
Interprets information from illustrations, diagrams, charts, graphs, graphic organizers, maps and photographs / Readsinformational texts and incorporate new words into oral and written language
Determines the meaning of unknown words on the basis of context
Applieslearned strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words
Interpretsinformation from graphics
Uses illustrations to better understand a text / Interprets information from graphics
Infers using text and text features
Explainsand use illustrations to better understand a text above grade level / Teacher observation
Text assessments
Reads with sufficient accuracy and fluency / Read (L-M) text with purpose and understanding
Read at a rate below 83 wpm and lacks prosody / Readson level text (L-M) with purpose and understanding
Readswith prosody at a rate below 83 wpm
Reads on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate and expression on successive readings / Readson level text (M-N) or above with purpose and understanding
Readswith prosody at a rate of 83 wpm or higher
Reads on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate and expression
Uses context clues to confirm or self-correct word recognition or understanding / Reads at levels Q through Z
Reads with prosody at rates higher than 120 wpm
Uses context clues to confirm and infer meaning from texts / F&P Running Records
Knows and applies grade-level phonics and word skills / Apply knowledge of letter-sound correspondence and spelling patterns to decode and read multisyllabic words
Recognize, read, and write words containing regular and irregular plurals / Appliesknowledge of letter-sound correspondence and spelling patterns to decode and read multisyllabic words
Recognizes, reads, and writes words containing regular and irregular plurals, and possessives / Applies knowledge of letter-sound correspondence and spelling patterns to decode and read multisyllabic words
Recognizes, reads, and writes words containing regular and irregular plurals, and possessives
Uses a variety of strategies to decode and understand grade level words in reading and writing / Reads and decodes words and meanings beyond grade level text / Word Study
Writing samples
Develops real or imagined events / Capture a reader’s interest
Sustain a focus
Include the appropriate purpose, audience and genre / Capture s reader’s interest by setting a purpose, and developing a point of view
Sustains a focus
Includes the appropriate purpose, expectations, and length for the audience and genre / Captures a reader’s interest by writing both personal and fantasy/imaginary stories, setting a purpose, and developing a point of view
Sustains a focus
Includes the appropriate purpose, expectations, and length for the audience and genre
Uses sensory details to develop the piece / Demonstrateor self-initiates writing
Implies and inferences beyond grade level expectations / Writing samples
F&P Writing Assessment
Convey ideas and information / Capture a reader’s interest
Identify point of view
Sustain a focus / Captures a reader’s interest by setting a purpose and developing a point of view
Selects a focus and an organizational pattern based on purpose, genre, audience, and length / Captures a reader’s interest by setting a purpose and developing a point of view
Selects a focus and an organizational pattern
Uses details from text / Demonstrates or self-initiates writing
Implies and infers beyond grade level expectations / Writing samples
F&P Writing Assessment
Conducts research and produces work that builds knowledge / Use a variety of resources to research a topic / Usesa variety of resources to research a topic
Sortsinformation into categories / Usesa variety of resources to research a topic
Sortsinformation into categories
Takes brief notes about a topic and where the information generated / Uses a variety of resources to research a topic
Cites resources in research / Performance tasks
Research projects
Uses the writing process / Plan and drafts writing
Apply little Revision to improve coherence and development of topic / Plans and drafts writing
Applies some Revision to improve coherence and development of topic
Edits to correct errors / Plans and drafts writing
Applies some Revision to improve coherence and development of topic
Edits to correct errors
Publishes by presenting / Demonstrates self-initiative to use the entire writing process to improve development of essay / Writing samples
F&P Writing Assessment
Writes legibly in cursive / Write legibly in cursive leaving spaces between words in a sentence / Writes legibly in cursive leaving spaces between words in a sentence / Writes legibly in cursive leaving spaces between words in a sentence / Due to the nature of this standard, students cannot attain a rating
of a 4 / Writing samples
F&P Writing Assessment
Determines main idea and supporting information from oral discussions, text read aloud or other media formats / Recall, interpret, and summarize information presented orally
Ask relevant questions
Respond appropriately to comments and questions / Recalls, interprets, and summarizes information presented orally
Uses oral language for different purposes: to inform, persuade, or entertain
Asks relevant questions / Recalls, interprets, and summarizesinformation presented orally
Uses oral language for different purposes: to inform, persuade, or entertain
Asks relevant questions
