February 23 (Monday) through March 1 (Sunday)
WELCOME to week 24 of school!
This week to:
Bishop Peter Christiansen who will be visiting the students/school on Monday.
The Accreditation Team for St. Mary’s Tuesday, February 24 through Thursday, February 26. The team consists of: Lauri Nauditt (chair), Denise Hammrich, Maribeth Richardson and Chris Lyons. They would love to meet with parents on Tuesday, February 24 at 6:00 p.m. They will meet in the Music Room (off the gym).
Things to note this week:
Monday, February 23:Rite of Election (process of becoming Catholic—RCIA) when Bishop Peter will be accepting the candidates to be “members of the elect to be initiated into the sacred mysteries at the next Easter Vigil. The Rae Family will be coming into the Catholic Church community on Holy Saturday. Welcome Lucas and Megan and their children Mia and Stella. We are happy for you!
3:00-4:30 Jazz Fest Dress Rehearsal for all students grade 3rd-8th is today.
Science Fair 2015 Registration Deadline is today 2/23; register on line at:
Wednesday, Feb. 25Mass at 9:00; Grade 5 are the prayer leaders
Thursday, February 26: Jazz Fest: students Grade 3 through 8 will be meeting at 7:45 a.m. at St. Augustine’s and will be performing through noon. Please ensure your child has transportation to and from the church, packed lunch or $5.00 for chili dog lunch.
It is possible to purchase a chili dog lunch for $5 at noon at St. Augustine’s. Benefit for the school, Catholic Women’s League and KC’s
Friday, February 27:Lunch of tomato soup/grill cheese sandwiches at St. Auggie’s.
Meatless Soup/bread dinner (open to all) at 5:30 p.m.
Stations of the Cross at 6:15 p.m. in the church
Lenten Adult Ed. Class with Fr. Joe at 6:45 p.m. (activities for children in the parish hall)
Saturday, February 28: Scout Breakfast from 7:00 a.m. till 10:00 a.m. (all you can….)
Scout Spaghetti Dinner from 4:00 p.m. till 8:00 p.m.
All at the Family Center….
To all of you as parents and staff who made the Auction a great success. We raised over $53,000 for the Operational Budget of the school and additional $11,500 for computers for K through 5 classrooms. We are still accepting funds for the computers. Obviously we are so grateful to all our sponsors, guests, donors and supporters because we could not make this event work without your participation and cooperation.
School Board: It is that time of the year where nominees are being solicited for the School Board. Term of service is for three years. This is a wonderful opportunity for folks to assist the school in growth and becoming even better. The members are advisory to both the pastor and principal. Please see the attached Nomination form for more information. Completed forms are due on/by Friday, March 6th. Thank you!
Spelling Bee 2015: we had the top two spellers, First through 8th grade. The students did a great job. Round one words were at the first grade level; second round, second grade; third round, third grade level. Reed Spurling, 8th grader, took the championship in round nine with the word, tawdry. He will now go to the Regional level in Lewiston in March. We are proud of you Reed!
IXL a dynamic and adaptive learning tool in math that covers all math operations…is used in several grades. Parents, when their children are introduced to IXL wonder if it really is worth the struggles their child seem to have in doing the program. It is the type that demands exactness and carefulness to doing the work. We only have two years of reporting of students’ math scores when IXL was used as a tool for growth and practice. What we can report is: from fall 2008 through spring 2009 growth was 10 points and this same growth (10 to 11 points) has been true each year (2009-2010l 2010-2011l 2011-2012). However from 2012 to 2013 and from fall 2013 to spring 2014 growth points have been 15-16 RIT points! It is quite impressive!
Students and the school community collected $900 that was given to St. Vincent De Paul (local chapter) to assist those less able and in need of assistance. Thank you to all who participated!
Attached is an information sheet we’ve been asked to distribute to families entitled: If You Choose Not to Vaccinate Your Child, Understand the Risks and Responsibilities.
Thoughts for Lent from the book:Raising Faith-Filled Kids by Tom McGrath (pages 194-195
If you want to improve your spirituality, the best place to start is right where you are. Many people get the sense that if they want to improve their spiritual life, they need to stop what they’re doing at home and work and get more involved at church. This is not true. In fact, getting more involved may also act as a distraction to your real call: being a source of grace for your family.
LET GO of a bad habit. What would you list as your worst habit as a parent? Nagging? Inattention? Interrupting? Lack of time? Pick one habit and try, a day at a time, to let go of it. Remember, Jesus came to free the prisoners.
STRENGTHEN a good habit. Take a minute to write down three parenting skills that you’re really good at: coaching, keeping a sense of humor, staying calm when everyone else is flying off the handle, taking care of the daily details, seeing the big picture. Pick one and think of how you can put this strength to good use on a daily basis. When the flu hits your household, you know how illness can be passed from person to person. But healthy living is contagious too.
ASK God to lead you. Every morning, first think, ask God to help you be a better mom or dad. You have a mission from God to be the kind of parent your child needs. Sometimes when I’m worried about a difficult situation in my family, I think ahead to that situation and picture God already there. With the thought that God is present there, my attitude changes. My fear diminishes, my love grows. Practice Lent, right where you are. It’s where God is waiting for you.