North Hills Preparatory
Theory of Knowledge
Ms. Biela
Theory of Knowledge PresentationAssessment Documentation
The ToK presentation is an exercise in creating and understanding Knowledge Issues and how they relate to and explain the world around us. For this major assessment, you must outline your presentation; including your thinking behind the project, your process for creation and intended treatment of the primary Knowledge Issue/Question. It should provide clear evidence of an inquiry in keeping with the aims and objectives of TOK, and meeting the requirements of the assessment criteria for the presentation. It must not be an essay, but should be in skeleton or bullet point form.
Requirements for the outline:IN THIS ORDER (Due 8/22/14 @ 11:59pm) This is a MAJOR GRADE
- A (working) Title
- A copy of your real world event (or in the case of a broader idea, a brief explanation of the real world issue)
- Your stated primary KI/Q
- A paragraph explaining your critical analysis questions/ideas
- Your 2-4 developed KI/Qs (Issuettes)
- A copy of the supporting real world issues
Requirements for the presentation: Begin 9/02/14-End 9/16/14
- You may present in groups of 1, 2, or 3
- The length depends on how many students you have:
- 1 person-10-12 min
- 2 people-20-22 min
- 3 people-30 minutes (one minute over grace)
- Your focus should be on the KIs you create NOT about an event itself
Following are examples of previous presentations and the rubric for the Oral Presentation.
Title: / Real life example: / Knowledge issue:Building bridges with language / Arabic to be made mandatory in all Israeli school / To what extent does language shape thought?
Freedom or knowledge? / The Wikileaks disclosure about American involvement in Iraq / What should be our priority: establishing a firm ethical standpoint or gathering knowledge about the world?
Sourcing our food / Monsanto and genetically engineered food / Who should decide on the part played by natural science in our lives?
Righteous anger / Obama allowing a Muslim community centre to be built near Ground Zero / Should there be a limit to multicultural tolerance?
Art and its audience / Joshua Bell busking in New York City / What shapes the way we appreciate and understand art?
Prime Time news / The Manila tourist bus hijacking / Has the news become entertainment and what are the implications of this?
The following diagram shows the question underpinning a global impression judgment of the TOK presentation.
TOK presentation assessment instrument
Do(es) the presenter(s) succeed in showing how TOK concepts can have practical application?Level 5
9–10 / Level 4
Very good
7–8 / Level 3
5–6 / Level 2
3–4 / Level 1
1–2 /
The presentation is focused on a well-formulatedknowledge question that is clearly connected to a specifiedreal-life situation. The knowledge question is effectively explored in the context of the real-life situation, using convincingarguments, with investigation of differentperspectives. The outcomes of the analysis are shown to be significant to the chosen real-life situation and to others. / The presentation is focused on a knowledge question that is connected to a specifiedreal-life situation. The knowledge question is explored in the context of the real-life situation, using cleararguments, with acknowledgment of differentperspectives. The outcomes of the analysis are shown to be significant to the real-life situation. / The presentation identifies a knowledge question that has some connection to a specified real-life situation. The knowledge question is explored in the context of the real-life situation, using some adequatearguments. There is some awareness of the significance of the outcomes of the analysis. / The presentation identifies a knowledge question and a real-life situation, although the connection between them may not be convincing. There is some attempt to explore the knowledge question. There is limited awareness of the significance of the outcomes of the analysis. / The presentation describes a real-life situation without reference to any knowledge question, or treats an abstract knowledge question without connecting it to any specific real-life situation. / The presentation does not reach the standard described by levels 1–5.
Some possible characteristics
Lucid / Credible
Coherent / Relevant
Predictable / Underdeveloped