These questions & answers pertain to CCP timeframes.

1.  The maximum amount of time between the Eligibility Notification Date and the start of service for an Initial participant.

What is 15 days?

2.  The amount of time the CCU has to respond to a referral by contacting the participant.

What is 5 calendar days?

3.  A follow up assessment after a temporary service increase is completed in a participant’s residence must be completed within this amount of time.

What is 30 calendar days?

4.  Barring participant delay, service eligibility should be determined within this amount of time from the date the referral was received.

What is 30 days?

5.  This is the maximum amount of time the provider has from the start of services to return a signed Client Agreement to the CCU.

What is 5 days?


These questions & answers pertain to common IDOA Initialisms (1st letter of each word in the name or phrase).

1. When conducting the DON, this section can raise the participant’s total score by 10 points if he/she has 20 or less points.

What is the MMSE? (Mini Mental State Exam)

2. The number of dollars allowable for authorizing a participant’s CCP services as determined by the total DON score is referred to as this.

What is the SCM? (Service Cost Maximum)

3. This document is put in place following the suspension of a participant’s services for non-cooperation and must be signed by all involved parties prior to the reinstatement of services.

What is MOU? (Memorandum of Understanding)

4. This program enables a certified Transition Coordinator to assist a Medicaid eligible nursing facility resident to return to community-based living with appropriate CCP and non-CCP support and to continue monitoring that individual for 365 days to ensure their well-being.

What is MFP? (Money Follows the Person)

5. The Medicaid reform law requires that, by January 1, 2015, at least 50 percent of individuals covered by Medicaid be enrolled in a medical-need based coordinated care program referred to by this Initialism.

What is MCO? (Managed Care Organization)


These questions & answers pertain to commonly used IDOA acronyms.

1. This CMIS-generated page contains assessment details and service authorization, which when “purr-fectly” created, allows the CCU & CCP provider to request reimbursement.

What is a CAT? (Case Authorization Transaction)

2. Data collected in this survey identifies quality of life perceptions and targets areas for improvement measures telling an “impressive tail.”

What is the POSM? (Participant Outcomes & Status Measures)

3. This IDoA unit responds to requests for determination of eligibility on MCO participants, “shining the light” on those who need HCBS waiver services.

What is BEAM? (Benefits Eligibility Assistance & Monitoring)

4. This program is effective in assisting Medicare recipients “navigate the sea” of information with details on insurance options.

What is SHIP? (Senior Health Insurance Program)

5. Developed to assist applicants who do not meet CCP eligibility, but are still considered low asset, this referral program allows individuals to “hook” into private pay assistance at state rates.

What is CARP? (Community Aging Referral Program)


These questions & answers pertain to the numbers used to score the DON

1. This score on the B side of the DON indicates that a participant’s need for assistance is never or rarely met.

What is 3?

2. This score on the A side of the DON indicates that the participant can perform all essential components of the activity.

What is 0?

3. When used on the A side of DON, this score indicates that the participant can perform most essential components of the activity, but some impairment of function remains.

What is 1?

4. This score is utilized on the B side of the Don when the participant has no unmet need relating to the function, due to ability or use of a non-CCP resource.

What is 0?

5. This score on the A side of the Don signifies that the participant cannot perform the activity without frequent fatigue, excessive time or increased frequency.

What is 2?


These questions & answers pertain to CCP forms.

1. This form, signed by both the participant and the Care Coordinator, contains information regarding provider selection, Medicaid status, and the review of basic facts regarding eligibility and rights.

What is the CCP Consent Form?

2. When fully completed, this form will contain the signatures of the participant, Care Coordinator, and CCP provider and serve as the contract piece for service provision.

What is the Client Agreement?

3. Used to outline the scope of CCP services authorized, denied, or terminated for a participant, this form also reflects, supports, and contains the Eligibility Notification Date, Eligibility Determination Date, & effective dates.

What is the Plan of Care Notification Form? (POCNF)

4. Completed by the CCU and sent to the local FCRC office, this form provides CCP status & cost information for individuals receiving both CCP and Medicaid.

What is HFS 2538B? (IDoA Notification)

5. This form explains the limitations and fallibility of service due to unreliable signal, and requires the Care Coordinator to review its content and receive participant signature prior to authorizing installation of cellular Emergency Home Response Service (EHRS).

What is Cellular EHRS Participant Acknowledgement Form? (IL-402-1168)