Kerry Community Council
Serving the villages of Kerry, Sarn and Dolfor.
Minutes of the Meeting of the 27th April 2016.
At Kerry Village Hall.
Chair / Cllr. M. J. Collis (Sarn)
ee / Cllrs. / Cllr. D. P. Pryce (Kerry)
Cllr. M.S.G. Morgan (Kerry)
Cllr. D.I. Hughes. (Kerry)
Cllr. M. Griffiths (Kerry)
Cllr. D. Jones (Kerry)
Cllr. T.R. Jerman (Kerry)
Cllr. P.A.M. Dyer (Sarn)
Cllr. O. Stanier (Sarn)
Cllr. I. Jones (Dolfor)
Cllr. T. M. Powell (Dolfor)
County Cllr. / County Cllr. Mrs K. Roberts-Jones
Clerk. / Mrs A. Feltham.
Members of the Public. / Three
Item. 1. Apologies.
Item. 2. Minutes.
The mins of the meeting of the 30th March 2016 were approved and signed.
Item.3.Matters Arising.
A. / Tree Works to Dolforgan Park.
Work is scheduled to be completed by the 6th June 2016.
B. / Casual Vacancy.
Info on Casual Vacancy/ Co-option sent to both Sarn and Dolfor YFC. KCC web- site link attached. Also posted on the web-site.
No requests have been made for an election leaving Council free to co-opt a new Councillor to replace Cllr. Liddiard-Starr.
Two notices for co-option displayed, one from the 30th March declaring a closure date of the 26th April and the second on display from the 21st April declaring a closure date of the 9th May. Two candidates attended this meeting but as only one vacancy notice was past the closure date Council voted to hold the co-option at the May meetingwhen they would be able to fill both vacancies. It was suggested that candidates put their names forward for both vacancies to ensure compliance with correct procedure.
C. / The Queen’s Birthday Celebrations.
Dolfor expressed a wish to purchase 50 commemorative medals for each person born after 2000. They intend to hold a street party on the 8th June 2016.
To date Sarn has no plans to celebrate.
It was proposed to give the children of Kerry School a commemorative medal. After discussion, Council voted to place an initial order for 200 medals, requesting the opportunity to increase that amount at a later date if needed. It is Council’s intent that every child living in the ward, born after 2000 should receive a medal. In an attempt to ensure every child receives their medal the co-operation of Kerry School, Toddler groups and YFCwill be requested. In addition, invitations to apply for a medal for any childwho may have been over looked to be placed in the Kerry News, Sarn Newsletter and on village notice boards.
Item 4. Annual review of Cemetery Fees.
Council voted to increase the fees as follows\;
Previous. New.
Purchase of a new grave. £200. £250
To reopen existing grave £100 £125.
Interment of Ashes £120 £150
Interment of Ashes in existing plot £90 £110
To Erect a Memorial £100 £125
Additional Inscription Nil Nil
Still Born /child under 12 years Nil Nil
Still Born /child under 12years £100 £100
(living outside of Ward)
Genealogy Research £15 £30
These charges to be inforce from the date of the AGM 25th May 2016.
Please note; this is the first increase since 2011.
Item 5.Speeding Traffic Through Kerry.
In response to the following email dated 15th April 2016 from County Councillor Kath Roberts-Jones
“I am receiving and also witnessspeeding traffic both entering and leaving the Village particularly in the area of the Primary School. I have been in contact with PCC Highways in an attempt to get a flashing speed sign as is in Newtown near the Cambrian Bridge, but am advised that it is unlikely, they are of the opinion that there should be a site at that location for the speed camera van and have asked if the Community Council could identify a suitable site where it could be sited”.
KCC discussed as requested by PCC’s Transportation and Development Enablement Team.
Council is acutely aware of the dangers of speeding traffic through the village and has on numerous occasions approached PCC requesting additional safety measures all of which have proved fruitless. Council thank PCC for the copious amount of information they have suppliedto them on PCC’s policies regarding speed management and interactive signs plus information from the highway code, however no action yet taken place to improve the level of safety.
Sindy Traylor (CSP - Transportation and Development Enablement) in her email of the 11th June 2015 to a colleague and the clerk for KCC stated,
“I have today spoken to Angela, the clerk of Ceri Community council.
They have concerns regarding the speed of traffic in the village especially past the school.
I’ve just informed her that the first cause of action we normally take is to monitor the speeds to establish what the problem is.
I’ve given her your name, and I am sure she will be getting back in touch if she does see some counters or something going down in the near future.
If you would like to call her Tel:- 01686 650 747
Sadly, nearly one year later, this procedure has not yet been actioned.
It is with this in mind that KCCare to invite a representative from PCCto attend a meeting so Council is able to highlight their real concerns.
