February 2013

There are not enough words in the English language to wrap themselves around the concept that, “the wages of sin is death…” (Romans 6:23). This Planned Parenthood promotional does it in one felt swoop. A poor, worn out, old white woman who has chosen for herself most of her life and is now left with a vacuous nothing. She is all that she has got. There is nothing else for her. This is it. She has killed her children, lived her life as she saw fit, stayed fit, reached for all the gusto she could get, and now – in the twilight of her years – is left with… herself. So sad!

Jesus, please rescue her. She is lost, silly, and without hope in this world. Children are God’s solution to selfishness. ~Flip

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their's also was.” (2 Tim 3:1-9 emphasis added)

Mississippi on the Brink – May Be First Abortion Free State!

Here is the latest AP report of God’s hand at work in the state of Mississippi. The saints in Mississippi have been faithfully storming the gates of hell (local abortion mills) for almost forty years now. They have been to the halls of Congress, to the steps of the Supreme Court, and to the Governor’s office, pleading the case of preborn children. But, most importantly, they have allowed the theology of the church house to become biography in the streets and laid down their lives and freedoms that their little preborn brothers and sisters might have a voice and a choice.

This AP story reveals a truth rarely told: “Abortion will come to an end in Mississippi when the Church of Jesus Christ makes up her mind it will come to an end – and not one second sooner!” It may be coming to an end in Mississippi this year which represents the 40th year of Roe v. Wade and the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation.

Mississippi's only abortion clinic fails to comply with law, faces shutdown threat (1/12/2013 AP)

JACKSON, Miss. – Mississippi's only abortion clinic missed a Friday deadline to comply with a 2012 state law that requires each of its physicians to get hospital admitting privileges — a law the governor said he signed with the hopes of shutting the clinic down.

The state Health Department won't immediately close the clinic, Jackson Women's Health Organization. The department will set an inspection later, and if it orders a shutdown, the clinic can appeal. Clinic administrator Diane Derzis said every Jackson-area hospital where the clinic applied for privileges said no."They were clear that they didn't deal with abortion and they didn't want the internal or the external pressure of dealing with it," Derzis told The Associated Press in a phone interview Friday.

Republican Gov. Phil Bryant has said repeatedly that he wants Mississippi to be abortion-free. "My goal, of course, is to shut it down," Bryant said Thursday. "Now, we'll follow the laws. The bill is in the courts now, related to the physicians and their association with a hospital. But, certainly, if I had the power to do so legally, I'd do so tomorrow."

The law requires anyone doing abortions in a clinic to be an OB-GYN with privileges to admit patients to a hospital near the facility where the abortions are done. The clinic filed a lawsuit last summer. U.S. District Judge Daniel P. Jordan III gave the facility time to try to comply with the law, blocking any criminal or civil penalties while the clinic tried to do so. Admitting privileges can be difficult to obtain. Some hospitals won't issue them to out-of-state physicians, while hospitals that are affiliated with religious groups might not want to associate with anyone who does elective abortions.

States Of Refuge Regional Event, Jackson Mississippi 1/20-22/2013 by Michelle Sochia

Just returned to Louisianna from the Roe v. Wade 40th Memorial Service in Jackson, MS. Mississippi may become the first abortion free state and emotions on the streets and the clinic are peaking. But even though there were those against us (particularly the handful in front of the clinic), the people in Jackson seemedvery receptive. We even received hundreds and hundreds of "thumbs-up" on our "Truth Tour" stop at County Line Road and one young couple actually parked their car and joined us! As always, the memorial servicewas heart-wrenching. As I watched my son David carry baby Daniel in his tiny little casket, I looked intoDavid's eyes and could see how deeply moved he was ... he willnever be the same! And to know there are thousands of other babies just like Daniel dying every day brings me to tears.

Recently, Laurance Arant and herfamily started attending our church.Laurance, four of her children, and her two niecesjoined us in Jackson. This was their first time attending a memorial service like this, and I asked her to share her thoughts. Laurance wrote:

"As I stood by Baby Daniel’s small, lifeless, bruised, aborted body with my four children, God opened my eyes. I always knew abortion was wrong but never spoke against it. It was always something we didn’t talk about at home, at church, or anywhere. As I explained to my four and seven year old sons what had happened to Baby Daniel, I realized that because I never spoke up against abortion, I allowed this innocent life to be taken. As a mother I protect my children, and it is also my responsibility to do the same for all those unwanted babies. I will no longer stand quietly!"

Satan is raging – we ruined his day!

Satan raged as the church took to the streets in Jackson Mississippi. Theology became biography and Satan was reminded that his time is short. Right in the middle of the devil’s celebration of his victory at the inauguration in Washington D.C., he was reminded that this political victory pales in the light of his defeat at the site of blood sacrifice in Mississippi.

Eyes were opened and hearts changed when the Church of Jesus Christ came out of the closet and stormed the gates of hell. At the Capitol, at the schools, at the churches, at the abortion mill, at the hotels that house abortionists, the enemies of God were confronted with the claims of Christ. It was amazing to witness.

