Chapter 7 Systems Project

You will pick a responsible partner and write a real world problem that involves solving for two unknown quantities. Your “story” or problem should consist of hobbies or items you both like, so I can learn something interesting about the two of you. Your presentation should be between 3 and 4 minutes in length.

There are five components to this project:

• Title of Problem

• Story

• Definition of Variables and Setting Up the System of Equations

• Explanation of How to Solve the System (most IMPORTANT component)

• Check your Solutions

Using paper and pencil, you will write a “rough” draft of the five components and check your math with me. Next you will choose a technology program to present your project:

  1. Create a slideshow using Combine images, your voice and drawing to present your project. Add me as a friend and share your project with me to turn it in.
  2. Create a poster using Create an account at and create an animate poster explaining your problem. You can use a flipcam to add video, images and voice. Please share with Ms. D.
  1. Create a animate comic using Create an account at and build an animate comic that shows your project. Remember to share this with Ms. de St. Aubin.
  2. Create an Imovie project- Use a flipcam and iMovie to tell your story. Remember to use images, text, voice and music to make your project exciting. When you are finished make sure you export your project to Quicktime to drop in Ms. D’s dropbox.
  3. Create a virtual book using Change your project into a story and use mixbook to tell your story. You need to have background images, picutres, text and symbols in the book. You will need to create an account and share your project with Ms. D when you are finished.

Scoring Rubric

Your highest possible point value on this project is 12.

4 points for accuracy

4 points for creativity

4 points for explanation

Points / Accuracy / Creativity / Explanation
1 / Several computation errors / No music, story, or graphics / Very confusing, can’t understand the math
2 / Two or three computation errors / Some music, story, or graphics / Math explanation is somewhat confusing
3 / One computation error / Good use of music, story, and graphics / Good explanation of math
4 / No computation errors / Excellent use of music, story, and graphics / Excellent explanation of math