In the interim period the clerk is to advise PCC that the present site for the speed camera van is inappropriate as it is sited just as traffic leaves the village and after the school. Traffic needs to be slowed over a greater area and so they suggest the speed camera van would be more effective if placed at The Square in the centre of the village and initially at appropriate times to the school time table.
Members of the Council will endeavour to correlate information from local residents of “near misses” and the severity of the need to slow traffic down ready for the meeting with PCC in order to meet requests made in an email of the 12th June 2015. “that vehicleactivated signs will only be considered at locations where there is a proven/known speeding and/or vehicle collision problem associated with inappropriate speed that has not been satisfactorily remedied by standard signing, and where safety cameras and related signs are not a cost effective or otherwise appropriate solution.
Item 4. To declare Personal/Prejudicial Interest.
Cllr. D. Jones (Kerry) declared personal interest in application VAR/2016/0017 and took no part in the discussion.
Item 5. PCC Planning Consultations*.
Application Outcome.
12/04/2016 / The Old Pumphouse
Dolforgan Hall, Kerry
SY16 4DN
Discharge of 106 Agreement attached to planning approval M20963 relating to occupation restriction / “Council wishes to object to the removal of the 106 Agreement”.
Item 5. PCC Notices.
Planning Applications / KCC Consultation* / PCC Notice.
P/2016/0150 11/02/2016
17 Park Avenue Kerry
SY16 4DA
Erection of a detached garage / “Council has no objections to this application”. / Conditional Consent
Brynllywarch Cottage Kerry
SY16 4PA
Erection of a car port with roof mounted solar panels (retrospective) / “Council has no objections to this application”. / Conditional Consent
Upper Waen Kerry SY16 4LT
Outdoor equestrian arena and associated fencing / “Council has no objections to this application”. / Conditional Consent
Glanmeheli Farm Kerry
SY16 4LN
Installation of a container drier / “Council wish to support this application” / Application Withdrawn
Land at Yew Tree Farm Kerry
SY16 4DS
Erection of two poultry units and four feed bins, alterations to existing access and all associated works / “Council wish to support this application” / Conditional Consent
Item 6. Finance.
Accounts paid March 2016
Accounts to be paid April 2016 / Bertwistle’s Funerals.
Burial. Marjorie Furnborough
PCC ROSPA Inspections (paid 29th Feb)
A Feltham reimbursement for Sarn Bench
A Davies Caretaker (March)
Severn Trent Water
Vision ICT. (
O. Stainer (Sarn Bench fitting)
A Feltham Clerk’s wage.
A Feltham Admin costs
British Gas (Toilet Elec)
PCC Community Charge (Toilets)
Andrew Evans (Cemetery refuse collection)
A Davies. (caretaker April)
A Feltham (Clerk April)
A Feltham (admin)
Carl Davies
Data Protection
A Evans (Cemetery/ Grass Cutting April) / £200.00
Account balance as of 5thApril 2016. Community Acc£25,854.90 Money Manager Acc £11,056.13 giving a total of £36,911.03.
The cheque for PCC in payment of Business Rates on the 30th March has been withheld as PCC has sinceawarded a grant, making payment in full on Council’s behalf.
End of Year Accounts were signed and adopted by Council.
John Hester was voted in to carry out an internal audit for the accounts year end 2016.
New Financial Regulations updated January 2016 were adopted.
Item 7. Reports on Visits/Meetings Attended.
  1. Amenities Sub-Committee Report.
Cllr. D. Hughes (Kerry) gave a verbal report informing Council that the Community Services will be providing the labour for the refurbishment of the toilets within the next few weeks.
A poster was shown to Council which is to be placed on the inside of the Gents cubicle in an attempt to dissuade people flushing inappropriate items down the toilet.
Carl Davies jet cleaned a blockage in the Gents toilets as a result of someone flushing underpants down the system on a regular basis. Cleaners have managed to clear the system on 4 previous occasions, each time with the removal of a pair of underpants.
Cleaners note that the flush system in the gents, even for its appropriate use, would be more effective for being a little stronger.
Mrs Veronica Wildish read aloud her report bringing Council up to date on the day to day running of the facility and clarified works to be done. She informed Council of a large group of Walkers who make regular use of the toilets and who asked her to pass on their thanks for the great improvement in the standard of the toilets and how grateful they were that KCC had made the commitment to continue to provide the service.
Both Veronica and Cllr Hugheshighlighted the high volume of usage, this along with the cleaning/caretaking staff’s efficiency, and the lower than anticipated running costs has made it a highly successful first year for all concerned.
The Clerk has signed and returned the agreement and application for PCC grant for Toilets for 2016/17.
Item 7. Reports on Visits/Meetings Attended. cont.
B .Vale of Montgomery Rural Cluster.
