Supporting Information

Theoretical study on the mechanism of iridium-catalyzed γ-functionalization of primary alkyl C-H bonds

Zhe Li*1, Miaoren Xia2, Russell J. Boyd1

1. Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax Nova Scotia B3H 4R2, Canada;

2. CAS Key Laboratory of Nuclear Radiation and Nuclear Energy Techniques, and Multidisciplinary Initiative Center, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

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Table of content

Geometry optimization in THF solution 4

Full citation of Gaussian 09 4

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: Me4phen 4

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: phen 5

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: cod 6

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: coe 6

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: HSi(OR)Et2 7

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: HSi(OMe)Et2 8

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: product 9

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: THF 10

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: norbornene 11

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 1 11

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 2 13

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 3 14

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 4 16

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 2 19

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 6 21

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: TS6-7a 23

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 7a 25

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 7b 26

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 8 28

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: TS8-9 30

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 9 32

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: TS9-10 35

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 10a 37

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 10b 38

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: TS7b-11a 40

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 11a 42

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 11b 45

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 12 47

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: TS12-13 49

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 13a 52

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 13b 55

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: TS13b-14 57

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 14 61

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: TS14-15 64

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 15 67

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: TS15-16 70

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 16a 73

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: TS16a-b 75

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 16b 78

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: TS16b-11b 81

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: TS13-17 84

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 17 87

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: TS17-18 89

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: TS17-21 92

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 18 95

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 20 97

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: TS20-8b 100

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 8b 103

Optimization in THF solution: 11a 104

Optimization in THF solution: 11b 107

Optimization in THF solution: TS9-10 109

Optimization in THF solution: TS13b-14 111

Optimization in THF solution: HSi(OMe)Et2 114

Optimization in THF solution: HSi(OR)Et2 115

Optimization in THF solution: norbornene 116

Geometry optimization in THF solution

Geometry optimizations in THF solution were performed for key species (11a, TS9-10, and TS13b-14) using polarizable continuum model (PCM) at the level of B3LYP/BS1. The single point energies were calculated by M06/BS2 method in THF solution using the CPCM method. The Gibbs energy was obtained by adding TCG to the single point energy.

Full citation of Gaussian 09

Gaussian 09, Revision D.01, M. J. Frisch, G. W. Trucks, H. B. Schlegel, G. E. Scuseria, M. A. Robb, J. R. Cheeseman, G. Scalmani, V. Barone, B. Mennucci, G. A. Petersson, H. Nakatsuji, M. Caricato, X. Li, H. P. Hratchian, A. F. Izmaylov, J. Bloino, G. Zheng, J. L. Sonnenberg, M. Hada, M. Ehara, K. Toyota, R. Fukuda, J. Hasegawa, M. Ishida, T. Nakajima, Y. Honda, O. Kitao, H. Nakai, T. Vreven, J. A. Montgomery, Jr., J. E. Peralta, F. Ogliaro, M. Bearpark, J. J. Heyd, E. Brothers, K. N. Kudin, V. N. Staroverov, R. Kobayashi, J. Normand, K. Raghavachari, A. Rendell, J. C. Burant, S. S. Iyengar, J. Tomasi, M. Cossi, N. Rega, J. M. Millam, M. Klene, J. E. Knox, J. B. Cross, V. Bakken, C. Adamo, J. Jaramillo, R. Gomperts, R. E. Stratmann, O. Yazyev, A. J. Austin, R. Cammi, C. Pomelli, J. W. Ochterski, R. L. Martin, K. Morokuma, V. G. Zakrzewski, G. A. Voth, P. Salvador, J. J. Dannenberg, S. Dapprich, A. D. Daniels, Ö. Farkas, J. B. Foresman, J. V. Ortiz, J. Cioslowski, and D. J. Fox, Gaussian, Inc., Wallingford CT, 2009.

