Third Grade Newsletter –October 27, 2017

We are having a great time studying ancient Greece. We have been busy creating books on ancient Greece, making tunics, learning about daily life in Athens and Sparta, eating samples of Greek cuisine, and discussing early democracy.

Character Building

This month we have been discussing the importance of being respectful. Students have been working hard on using kind words to others, especially please and thank you. Our top priority is helping students understand that they may not interrupt, correct, or argue with teachers. Thank you supporting this important life lesson at home.


We still have a few students who do not have any parent comments on their blogs. Have you read your child’s blog lately? Please take a moment to read your child’s blog and leave a comment about his/her writing. Students love to read your feedback on what they have written! To leave a comment, simply click on the words “continue reading” after the blog and enter your comment. Our goal is 100% participation from parents. Thank you for your support!

Time for Jackets (and soon gloves and hats!)

Cooler weather is definitely on the way! Please make sure your child brings a suitable jacket to school each day. We go out each day, and it is very uncomfortable for children without jackets. This is also the time of year where girls who wear thin leggings or skirts/dresses, and boys who wear shorts, often get very cold during recess. We encourage you to keep a close eye on the weather and dress accordingly. Fresh air is important and fun, but can be uncomfortable if you are not prepared. You can always leave a jacket at school. Thank you for your support!


  • Please review and sign your child’s assignment book each night
  • Thank you for supporting our homework policy. Homework must be completed each night.
  • On Tuesday, October 31, parents are invited to attend the Halloween Parade at 9:00 a.m. Our classroom snack will begin right after the parade in our classroom. Please make sure your child packs a regular snack. Thank you to our room parents for organizing this celebration.