OCTOBER 1, 2001

6:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Dave Fisk, Dave LeFevre, Moses Delphia, Scott Magoon, Mary Spata, Mark McMahon, Judy Bowden

Road Commissioner Report:

Road Grader has been repaired. It is believed that some of the repairs were the result of abuse when grader was stolen last year. Mr. LeFevre will investigate possible insurance coverage for some of the repairs.

Sand has been ordered for winter road use.

It was agreed to order carbide edge blades for the snow plows instead of customary steel blades as they will last longer and be more cost efficient.

West Fairlee Road work is not yet complete. A few shoulder areas need finishing and seeding. Concern that paved road seams may not hold well and should be monitored to see if we need Black Top Paving Co. to return in the spring for repairs.

Joe Lowery is conducting culvert inventory and will be charting culvert on paper and computer using GIS mapping system.

Crew is working on washed out roads including Asa Burton, New Boston and Clay Road.

Residents of Sanborn Road and Conant Lane were invited to discuss needed work to road. Present were Robert and Brenda Magoon, Ralph and Jean Munn, Barbara De Felice, Chris Levey, Dick Bressett and Paul Gross. Concerns include safety in areas where road is only approximately 12 feet wide making passing with snow plow and oncoming vehicle difficult. Other safety areas are where sight lines are limited because of curves, rises in road and roadside brush. For proper maintenance, Road Commissioner recommends ditching, some tree and brush removal. Residents are concerned about safety, maintaining aesthetic qualities of road and slowing traffic.

It was agreed that Mr. LeFevre would develop a written plan, clean up roadside brush and have tree warden evaluate trees in question. Residents will look into traffic calming options.

Road staff left meeting at 7:45

Town Attorney Charlie Buttrey joined meeting to discuss Charles Hughes deeded property. His interpretation of deed confirmed that use of property for septic and water systems are in keeping with deeded restrictions. Selectboard requested Mr. Buttrey to obtain a judges ruling to confirm his opinion. Mr. Buttrey left the meeting at 8:00.

UpperValleyLand Trust is potentially interested in monitoring any portion of the 100 acres of land adjacent to Post Mills land fill put in conservation. We will know more after November 5th meeting with Agency of Natural Resources and after receipt of Orange County Foresters contamination report.

Theresa Davidonis contacted Rick Barrows about her concern that road grading is widening Sawnee Bean Road in front of her property. Mr. McMahon will review the road width and culverts. Selectboard is concerned that cars parked at Ms. Davidonis' property be safely off the traveled area of the road as well as about the safety of the area as an intersection and bus stop.

Selectboard discussed police staffing at special events in town. Selectboard plans to ask Chief to schedule staff as part of routine staffing and not charge town sponsors for special coverage.

Selectboard received a letter from Ms. Jean Ullman requesting our support of Chief Krakoweicki during salary negotiation for the coming year.

Letter received from the Upper Valley Land Trust informing the town of the formation of the Conant Land Trust on Sanborn Road.

Mr. Barrows reviewed letter from state establishing tax exempt status that would apply to ThetfordCenter and Rice's MillsCommunity Centers per state attorney. Lister Janet Stowell agreed to remove both properties from the grand list citing an "Error of Listers" in their previous inclusion.

CampBillings would like to ask the town for a tax abatement. This would require a warning and vote at town meeting.

A draft of Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis by the EPA for the Elizabeth Mine was presented for discussion at the 9/6/02 meeting of Elizabeth Mine Community Advisory Group (EMCAG). A copy is available at Latham Library. The final report due in December will be submitted to EPA for review and funding. Biggest concern of community groups seems to be truck traffic and cost required for clean-up.

Tucker Hill Road is being evaluated as to whether it can be reclassified from class three to class two road which would increase state allocation for maintenance. A required 270 vehicles per day needed to qualify; 1995 study showed 1000 vehicles per day. An application will be submitted.

Motion to enter Executive Session to discuss personnel matters at 9:55. Unanimous.

Executive session ended 11:25.

Selectboard agreed to look at residence for sale near general store in Thetford Center at number 3998 Route 113 for potential town hall site at special meeting warned for 6:00 p.m. on Monday, October 8.

Will ask Chief Krakoweicki to meet with board at 7:00 instead of 6:30 p.m.

Motion to adjourn unanimous at 11:30.