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: Me4phen

7 1.368236 -1.780936 0.000134

6 0.729344 -0.589037 -0.000003

6 2.686437 -1.767072 0.000127

6 1.433437 0.647854 -0.000064

6 -0.729344 -0.589039 -0.000068

6 3.499792 -0.608290 0.000007

1 3.172419 -2.744328 0.000207

6 2.859487 0.628103 -0.000039

6 0.681710 1.869887 -0.000118

6 -1.433439 0.647851 -0.000027

7 -1.368238 -1.780939 -0.000137

6 5.002519 -0.769746 0.000004

6 3.634210 1.925912 0.000029

6 -0.681717 1.869888 -0.000075

1 1.210771 2.817183 -0.000194

6 -2.859490 0.628101 0.000032

6 -2.686436 -1.767074 -0.000131

1 5.466706 -0.312020 -0.882303

1 5.466504 -0.313616 0.883267

1 5.273849 -1.830214 -0.000914

1 3.395092 2.533546 0.881736

1 4.712255 1.756819 0.000228

1 3.395382 2.533519 -0.881775

1 -1.210779 2.817183 -0.000097

6 -3.499793 -0.608291 -0.000016

6 -3.634200 1.925918 0.000154

1 -3.172419 -2.744327 -0.000218

6 -5.002521 -0.769746 0.000066

1 -3.394872 2.533669 0.881720

1 -3.395569 2.533409 -0.881788

1 -4.712249 1.756845 0.000603

1 -5.466528 -0.312990 0.882983

1 -5.466683 -0.312649 -0.882590

1 -5.273850 -1.830215 -0.000112

Zero-point correction= 0.282749 (Hartree/Particle)

Thermal correction to Energy= 0.298619

Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.299563

Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.240271

Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -728.580880

Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -728.565011

Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -728.564067

Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -728.623359

No negative Frequencies

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: phen

7 -1.381538 -1.563427 0.000321

7 1.381621 -1.563462 -0.000370

6 -0.729535 -0.377862 0.000029

6 -2.704259 -1.549120 0.000164

6 0.729624 -0.378056 -0.000012

6 2.704530 -1.548997 -0.000472

6 -1.417329 0.870646 -0.000175

6 -3.483223 -0.373154 0.000050

1 -3.194187 -2.522702 0.000908

6 1.417317 0.870887 0.000140

6 3.483218 -0.373126 0.000184

1 3.194527 -2.522502 -0.000408

6 -0.680721 2.101972 -0.000153

6 -2.829833 0.841506 -0.000240

1 -4.567421 -0.434355 0.000111

6 2.829663 0.841652 0.000303

6 0.680456 2.102020 0.000063

1 4.567456 -0.433636 0.000504

1 -1.234833 3.037684 -0.000341

1 -3.383281 1.777831 -0.000448

1 3.383452 1.777808 0.000553

1 1.234261 3.037888 0.000178

Zero-point correction= 0.171077 (Hartree/Particle)

Thermal correction to Energy= 0.180224

Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.181168

Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.136421

Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -571.427152

Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -571.418006

Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -571.417061

Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -571.461808

No negative Frequencies

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: cod

6 -0.007930 -1.704606 -0.218465

6 1.215364 -1.235914 -0.495421

6 1.923400 0.011064 -0.023982

6 1.082850 1.107605 0.665580

6 0.007932 1.704611 -0.218434

6 -1.215354 1.235920 -0.495430

6 -1.923399 -0.011074 -0.024045

6 -1.082862 -1.107609 0.665538

1 -0.291455 -2.634683 -0.712295

1 1.822215 -1.841193 -1.171212

1 2.741144 -0.283398 0.653881

1 2.425446 0.456105 -0.896051

1 0.665530 0.724345 1.600164

1 1.771188 1.910006 0.959599

1 0.291455 2.634707 -0.712228

1 -1.822193 1.841219 -1.171214

1 -2.425398 -0.456108 -0.896145

1 -2.741179 0.283372 0.653782

1 -1.771199 -1.910014 0.959549

1 -0.665557 -0.724343 1.600125

Zero-point correction= 0.181197 (Hartree/Particle)

Thermal correction to Energy= 0.188621

Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.189565

Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.149671

Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -311.843268

Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -311.835844

Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -311.834900

Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -311.874794

No negative Frequencies

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: coe

6 1.655135 -0.700633 0.392061

6 1.730631 0.780822 -0.047679

6 -1.392143 -0.836231 0.650744

6 0.492606 1.659475 0.231095

6 -1.865602 0.513427 0.060241

6 -0.773828 1.366762 -0.611899

1 1.350606 -0.734318 1.447353

1 1.964107 0.825856 -1.120905

1 0.249319 1.617550 1.303367

1 -0.799118 -0.636727 1.551808

1 -2.333317 1.091724 0.869687

1 2.670223 -1.116211 0.358037

1 2.586656 1.236850 0.469380

1 -2.273294 -1.401071 0.981847

1 0.797856 2.697206 0.042854

1 -2.657087 0.327648 -0.679184

1 -1.241371 2.320418 -0.890550

1 -0.473487 0.894285 -1.555128

6 0.746999 -1.573779 -0.445652

1 1.232057 -2.165217 -1.222452

6 -0.583181 -1.652847 -0.321245

1 -1.136847 -2.299965 -1.002110

Zero-point correction= 0.205176 (Hartree/Particle)

