Name: ______Class:______Date:______

Thesis Essay Organizer

Resolution question: Manifest Destiny was a just use as a nationalistic ideal for spreading democracy, not for acquiring territory.


(Optional) - Hook or Lead

Definition of Nationalism

Discussion of Nationalism as it leads to your thesis

Thesis statement: Your support of the resolution, or disagreement with the resolution.

Body Paragraph #1

Topic sentence: The topic sentence should be a major point of argument that supports the thesis statement - this is the topic the following paragraph will develop.

-- Type your topic sentence here. --

Evidence: Provide several specific details/facts that help to prove or support your thesis statement. Be sure to tell where the information comes from and to use quotes as well as specific paraphrasing.

-- Type research you plan to use to support your topic sentence here. Include a proper in-text citation with your point of evidence. --

Punch Sentences –Explanation / Exploration: This sentence clarifies the paragraph’s relation to the thesis statement and purpose of the paper as a whole. It should answer these questions: “How is the paragraph’s point important to my paper?” and “Why did I just tell all this to my reader?” “Why is this important to consider?” (includes connections, deeper commentary and explanations)

-- Type your punch sentence(s) here. --

Body Paragraph #1

Topic sentence: The topic sentence should be a major point of argument that supports the thesis statement - this is the topic the following paragraph will develop.

-- Type your topic sentence here. --

Evidence: Provide several specific details/facts that help to prove or support your thesis statement. Be sure to tell where the information comes from and to use quotes as well as specific paraphrasing.

-- Type research you plan to use to support your topic sentence here. Include a proper in-text citation with your point of evidence. --

Punch Sentences –Explanation / Exploration: This sentence clarifies the paragraph’s relation to the thesis statement and purpose of the paper as a whole. It should answer these questions: “How is the paragraph’s point important to my paper?” and “Why did I just tell all this to my reader?” “Why is this important to consider?” (includes connections, deeper commentary and explanations)

-- Type your punch sentence(s) here. --


Restatement of thesis: The concluding paragraph should be a statement that recaps your thesis, a sentence that restates the major points of your argument, and a wrap up statement, the “So what?” Do not include new evidence in your last paragraph. Consider making broader statements about Nationalism and Westward Expansion. Think about addressing one or more of the following questions based on your thesis and your evidence above:

1.  How did the United States achieve its Manifest Destiny?

2.  What role did nationalism play in this achievement?

3.  How did America's belief in Manifest Destiny affect other people?

-- Type your topic sentence for your conculsion. --

-- Type your summary with consideration to the questions above. --

-- Leave your reader with something to think about (answer ‘so what’ …) --