Minutes of the meeting of Llanfihangel Community Council held on Monday 19th November 2012, Dolanog Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Cllr Pam James, Cllr Geraint Gittins. Cllr Emyr Owen Cllr Emyr Jones and CountyCllr W B Thomas
There was1 Member of the public was present
Apologies. Cllr.Hwyel Evans
Declaration of Interest. (177)
Minutes. (178)
The minutes of the meeting of the 30 October 2012were approved. Proposed, seconded and approved unanimously.
Matters Arising. (179)
The Chair provided an update on the position with Dolanog toilets. A leak has been identified by meter replacement team. The water supply to the toilets was now turned off and as a consequence the toilets were closed. The leak line team will visit on the 20th December to find the leak.
Cllr Barry Thomas had exhausted all his effort with the CEO of Powys County Council in respect of the issues with BT.
Cllr Emyr Owen pointed out that some roads had still not been repaired. There were some dangerous potholes on the Saron to Ty Ddu turning. Cllr Barry Thomas agreed to contact Mr Awi Williams, Highways Officer.
Correspondence. (180)
Members noted the correspondence form National Grid on the Mid Wales connection Project.
Finance. (181)
The following invoices and payments were presented to the meeting:-
Clerks salary and expenses for October £88.16
British Gas Electricity Llanfihangel Toilets £46.41
AG EvansCemetery Administration£75.00
It was proposed, seconded and approved unanimously, that the invoices and payments be honoured.
The Concurrent functions from had been received from Powys County Council. Members also agreed that the cemetery railings need improvement in spring. The costs would be included in the bid.
The Clerk advised Members that the precept request was due from Powys County Council for completion in January. Whilst the council had healthy reserves the precept had not been increased in the last two years. Given the above inflation rises in energy cost and other charges it was agreed that the precept should increase by the rate of inflation which stood at 2.2% at the benchmark period in September 2012.
Planning. (182)
Any Other Business. (183)
Cllr Barry Thomas reiterated the policy on the fitting of new LED Street lights.
Members agreed that the Llanfihangel gents toilets lights needed to be replaced with PIR sensor system.
Cllr Emyr Jones said that there was a desire locally in Llanfihangel to purchase the telephone kiosk in the village from BT, the Clerk would investigate
Cllr Emyr Jones raised concern over the road markers opposite Tyn y Cyl following the lopping of tress in that vicinity and that the Pontllogel pontoon bridge broken board needs replacement. .There was also concern over the road conditions from Cyddig Bridge Llangadfan and Llwydiarth road by the park. Cllr Barry Thomas confirmed that the January highways meeting had to be confirmed and these issues could be raised there.
Members were concerned that there was still a number of Casual vacancies and it was agreed that new notices would be posted locally.
The meeting ended at 21.00 hrs
CofnodioncyfarfodoGyngor CymunedLlanfihangela gynhaliwydNos Fawrth 19 Tachwedd 2012, ynNeuadd BentrefDolanog, am 7.30 yh
Yn bresennol.
Cyng Pam James, Cyng GeraintGittins,Cyng Emyr Owen , Cyng Emyr Jones a Cyng Sir W B Thomas
Cyng Hywel Evans.
Datganiadoddiddordeb. (177)
Cofnodion. (178)
Cymeradwywyd cofnodion y cyfarfod o'r 30 Hydref 2012, cynigiwyd ac eiliwyd a'u cymeradwyo yn unfrydol.
Materionyn codi. (179)
Rhoddodd y Cadeirydd y wybodaeth ddiweddarafynghylchtoiledauDolanog.. Maegollyngiadwedi cael ei nodigan y tîmnewyddmetr. Mae'rcyflenwad dŵr i'rtoiledauei throii ffwrdderbyn hynac o ganlyniady toiledaueu cau.Bydd y tîmyn ymweldllinell gollyngiadauiddod o hyd i'rgollyngiad ar 20 Rhagfyr.
Roedd y CyngBarryThomasdisbydduei hollymdrechgyda'r Prif Swyddog GweithredolCyngor Sir Powysmewn perthynas â'rmaterion gydaBT.
Dywedodd y CyngEmyrOwenfodrhai ffyrddyn dal hebei drwsio. Roedd rhaityllauperyglus arySaronitroi TyDdu. Cytunoddy CynghoryddBarryThomasi gysylltu âMrAwiWilliams, Swyddog Priffyrdd.
Gohebiaeth. (180)
Nododd yr Aelodau yllythyr oddiwrth GridCenedlaethol ar y ProsiectCanolbarth Cymru.
Cyllid. (181)
Cyflwynwyd yr anfonebau a thaliadau canlynol i’r cyfarfod:
Cyflog a threuliau’r Clerc ar gyfer Hydref£88.19
Talu Wrth Ennill (PAYE)£18.80
TrydanNwy PrydainToiledauLlanfihangel£46.41
AGEvansGweinyddiaeth y Mynwent£75.00
Cynigiwyd, eiliwyd a'i gymeradwyo yn unfrydol, bod yr anfonebau a thaliadau yn cael eu hanrhydeddu.
Derbyniwyd swyddogaethaucydamseroloGyngor Sir Powys. Cytunodd yr Aelodau fod yrheiliaufynwentangen eu gwellayn y gwanwyn. Byddai'rcostauyn cael eu cynnwysyn y cais.
Hysbysodd yr Clerc y Aelodau bydd y cais praesept ddyledus Gyngor Sir Powys ar gyfer cwblhau n Ionawr.Er bodgan y Cyngorgronfeydd wrth gefniachnad oedd ypraeseptwedicynyddu yn ystody ddwy flynedd diwethaf. O ystyried yuwch na chwyddiantyn codi yn ygost oynni agwasanaethau eraill. O ystyried yuwch na chwyddiantyn codiyn y gostynniac thaliadau eraill cytunwyd ydylai'rpraeseptyn cynydduyn ôl cyfraddchwyddiant syddyn sefyll ar2.2%ynycyfnodmeincnodym mis Medi2012.
Ailadroddoddy CynghoryddBarryThomasy polisiar osodgoleuadauLED heol newydd
Cytunodd yr Aelodau i eu disodliygoleuadau toiledaudynionLlanfihangelgydasystemsynhwyryddPIR.
Dywedodd y CynghoryddEmyrJonesfod ynaawyddyn ardal lleol Llanfihangeli brynu'rciosgffôn yn ypentref oBT, byddai'r Clercyn ymchwilio iddiwrth.
Cododd y CyngEmyrEvansbryder ynghylch ymarcwyrffordd gyferbynTynyCylyn dilyntociocoedyn y cyffiniaua bod yplanciauar bontpontŵnPontllogelwedi torrianghenionnewydd.. Roeddpryder hefyd ynghylchcyflwr y fforddoBont CyddigLlangadfan aLlwydiarthwrth forrd y parc. Cadarnhaodd y CyngBarryThomasfod y cyfarfodpriffyrddmis Ionawr wedii'w gadarnhauagallai'r materion hyngael eucodiyno
Roedd yr Aelodau'npryderu bod ydal i fod ânifer oswyddi gwaga chytunwydy byddaihysbysiadaunewydd yn cael eupostioyn lleol.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 21,00yh.
Signed...... Dated ......
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