Cllr. O. Stanier (Sarn) distributed copies of a printed report from the Cluster Group in which the Countryside Services (Powys CC) detailed a proposal for a pilot footpaths programme with Vale of Montgomery Rural Cluster as a resource for the community and part of the Walking Festival.
Cllr. Stanier advised Council that the next Cluster Meeting would be 21st. September 2016.
It was highlighted the need to elect a second representative to attend Cluster Meetings at the forthcoming AGM in May.
Item 8.Correspondence/communications sent /received
Additional Correspondence sent to:
PCC application for Business Rate Relief for Public Toilets
PCC completed and signed agreement and application for grant for Toilets for 2016/17.
YFC Info on Casual Vacancy/ Co-option to both Sarn and Dolfor groups. KCC web- site link sent.
Insurance Companies. Three companies invited to submit quotes for 2616/17 Ins cover.
Co-option Notices sent to Kerry News and Sarn Newsletter.
Residents of 1. Nook Cottage. Letter of thanks.
Tower Mint. Order for commemorative medals.
JRB Order for Dog Waste Bin.
Chris Lloyd PCC letter ref; road markings in the Square and speeding traffic through Kerry
PCC Highways Pot holes reported.
Letters from
Your Grow Wild Wales seed kit. Seed kits now with the Clerk for distribution. Sarn Acorn Group, YFC, W.I., School and Playschools are all possible groups who may wish to get involved.
Aon Ins. Quote for 216/17 Ins cover.
Geoff Williams Mini-Buses letter requesting KCC reconsider road markings in the Square, Kerry. (copy with clerk)
Emails from
Nichola Davies (CSP - Local Environment) Funding Opportunities
Chris Lloyd (CSP - Local Environment) Report road lines & markings made by Geoff Williams Mini-Buses ltd ref; The Square, Kerry. Copy with clerk.
Andrew Evans. Cemetery Maintenance. “Can I request the council to provide a dog foul bin at the bottom of the cemetery? There is an increasing amount of dog fouling (in bags) been put in the bins and they shouldn't be mixed with the cemetery waste (must have been at least 20 bags of it this time). There was also some put in the bin loose on Saturday and was a good thing that I was wearing gloves!
We would be happy to empty the dog fouling bins once put in place at no extra charge”
County Council Kath Robert-Jones has made a request for the provision of a dog waste bin to PCC.
OVW. New Financial Regulations.
Item 9. Any Other Business.
Provision of Dog Fouling Bin at the Cemetery / Council voted to supply one Dog Waste Bin to be located just outside the lower entrance gate. Council is keen that the provision of this waste bin is not seen as an encouragement for irresponsible dog owners to continue to use the cemetery grounds as an appropriate place to allow their dogs to relieve themselves.
Cllr. M.S.G. Morgan (Kerry) agreed to take delivery and install.
The clerk was requested to write to the residents of 1.Nook Cottages to thank them for all the excellent work they have carried out by clearing away undergrowth and debris from around the cemetery entrance.
To reconsider road markings in the Square, Kerry / Bliss Williams attended this meeting and addressed Council detailing her concerns for traffic safety alongside the request to extend the hatched area enabling easier access to their property. Council were keen to be fair to all parties as parking space in the village is of a premium. It was voted to make limited extensions but still leaving a small area free to park alongside Boot Cottage. It is also suggested by Council that a request be made to mark out parking bays on the remaining area of the Square to encourage sensible parking and to maximise the number of vehicles able to park.Clerk to advise Chris Lloyd of their decision.
Item 9. Any Other Business.cont.
Kerry / Cllr. D. Jones (Kerry) highlighted the continuing poor state of repair to roads in the ward and in particular on the C2053 near the Goitre.It was noted that on reporting road surface damage it is very often the case that Highways advise that they will add it to the list and work will be carried out asap.
Dolfor. / The dangerous condition of the road leading from the Vastre to Dolfor (C2058) reported by both Cllr I. Jones (Dolfor) and the clerk remains unacknowledged or actioned by PCC Highways dept.
The road surface at Upper CefnPerfa is in need of repair, clerk to report to Highways.
Sarn / None.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9-25pm.

Meetings are open to residents, who may only address the meeting with the Chairman’s prior consent.

If you wish to address the Council in Welsh please make your intentions known at the time of your request, which should be made prior to the meeting date.

* Although KCC works in conjunction with PCC as consultants, it has no authority to grant planning permission.

Copies of Minutes can be made available after approval on request or by visiting our web-site

Next Meeting Scheduled;

AGM Wednesday 25th May at 7-30pm in Kerry Village Hall.

followed by the monthly meeting

To comply with PCC guidelines and to ensure public awareness additional planning meetings may be called. Notification will be posted on the village notice boards.

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