Responds appropriately to comments and questions / Summarizes orally and written
Infers, informs, and clearly share point of view, ideas, topic
Develops information to build on above grade level text / F&P Benchmarks
Teacher observation
Text assessments
Orally reports on a topic, text, tells a story or engages in conversation expressing ideas clearly / Tell a story by presenting facts and relevant details
Recount an experience with facts
Produce complete sentences with correct subject/verb agreement / Tells a story by presenting facts and relevant details
Recounts an experience with facts
Producescomplete sentences with correct subject/verb agreement
Uses increasingly complex language patterns and sentence structure / Tellsa story by presenting facts and relevant details
Recountsan experience with facts
Speaksclearly using an understandable pace
Increasesvocabulary to reflect a growing range of interest and knowledge / Presentation and oral communication is clear, precise and supported by details
Respondsto ideas and expresses ideas with above grade level vocabulary / F&P Benchmarks
Teacher observation
Text assessments
Understands grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage / Identify and use the basic parts of speech and demonstrates that words can be different parts of speech within a sentence
Use appropriate
Correctly place commas and quotation marks / Identifies and uses the basic parts of speech and demonstrates that words can be different parts of speech within a sentence
Correctly places commas and quotation marks
Identifies and uses figurative language / Identifiesand usesthe basic parts of speech and demonstrates that words can be different parts of speech within a sentence
Usesappropriate capitalization
Correctly places commas and quotation marks
Identifies and uses figurative language
Demonstrates knowledge of differences between the conventions of speaking and writing / Shows explicit command of clearly expressing ideas, topics, and point of view informal and informal speaking and writing using above grade level vocabulary / Writing samples
Teacher observation of formal and informal speaking and writing
Understands grade-appropriate vocabulary / Determine the meaning of a word based on how it is used
Determine the meaning of unknown words on the basis of context
Recognize and use words with multiple meanings / Determines the meaning of a word based on how it is used
Determinesthe meaning of unknown words on the basis of context
Recognizes and uses words with multiple meanings
Identifies playful uses of language / Determines the meaning of a word based on how it is used
Determines the meaning of unknown words on the basis of context
Recognizes and uses words with multiple meanings
Identifies playful uses of language
Identifies the meaning of common idioms and figurative phrases / Due to the nature of this standard, students cannot attain a rating
of 4 / Writing samples
Teacher observation of formal and informal use of speaking and writing
Oral presentations
Text discussions
Acquires and uses grade-appropriate words and phrases / Determine and clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases / Determines and clarifies the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases
Identifies real-life connections between words and their use / Determines and clarifies the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases
Identifies real-life connections between words and their use
Distinguishes shades of meaning among related words / Uses and clarifies the meaning of unknown words and multiple-meaning words and phrases in above grade level reading text
Third Grade Standards-Based Report Card Rubric
1st Nine Weeks
Standards / Emerging (1)
The student demonstrates limited or minimum progress or is unable to: / Progressing (2)
The student is progressing toward achievement but inconsistently: / Meets (3)
The student consistently and independently: / Exceeds (4)
The student, with evidence of exceeding, consistently and independently: / Evidence/Notes
Uses place value and properties of operations for multi-digit arithmetic
MCC3.NBT.4 / Do none or one of the following: *previously taught standard MCC2.NBT.3
(Grade 2)
Round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100
Fluently add and subtract within 1000
Use the properties of addition and subtraction to compute and verify
Use inverse operations to verify answers / Does more than one of the ollowing:*previously taught standard MCC2.NBT.3
(Grade 2)
Rounds whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100
Fluently adds and subtracts within 1000
Uses the properties of addition and subtraction to compute and verify
Uses inverse operations to verify answers / Does all of the following:
*previously taught standard MCC2.NBT.3
(Grade 2)
Rounds whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100
Fluently adds and subtracts within 1000
Uses the properties of addition and subtraction to compute and verify
Uses inverse operations to verify answers / Does all of the meets category and the following:
Rounds whole numbers to the nearest 1000
Adds and subtracts within 999,999 / A range of strategies should be used to enable student to utilize part/whole thinking
The following resources can be used to instruct/assess this standard:GADOE CCGPS tasks/ frameworks, Number Talks, Exemplars, VandeWalle activities, NCTM Navigation Series, math journals, Hands-on Standards, etc.