His (Jesus’) church came to the gates of hell every day with prayer and praises to Him. We confronted the lie of “safe and legal” with pictures of the reality of abortion. The pictures are hard to behold because they expose the horror of the sin of abortion. Sin is ugly! We went to schools to warn this generation of the lurking evil that threatened them. We went to the hotel that harbors the “circuit rider” abortionist to warn them of the evil within their walls. Cal spoke to the manager and he listened. Perhaps his heart was softened. Time will tell.

Yes, we met anger at the abortion clinic – frustration and defeat manifesting! But on the streets we met people whose hearts were opening to the reality of abortion. “And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” Luke 1:17. This was evident in the comment made by one clinic defender, who refused to give her name in an interview with the local newspaper, ”We are not afraid of violence but the shame and ostracism gets to us.”

We were almost unanimously accepted at a gun rights rally on Saturday and they allowed our “ugly” signs on the platform behind the speakers and even invited Flip to say a few words.

Just as we were setting up the memorial Tuesday one “suit” scurried out from the capitol and told us we just could not have those pictures and a dead baby on the capitol steps. Well, we had a memorial and hearts were broken. The “suit” never reappeared but other official looking folks went in and out and one even welcomed us.

Our press release challenged Governor Bryant to move to “Close that clinic.”

Daniel – Baby Boy Killed by Abortion, Calls to Mississippi, 'Close Down That Clinic' by Leslie Hanks

JACKSON, Miss., Jan. 21, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- On January 22nd, 40 years since the killing of unborn babies was made legal by the infamous Roe v. Wade Decision, Daniel, a baby boy killed by abortion, will call for justice for his 55 million murdered brothers and sisters. Though he is dead yet shall he speak!

All eyes are on Mississippi this week, as the last abortion mill in the state, in its death throes, commemorates the 40th memorial of Roe v Wade-- the most egregious U.S. Supreme Court decision since Dred Scott.

Pro-life Mississippi and Personhood Mississippi have worked tirelessly for decades to proclaim the God-given, inalienable right to life of every human being and to reestablish legal protection at every stage of development. Their efforts helped elect a Godly governor, whose heart is to protect every innocent child, in the womb.

Governor Bryant ran on a Personhood platform and fortuitously just last week, Alabama's Supreme Court issued a historic ruling stating, "The decision of this Court today is in keeping with the widespread legal recognition, that unborn children are persons with rights that should be protected by law."

Recently, Governor Phil Bryant eloquently expressed his strong desire for Mississippi to be abortion free. As America's founders intended, every officer of the judicial, legislative and executive departments, at every level and in every branch, is required to use all lawful means to protect every innocent life within their jurisdictions.

Jackson Women's Health Organization abortionists have hit a brick wall in attempting to obtain hospital privileges in Jackson, MS. Therefore, Governor Bryant now has the opportunity and duty to interpose himself between the abortion mill or any other who thinks he has the right to kill innocent children in the state of Mississippi.

Reverend Flip Benham, of the States of Refuge campaign explains, "The people of Mississippi placed a man of God in the Governor's office, for such a time as this. Governor, Bryant, seize this historic juncture to put an end to legal child killing in your state, so that other leaders will rise up and follow your courageous example. No innocent baby boy or girl should ever be intentionally killed in the womb on your watch, from this day forward."

Two Pastors & Son Pepper-Maced On Public Sidewalk During Worship! By Pat McEewen

The morning after the incredible States of Refuge event in Jackson, Satan finally lost it!

This morning, Wednesday, January 23, 2013, on a public sidewalk in Jackson Mississippi, Pastor Doug Lane, Pastor Cal Zastrow, and Jimmy Zastrow were pepper-maced during 40 Days of Church on sidewalk near Jackson Women Health Abortion Clinic (JWHO). The attacker was a security guard at the clinic. The three victims are now in the emergency room being treated and police have taken a report. We are waiting to see the Jackson Police “protect and serve” ALL persons.

Jackson Womens Health is the last abortion mill in Mississippi. It is now operating illegally since failing to meet health standards set by the state even after a judge gave the clinic months to comply! Although the final paperwork to close the clinic has not been served, killing unborn babies is neither safe nor legal!

They (clinic workers) and supporters are manifesting the anger of the devil himself. He knows his time is short. He hates those who love God, particularly gentle Christians living out their theology in the streets of the city. “The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He is filled with fury,because he knows that his time is short.” Revelation 12:9,12b

Last week’s front cover of Time Magazine was right! Pro-abortion forces won the Roe v. Wade decision, but they have been losing ever since! Satan is filled with fury and his time is short!

Two days into the 40th year of that infamous decision, January 23, 2013, the knowledge that the battle was being lost drove the security guard into a mindless rage against three gentle Christians who were singing some of the old Christian hymns on a public sidewalk outside the mill. The three stood courageously and endured the cross.

“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death”. Revelation 12:11.

Mississippi, the eyes of our nation are upon you. You can make history. You can become the first abortion free state in America. Deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Jesus! Protect the rights of ALL persons!

Alabama Supreme Court Rules Pre-born is a Child!

Caveat: God is on the move and I am so incredibly thankful that he is. A ruling from the Alabama Supreme Court has concluded that a reference in state law that prevents exposing children to dangerous chemicals also protects an unborn child. While the decision itself is unrelated to abortion, in a court where at least two justices have advocated overturning Roe, the decision today in Ankrom v. State undoubtedly will be referenced again.