Third Party Affidavit of Mailing Sent Certified Mail # ______

These enclosed documents were inadvertently received and opened by mistake. These enclosed document(s) which appear to be ______


are not understandable, acknowledgeable or recognizable under the penalty of False Personation and must be returned.

The enclosure herein contains the aforementioned and misdirected documents as there is not enough knowledge or information disclosed to form a responsive answer and said documents are being returned forthwith.


cut along dotted line

This is your “Proof” of “Intent to NOT Retain”

To stay out of court return to sender, (Do not “accept”) (No “acceptance“ = No Contract)

Before Court – Say “You have failed to provide me enough information or knowledge to form a responsive answer” (or to enter a plea). Say NOTHING else!

When IN Court, Say the 6 disclaimers below AND NOTHING ELSE!!!

  1. “All rights reserved”
  2. “I do NOT consent to these proceedings”
  3. “I do NOT accept this offer”
  4. “I DO not, DID not, and WILL not “intend” to
  5. “I do NOT recognize you”
  6. “I demand prosecution’s Commercial Indemnity Bond be produced On the Record in the Evidence File”


Place documents to be returned in a NEW envelope and enclose the slip above with description of documents returned and the certified mail number of return. Address new envelope with document sender’s address. Also use this address as the RETURN ADDRESS. DO NOT USE YOUR NAME OR ADDRESS ON THIS ENVELOPE. Do not use any headings or signature on your response. DO NOT USE A GREEN CARD WITH THIS MAILING. You will get proof of delivery from website.

If you have received documents directly from the Court send them back to the Clerk of Court as described above by certified mail (no green card). You also want to send ANOTHER copy of those same documents back to the Court as a courtesy copy to back up your original return of those documents by certified mail only this mailing is just by first class mail rather than certified.

If involved in a court case make copies of all items returned to others, such as attorney, etcalong with a copy of that return slip and send as a courtesy to the court clerk to note in the court record of their return to the other parties. These are to be sent by first class mail rather than certified.

On envelope on left side write “Third Party Affidavit of Mailing”. Track online to verify delivery.


The object is to return the presentment in the most neutral non-committal manner possible IMMEDIATELY. The sooner items are returned the better, but no time limit.

Do not rebut the issue or address anything in their documents.

You simply want to return presentments.

This is simply a misdirected posting being returned to the sender.

They are involved in mail fraud…. By returning you are NOT involved!!