These can be assessed and scored on the SBRC using GloSS/ IKAN data/results as an artifact
Represents and solves problemsinvolving multiplication and division
MCC3.OA.4 / Do none or one of the following:
Interpret products of whole numbers,
Interpret whole-number quotients of whole numbers, or as a number of shares when 56 objects are partitioned into equal shares of 8 objects each
Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities
Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers / Does more than one of the following:
Interprets products of whole numbers,
Interprets whole-number quotients of whole numbers,
Uses multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem
Determines the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers / Does all of the following:
Interprets products of whole numbers1
Interprets whole-number quotients of whole numbers2
Uses multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities3
Determines the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers4 / Demonstrates mastery of this standard (according to the meets column) AND meets and one of the following:
Multiplies 2 and 3 digit numbers by 2 or more digits using strategies / These standards can be assessed using GloSS/IKAN
Suggested resources:100-chart, VandeWalle tasks, Exemplars, math journals, GADOE CCGPS tasks/ frameworks, Number Talks, NCTM Navigation Series, Hands-on Standards, etc.
1 e.g., interprets 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7. 2 e.g., interpret 56 ÷ 8 as the number of objects in each share when 56 objects are partitioned equally into 8 shares, or as a number of shares when 56 objects are partitioned into equal shares of 8 object each. For example, describe a context in which a number of shares or a number of groups can be expressed as 56 ÷ 8. 3e.g. by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. 4For example, determine the unknown number that makes the equation true in each of the equations 8 × ? = 48, 5 = □ ÷ 3, 6 × 6 = ?. × ? = 48, 5 = □ ÷ 3, 6 × 6 = ?.
Represents and interprets data
MCC3.MD.4 / Do none or one of the following:
Draw a scaled picture graph and bar graph to represent a data set with several categories
Solves one and two step word problems using information from graphs
Generate measurement data by measuring lengths to nearest ¼ inch
Show data by making a line plot marked off in wholes, halves, or quarters / Does more than one of the following:
Draw a scaled picture graph and bar graph to represent a data set with several categories
Solves one and two step word problems using information from graphs
Generate measurement data by measuring lengths to nearest ¼ inch
Show data by making a line plot marked off in wholes, halves, or quarters / Does all of the following:
Draw a scaled picture graph and bar graph to represent a data set with several categories
Solves one and two step word problems using information from graphs
Generate measurement data by measuring lengths to nearest ¼ inch
Show data by making a line plot marked off in wholes, halves, or quarters / Does all of the meets and one or more of the following:
Creates line plots of measurements expressed in fractions of a unit and solves addition and subtraction problems involving the data presented in the line plot / Fractions used on the line plots should be to the nearest ½ or ¼ of a unit
Suggested resources:GADOE CCGPS tasks/ frameworks, VandeWalle tasks, math journals, NCTM Navigation Series
Standards for Mathematical Practice
**These should be scored using the Academic Performance Level Behaviors scores**
Standards for Mathematical Practice / Rarely (1) / Sometimes (2) / Usually (3) / Consistently (4) / Evidence/Notes
The SMPs are addressed on an ongoing basis through grading periods 1 – 4.
Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
MCC3.SMP.1 / Student is rarely able to explain to himself/herself the meaning of a problem and is unable to independently determine an appropriate strategy/tool to use to solve the problem / Student inconsistently explains to himself/herself the meaning of a problem and/or is inconsistently able to independently determine an appropriate strategy/ tool to use to solve problems.Student needs prompting by the teacher on a regular basis / Student usually explains to himself/herself the meaning of a problem and determines an appropriate strategy/ tool to use to solve the problem / Student independently and consistently explains to himself/herself the meaning of a problem and determines an appropriate strategy/ tool to use to solve the problem / In third grade, students should know that doing mathematics involves solving problems and should discuss how they solved them. Students should explain to themselves the meaning of a problem and look for ways to solve it. Third graders may use concrete objects or pictures to help them conceptualize and solve problems.This should be assessed ongoing throughout the school year.
Third Grade Standards-Based Report Card Rubric
