SKH Chi Fu Chi Nam Primary School
Activity Sheet 2
(Pupil A)
P.1___ Name: ( ) Date: _____
There are many animals on the funny farm.
Ask and answer the questions.
Colour the funny animals together.
Pupil A: What colour is the dog?
Pupil B: It is ___. What colour is the cat?
Pupil A: It is green. What colour are the ducks?
Pupil B: They are ____. What colour are the cows?
Pupil A: They are black and brown. What colour is the pig?
Pupil B: It is ____.
SKH Chi Fu Chi Nam Primary School
Activity Sheet 2
(Pupil B)
P.1___ Name: ( ) Date: _____
There are many animals on the funny farm.
Ask and answer the questions.
Colour the funny animals together.
Pupil A: What colour is the dog?
Pupil B: It is yellow. What colour is the cat?
Pupil A: It is ____. What colour are the ducks?
Pupil B: They are blue. What colour are the cows?
Pupil A: They are _____ and _____. What colour is the pig?
Pupil B: It is pink.
SKH Chi Fu Chi Nam Primary School
Activity Sheet 3
P.1___ Name: ( ) Date: _
Do you remember the animals in your storybook?
First, colour the pictures. Then, write about the animals.
SKH Chi Fu Chi Nam Primary School
Activity Sheet 4
P.1___ Name: ( ) Date: ___ _
Think about your visit to Kadoorie Farm. Draw and write about one animal you like at the farm.
SKH Chi Fu Chi Nam Primary School
Activity Sheet 5
P.1___ Name: ( ) Date: _____
A. What is it?
Read and guess.
B. Write your own riddle.
SKH Chi Fu Chi Nam Primary School
Visit to Kadoorie Farm: Colours of animals
P.1___ Name: ( ) Date: ______
1) Write the names of the animals.
2) Write the colours.
3) At Kadoorie Farm, find out the colour(s) of the animals and tick the right box(es).