Think-Tac-Toe: Horror Genre Portfolio Part 1

  • Choose three sets of assignments in a line (vertically or diagonally, NOT horizontally) to be graded as a summative.
  • You will submit your entire portfolio to be graded for completion. The items you choose here will be graded for quality.

20 points / The Monkey’s Paw: allusion, perils, condoling, grimace, fate, credulity, prosaic, compensation, resignation, theme, foreshadowing
The Cask of Amontillado: cask, immediately, revenge, palace, quality, vaults
Murders in the Rue Morgue: specialize, severe, periodical, coincide / The Tell-Tale Heart: conceived, vexed, stifled, crevice, audacity, vehemently, derision, hypocritical, unreliable narrator, first-person point of view, third-person point of view, suspense
The Pit and the Pendulum: accentuate, profound, vague, encompass, intolerance, framework, alternative, literate, diffuse / Man-Made Monsters: sorcerer, speculate, notorious, electrode, exhume, cadaver, malicious
Lamb to the Slaughter:anxiety, bewildered, blissful, congealed, exasperated, luxuriate, placid, punctuality, tranquil, translucent
Comprehension 25 points / The Tell-Tale Heart: How is the narrator unreliable? How did the author use point of view to create suspense? (9 points)
The Cask of AmontilladoRACE questions, soundtrack, or tree map (8 points)
Monkey’s PawAnalyzing the Text questions or Film versus Text (8 points) / The Monkey’s Paw plot diagram (6 points)
Lamb to the Slaughter Literary device highlighting (7 points)
The Pit and the Pendulum Somebody Wanted But So Then summary (6 points)
Murders in the Rue MorgueRACE questions (6 points) / Lamb to the Slaughter letter to Mary or dating site for Mary (9 points)
The Pit and the Pendulumtree map or research (8 points)
Man-Made Monsters Character Sketch or RACE paragraph (8 points)
50 points / The Pit and the PendulumAlternate Ending (20 points)
Man-Made MonstersCreate a Monster (15 points)
Lamb to the Slaughter poster: (15 points) / The Monkey’s Paw research (15 points)
Lamb to the Slaughter poster: (15 points)
The Cask of Amontillado interrogation script (20 points) / Murders in the Rue Morgue Mystery Cube (15 points)
The Tell-Tale HeartPsychiatric Evaluation (20 points)
Lamb to the Slaughter poster: (15 points)

Rubric Due April 23rd!

Option 1
Straight down first column / Option 2
Diagonally from top-left corner / Option 3
Straight down middle column / Option 4
Diagonally from top-right corner / Option 5
Straight down last column
20 points / Monkey’s Paw /8
The Cask of Amontillado /7
Murders in the Rue Morgue /5
/20 / Monkey’s Paw /8
The Cask of Amontillado /7
Murders in the Rue Morgue /5
/20 / Tell-Tale Heart /10
Pit and the Pendulum /10
/20 / Lamb to the Slaughter /10
Man-Made Monsters /10
/20 / Lamb to the Slaughter /10
Man-Made Monsters /10
25 points / TTH Questions /9
Cask of Amontillado Activity /8
Monkey’s Paw Activity /8
/25 / Monkey’s Paw: Plot Diagram /6
Lamb to the Slaughter /7
Pit and Pendulum summary /6
Rue Morgue RACE paragraphs /6
/25 / Monkey’s Paw: Plot Diagram /6
Lamb to the Slaughter /7
Pit and Pendulum summary /6
Rue Morgue RACE paragraphs /6
/25 / Monkey’s Paw: Plot Diagram /6
Lamb to the Slaughter /7
Pit and Pendulum summary /6
Rue Morgue RACE paragraphs /6
/25 / Lamb to the Slaughter Activity /9
P&P: Tree Map or Research /8
Character Sketch /8
50 points / Alternate Ending /20
Create-a-Monster /15
Poster /15
/50 / Mystery Cube /15
Psychiatric Evaluation /20
Poster /15
/50 / Monkey’s Paw research /15
Poster /15
Interrogation Script /20
/50 / Alternate Ending /20
Create-a-Monster /15
Poster /15
/50 / Mystery Cube /15
Psychiatric Evaluation /20
Poster /15
5 points / Table of Contents /3
Dividers/Tabs /2
/5 / Table of Contents /3
Dividers/Tabs /2
/5 / Table of Contents /3
Dividers/Tabs /2
/5 / Table of Contents /3
Dividers/Tabs /2
/5 / Table of Contents /3
Dividers/Tabs /2
Total / /100 / /100 / /100 / /100 / /100