Degree: PhDin Humanities (2010)
Thesis:Morality Models in Public Discourse: a cross-linguistic analysis
Position: Associate Professor
Linguistics (Cognitive Linguistics, Critical Metaphor Analysis, Discourse Analysis, Myth and Ideology)
Courses taught:
- Legal English
- English Morphology
- Language and Culture: what metaphors imply
- English for Students of Political Science
Contacts: Department of English for Social Studies and Humanities
Phone: 2366295
Monographs, edited volumes, PhD dissertations, textbooks, teaching aids/manuals:
Arcimavičienė, L. 2010. Morality models through metaphors in media political discourse: a cross-linguistic perspective. Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-8383-7016-3, 184 p.
PhD dissertation:
Arcimavičienė, L. 2010. Morality Models Through Metaphors in Public Discourse: a cross-linguistic analysis. Doctoral Dissertation. Humanities, Philology (04H), 188 p.
Teaching aids/Manuals:
Arcimavičienė, L. 2014. Politics, Text and Ideology: What Is Implied by the Use of Language? Vilnius: Vilnius University Publishing House, ISBN 978-609-459-332-1, 80 p.
Research articles:
Arcimavičienė, L. 2005. Cognitive Domains of HIV/AIDS in Lithuanian, English and Russian Languages, Kalbotyra LIV (1), pp. 17-30.
Arcimavičienė, L. 2007.MORAL STRENGTH Metaphor in Lithuanian Virtual Political Discourse, Respectus Philologicus 11 (16), pp.136-145.ISSN 1392-8295.
Arcimavičienė, L.2007.British Politics Today: Moral Grounds as Reflected in Conceptual Metaphor, Kalbotyra 57 (3), pp. 11-20.ISSN: 1392-1517
Arcimavičienė, L. 2008.Morality through Metaphor: a cross-linguistic analysis of political discourse, Kalbotyra 59 (3), pp. 11-20.
Arcimavičienė, L. 2008.Moral Grounds of SPORTS Metaphor in Political Discourse: cross-linguistic analysis, Filologija (13), pp. 5-16.
Arcimavičienė, L. 2008.Conceptualising Migration through Metaphor: a voyage by Odysseus or Crusoe?LCC Liberal Art Studies. Culture and Dialogue (1), pp. 43-53.
Arcimavičienė, L. 2009. Turkish Politics through Metaphor: governed by pragmatism, reason, or sentiments? ICSS: Turkey in Transition. Politics, Economics and Society (4), pp. 207-217.
Arcimavičienė, L. 2009. ECONOMY Metaphors: What Associated Conceptions Underlie Lithuanian Business, Respectus Philologicus 15 (20), pp. 143-154. ISSN 1392-8295,
Arcimavičienė, L. 2010. Terrorism in Media Political Discourse: from metaphorical expressions to cognitive models, Verbum (1), pp. 7-15.ISSN 2029-6223
Arcimavičienė, L. 2010. Cognitive approach to language teaching. Cultural reality through metaphor: a case-study of birthday wishes, Respectus Philologicus 18 (23), pp. 170-178.ISSN: 1392-8295
Arcimavičienė, L. 2011. The Complex Metaphor of POLITICAL ANIMALS in Media Political Discourse: a cross-linguistic perspective, Studies About Languages (19), pp. 95-100. ISSN 1648-2824
Arcimavičienė, L. 2012. Western Media Perceptions of the Spy Swap 2010: What Metaphors Construe, Studies About Languages (21), pp. 84-91.ISSN 1648-2824
Arcimavičienė, L. 2013. The US-Russia Spy Swap of 2010 in Media Discourse: What the Commercial Transaction metaphor implies, Discourse, Context & Media (2), pp. 14-21.ISSN 22116958
Arcimavičienė, L. 2014. Presidential New Year Greetings: What is Implied by Metaphors, Studies About Languages (24), pp. 46-56. ISSN 1648-2824
Arcimaviciene, L., Jonaitiene, V. 2015. Leadership Styles and Metaphor Use: The case study of presidential New Year greetings. Open Linguistics (1), ISSN (Online) 2300-9969, DOI: 10.1515/opli-2015-0006.
Arcimaviciene, L.,2015. EU Universities’ Mission Statements: what is popularised by metaphors, pp. 1-12.DOI: 10.1177/2158244015584378. SAGE. Open Access.
Arcimaviciene, L., 2016.Commerce metaphor in the EU universities’ mission statements: a critical sociolinguistic analysis.Metaphor and language teaching: proceedings of the V international conference on metaphor in language and thought (Metáfora e ensino de línguas: anais do V congresso international sobre a aetáfora na linguagem e no ensamento), pp. 7-26. ISBN: 9788577582822.
Published conference presentations:
- Turkish Politics through Metaphor: governed by pragmatism, reason, or sentiments? 2009.Turkey in Transition: Politics, Economics and Society. Izmir University, Turkey.
- Cross-disciplinary Approach to Language Teaching: Social Reality through Metaphor. 2009. Language and Culture: New Challenges for the Teachers of Europe. VU, Institute of Foreign Languages, Lithuania.
- The Complex Metaphor of Political Animals in Media Political Discourse: cross-linguistic perspectives. 2010. Multilingualism and Creativity: theory and practice of language education. Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania.
- Universities and Their Missions: what metaphors imply. 2013. Linguistic, Pedagogical and Intercultural Challenges in Tertiary Education. VU, Institute of Foreign Languages, Lithuania.
- Conservative and Labour Parties’ Election Posters in the UK and Lithuania: what metaphors imply. 2014. Ad quasi Art. VU, Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Lithuania.
- EU Universities’ Mission Statements: what is implied by the COMMERCE metaphor. 2014. Lingvistiniai, didaktiniai ir sociokultūriniai kalbos funkcionavimo aspektai. Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas.
- Leadership styles and metaphor use: The case study of presidential New Year greetings. 2015. NDLP 2015 Department of Pragmatics University of Łódź, Poland, 12-14 April 2015.
- Metaphors of SELF and OTHER: a critical socio-linguistic analysis. 2015. 6th International Scientific Conference. Linguistic, Educational and Intercultural Research 2015 (LEIC Research 2015). Vilnius, Lithuania, 17-18 September, 2015.
- Metaphor Use in the EU Universities’ Mission Statements: a critical socio-linguistic analysis. 2015. 5th International Conference on Metaphor in Language and Thought. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, 7-9 October.
- Metaphors of Self and Other as the strategy of persuasion in political communication: a case study of Obama and Putin's speeches. 2016. Studies in English: 10th International İDEA Conference, Boğaziçi University, İstanbul, Turkey, April 14-16.
- Migration Narrative in the News Media and Political Communication: The Gendered Use of Metaphor. 2016. RaAM 11: Metaphor in the Arts, in Media and Communication, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, July 1-4.
Public lectures/ Seminars:
- Worldview in the Language Use: from experiences to culture, 2011.Vilnius University, Institute of Foreign Languages.
- Culture, Media and Politics: what is implied by the use of language, 2014.Wroclaw University of Technology, Department of Foreign Languages.
- Metaphors of SELF and OTHER in the News Media, 2015.Vilnius University, Institute of Foreign Languages.
Internships/ Trainingandstudy visitsat foreignuniversities:
- Wroclaw University of Technology, Department of Foreign Languages, Poland (May 12, 2014 – May 16, 2014)