DDP ePortfolio / CV Builder
Thesis Plan and Submission Review
This document should be completed by full-time PhD candidates at the end of year 2, or at the end of year 4 by part-time PhD candidates. Students on 4 year programmes (e.g. MRes/PhD) should complete this form at the end of year 3. MD candidates are advised to complete and submit this document at the time of their confirmation review along with their required confirmation review documents.In the first part of this document, you are requested to outline your plans for your final thesis, to comment on your progress towards submission, and to consider how you might prepare for your final viva examination.
In the second part of the form, you are requested to update the information that you provided at the time of your confirmation review to summarise your progress with your Doctoral Development Programme, and details of any training and development activities you propose to undertake during the remainder of your research programme. At the end of your third year, as you approach submission of your thesis, you will be requested to submit the final version of this form which will act as the formal summary of your ePortfolio.
Thesis Plan
Name / Registration No. / Qualifications
Degree(s), class, institution(s)
Supervisors Please indicate the primary supervisor with an asterisk
Title of Thesis
Start date / Submission Review date / Time limit for submission of thesis (date)
Thesis Plan
Provide below (i) a table of contents for your thesis; (ii) your “Aimsand Objectives” section (at least one A4 page, this will appear at theend of the Introduction in the final thesis); and (iii) a briefsummary of each of the chapters you propose to include in your thesisunder their chapter headings (maximum two A4 pages).
Progress against timeline
Above is an approximate timeline for a full-time PhD programme. The times expected to reach programme milestones should be doubled for part-time candidates.
Where do you think you are with reference to your expected thesis submission date? Are you behind, or on, or ahead of schedule? Give reasons to support your answer and explain what you are doing to catch up if you are behind schedule (500 words).
Progress towards producing a defensible thesis. The following relate directly to the aspects of your work that your examiners will be required to assess in their joint report on your thesis/viva.
- Will your thesis contain novel data that represents an addition to knowledge, and is worthy of publication either in full or in abridged form (such as a paper or papers in an appropriate journal)?
- What proportion of the work that you propose to include in your thesis has been carried out by yourself?
- Briefly summarize the impact of your studies and state how they relate to the general body of knowledge in the subject area (350 words)
How do you propose to prepare for your viva voce exam? (100 words)
DDP ePortfolio / CV Builder
Please summarise any training and development activities you have undertaken since commencing registration as part of your Doctoral Development Programme.
Please include any DDP courses, Masters modules, Think Ahead courses or training and development seminars, or other courses outside the University,including the outcome of any assessment taken where relevant.
(i)Please list any publications arising from your research, including any in press.
(ii)Please list any published abstracts arising from your work.
(iii)Please list any manuscripts or journal articles that have been submitted for consideration for publication.
(iv)Please list any other publications that are indirectly related to your work. Examples might include a book review or an invited commentary.
Apart from the above publications, have there been other outcomes from your research work? Examples could include the development of a new collaboration, the filing of a patent, or a change in clinical practice. If yes, please provide further details.
- Have you received any prizes or awards for your research work? If yes, please provide further details.
- Have you been invited to present your research work outside of the University of Sheffield? If yes, please provide details.
- Have you been invited to act as a peer reviewer/referee for a journal or grant awarding body? If yes, please provide details.
Communication and dissemination
- Have you attended and presented your research findings at one or more UK, or international conference? If yes, please provide further details. State whether you presented your data as a poster or oral communication, or other format.
- Have you presented your research findings to any other audience? Examples might include patient groups, peer groups at the University of Sheffield or a ‘Pizza talk’ presentation. If yes, please provide further details.
Funding applications
Have you applied for funding to support your research or professional development? This could include applications for funding to attend a conference in the UK or abroad, or to carry out an independent research project (e.g. SURE scheme). If yes, please give details, and the outcome of your application.
Professional development
- Have you participated in any competitions, designed to support the professional development of early career researchers? Examples could include the Biotechnology Young Entrepreneurs Scheme ( Vitae’s 3 Minute Thesis ( or the Max Perutz science writing award (
- Have you participated in the Sheffield University Graduate School? If yes, please reflect briefly on your experience.
- Have you undertaken an internship as part of your research programme? If yes, please reflect briefly on your experience.
Teaching and supervision experience
Briefly summarise and reflect on any experience of teaching or supervision you have obtained to date.
Engagement and Influence at the University of Sheffield and with the wider Community.
- Have you participated in any activities aimed at the development of the research culture at the University of Sheffield? Examples might include serving as a student representative on a Department, Faculty or University committee; organisation of a seminar series, a conference or other student-led activity. If yes, please reflect briefly on your experience.
- Have you participated in any public engagement activities? Examples might include keeping a blog, or other social media activity, or participating in the Sheffield Festival of Science & Engineering or Festival of the Mind. For further suggestions, please see for further details. If yes, please reflect briefly on your experience.
Any other relevant information.
Briefly summarise any other achievements, or experiences gained, since commencing your research degree programme which you consider relevant to your professional development as a researcher.
Please give details of training and development activities you propose to undertake as part of your Doctoral Development Programme that cover each of the four domains of the Vitae’s Researcher Development Framework during the remainder of your programme.
Please refer to for further details of the skills and attributes considered necessary for researchers to be effective in their research, when working with others, and in contributing to the wider society and environment.
Domain A.
Knowledge and intellectual abilities
The knowledge, intellectual abilities and techniques to do research.
Domain B.
Personal effectiveness
The personal qualities and approach to be an effective researcher.
Domain C.
Research governance and organisation
The knowledge of the standards, requirements and professionalism to do research.
Domain D.
Engagement, influence and impact
The knowledge and skills to work with others and ensure the wider impact of research.
Supervisors comments (100 words)
Signature of Student / Date
Signature of Supervisor / Date
Signature of Supervisor / Date
Read & Approved
Name of PGR Lead / Signature of PGR Lead / Date
Comments(if applicable)