COMPILED BY Teresa Knight .
APPROVED BY .Steve Coberley .

The regular meeting of Paul Stewart Irwin Post No. 136 was called to order by Commander Steve Coberley at 7:00 PM in the post home. A short recognition ceremony for the POW/MIA's of our country was conducted. An opening prayer was offered by Chaplain, Monta Plank,the members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Preamble to the American Legion Constitution.

There were 29 Legion, 1 S.A.L., 1 Auxiliary members in attendance.

Guests None

Minutes of the October Meeting. Minutes were posted on the bulletin board and also posted on the Post Web Site. The Commander also sent them via email. No additions or corrections. Approved as written and posted.

Finance Reports. The Finance Officer, Diana Nelson,was absent so no General Fund Finance Report was given. It will be posted on the bulletin board. The Adjutant presented the Adjutant Fund, Petty Cash, andBldg. Maintenance Fund Reports. Rick Babinger of the BOG gave the Canteen Report. Expenses are up and revenue is down for the year. Drink prices will most likely have to be raised next year.

The Adjutant reminded all that an error on the Bldg. Maintenance report had been pointed out at a previous meeting. It was a transposition and has been corrected.

Service Officer Report: A flyer was received requesting items for the VA patients (coats, hats, gloves, etc.) Other items needed are NEW socks and underwear as well as other clothing items for men and women. Items need to be delivered to the VA by Dec. 13, 2017. If they are left at the Post, someone will take them to the VA.

New Members: Welcome Kande Jones, Air Force vet.

Chaplain Report:

Sick Call: Vince McMullen (knee surgery), Wayne Lewis (undergoing Chemo), Susan Lee will have surgery next week.

Correspondence: Items from the November State Adjutant’s Letter. Employer of Older Workers nomination form. 5th District Homecoming is Dec 9 at Post 24 McPherson. RSVP requested. Fifteenth Annual Pilgrimage to Pilsen in honor of Chaplain Father Emil Kapaun, Metal of Honor Recipient will take place Nov. 11. Requirements for Post Excellence Award. A Thank You card from the family of Jay Williams.

Reports: Legion Riders: Mary Green gave a report on the ALR activities. If anyone has a flag they borrowed for the Wichita Toy Run on Sunday, Nov 5, please return it. Wreaths Across America at the Winfield VA Cemetery will be Dec.16. Open to ALL. Veterans Day Parade in Wichita will be Nov. 11. Line up at Post 4 by 10:30, parade at 11:00. The next ALR monthly meeting will be 3:00 PM on Nov. 12.

Patriot Guard: No casualties in Kansas but several from other states. Keep them and their families as well as all our troops in your thoughts and prayers.

Sons of the American Legion: The annual Children’s Christmas Party for children 0 to 12 years old will be hosted on Dec.3 from 1 to 3 PM. Anyone who would like to help shop for gifts (prizes) can meet at Walmart on Nov. 29 at 7 PM. The SAL monthly meeting will be 1:30 PM on Nov. 12.

American Legion Auxiliary: Will host a program and dinner in honor of all veterans on November 11 at 6:00 PM. Anyone who would like to help sort items for VA Gift Shop meet at the Post at 12:00 PM on Nov. 13. The Gift Shop will be 9 AM to 3 PM on November 15 and 16. Please consider volunteering. Much help is needed.

Post Website: no report as Vince McMullen is recovering from his second knee surgery.

Old Business:

It is time to pay your 2018 membership dues. It is easy to pay online. Go to

The Commander reminded everyone of the Sunday Breakfast at 9:30 sharp every Sunday. A $5 minimum donation is requested.

Jerry Armstrong reported on the progress in rebuilding the horseshoe pits. The grass has been seeded, and water line has been trenched. Some work will need to be done to the area where the water line was trenched in. Some trees will be planted to give shade on the North side of the pits. The pits will be completed in the Spring.

The Commander reported that the storeroom has been cleaned and organized. Please put items back where they were retrieved from and keep the storeroom neat and don’t put things in there that do not belong there.

New Business:

Sam Caywood was elected to the open 2 year position on the Board of Governors.

Mulvane High School has requested 2 veterans to speak at their Veteran’s Day Program on Nov. 10 2:25 PM. Monta Plank and Dwayne Kalous volunteered, if available.

Douglas High School invites all veterans to enjoy their annual Veteran’s Day Program. Breakfast will be served from 8:30 to 9:30 AM. RSVP to Jerry Allen (Jarhead) so they have enough food. The program will start at 10:00 AM.

Vince McMullen will present a Carry and Conceal class on December 2 at 8:00 AM. The cost will be $50 for veterans and $75 for non-veterans.

The Post will close at 3:00 PM on Wednesday, November 22 and remain closed until 11:00 AM Friday, November 24.

Upcoming Activities:

Veteran’s Day is Saturday, Nov. 11. Flag retirement between 5 and 5:30 PM. The Auxiliary will provide dinner and a program.

Thanksgiving Dinner will be 6:00 PM on Monday, Nov. 20. The Post will provide the meat and members are asked to bring a side dish. Help is needed to set up, cook, serve, AND CLEAN UP after the dinner.

There will be a Christmas Party on Dec. 16 starting at 6:00 PM. There will be a white elephant gift exchange. No dinner is planned, everyone please bring snacks and finger foods.

For Good of the Legion

Terry Houck (Darkhorse) replaced a light on the front of the building and purchased (and donated) a new light bulb for the security light on the North side of the building.

Amanda Burke reported that she had just received a request from the Veterans Nursing Home in Winfield for help with repairs to the bed rails. They have just replaced all the mattresses and some of the rails do not work. They are also in need of new or used (in good condition) wheel chairs. Amanda moved that the Post donate $400 to the cause. Jerry Allen seconded. After much discussion, the motion was tabled until next month so Amanda can provide more information.

Having no further business to come before the members, the Chaplain offered a closing prayer.

The meeting adjourned at 8:08PM by Commander SteveCoberley with the next meeting scheduled for December 4, 2017. The BOG will meet at 5:30 PM and the E-board will meet at 6:00 PM on November 27.

Respectfully submitted,

Teresa Knight