Thermal correction to Energy= 0.212851

Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.213795

Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.173675

Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -313.053672

Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -313.045997

Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -313.045053

Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -313.085173

No negative Frequencies

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: HSi(OR)Et2

6 -3.913241 -1.848342 -0.012242

1 -4.032549 -1.938360 1.074562

1 -3.938458 -2.859512 -0.434517

1 -4.785735 -1.304977 -0.396030

6 -2.608187 -1.127210 -0.367250

1 -1.756509 -1.712289 -0.001747

1 -2.505546 -1.076091 -1.461416

6 -2.533579 0.288464 0.215755

1 -3.409891 0.862864 -0.117873

1 -2.588922 0.239150 1.312374

6 -1.275148 1.078272 -0.167735

1 -1.199762 1.110657 -1.267950

6 -1.338322 2.519579 0.358396

1 -2.277321 2.967887 0.006045

1 -1.397524 2.481608 1.454354

6 -0.161551 3.400330 -0.068842

1 0.783182 3.018952 0.330834

1 -0.072945 3.445394 -1.161722

1 -0.286864 4.425856 0.296631

8 -0.117938 0.425197 0.365278

14 1.226342 -0.136325 -0.452018

1 1.194145 0.398347 -1.852022

6 2.762737 0.501093 0.447749

1 2.694879 0.204279 1.503713

1 2.727186 1.598905 0.447442

6 1.229353 -2.027168 -0.537748

1 2.099453 -2.337150 -1.135588

1 0.349077 -2.346709 -1.112181

6 1.248638 -2.740124 0.826868

1 1.230345 -3.830975 0.713165

1 2.148008 -2.487025 1.401373

1 0.382978 -2.456023 1.436242

6 4.100047 0.022885 -0.148116

1 4.202053 0.316763 -1.200105

1 4.954897 0.447235 0.392303

1 4.196068 -1.068482 -0.102879

Zero-point correction= 0.326312 (Hartree/Particle)

Thermal correction to Energy= 0.344148

Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.345092

Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.278966

Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -759.967625

Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -759.949789

Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -759.948845

Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -760.014971

No negative Frequencies

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: HSi(OMe)Et2

6 -2.703797 -0.797190 -0.008679

1 -2.813712 -1.279843 0.973555

8 -1.373542 -0.875027 -0.488262

14 -0.044835 -0.377145 0.398037

1 -0.067698 -1.055039 1.735863

6 1.465222 -0.939082 -0.581320

1 1.443584 -0.459167 -1.569103

1 1.357649 -2.015349 -0.771484

6 -0.065755 1.493286 0.696933

1 0.789513 1.743328 1.342127

1 -0.957170 1.742875 1.290473

6 -0.032833 2.353012 -0.580439

1 -0.065800 3.424404 -0.347956

1 0.878957 2.172398 -1.161991

1 -0.883813 2.129404 -1.233943

6 2.811214 -0.658945 0.113094

1 2.866100 -1.142716 1.095885

1 3.653943 -1.031515 -0.481449

1 2.972257 0.414880 0.267576

1 -3.046336 0.244206 0.076936

1 -3.355762 -1.314109 -0.720437

Zero-point correction= 0.183783 (Hartree/Particle)

Thermal correction to Energy= 0.195040

Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.195984

Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.146281

Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -563.536544

Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -563.525287

Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -563.524343

Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -563.574046

No negative Frequencies

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: product

6 1.302669 0.285855 0.360509

6 -0.457939 -1.066796 1.531604

6 1.016042 -1.064395 1.054558

1 1.434330 1.061423 1.134277

1 -0.550876 -0.558854 2.500852

1 -0.842489 -2.083839 1.663024

1 1.721108 -1.238386 1.876408

1 1.168103 -1.869770 0.322124

14 -1.285101 -0.043925 0.157107

8 0.147812 0.634510 -0.427908

6 -2.459170 1.295032 0.798136

1 -3.321442 0.806913 1.276543

1 -1.941175 1.835908 1.602792

6 -2.947686 2.294411 -0.267340

1 -3.603548 3.058850 0.167325

1 -2.105210 2.811146 -0.740592

1 -3.513510 1.793292 -1.062054

6 -2.091905 -1.077706 -1.208233

1 -2.233077 -0.441182 -2.092974

1 -1.368320 -1.846616 -1.513113

6 -3.427854 -1.739780 -0.820909

1 -4.190648 -0.993584 -0.568265

1 -3.828204 -2.349776 -1.639808

1 -3.315414 -2.398553 0.049352

6 2.529928 0.290456 -0.550265

1 2.554002 1.254491 -1.075240

1 2.393271 -0.480090 -1.322359

6 3.860595 0.071391 0.182854

1 3.858980 -0.910042 0.675998

1 3.962065 0.816422 0.985203

6 5.071861 0.163163 -0.752094

1 6.009985 0.004017 -0.208082

1 5.015063 -0.590106 -1.547442

1 5.126685 1.147417 -1.233126

Zero-point correction= 0.307099 (Hartree/Particle)

Thermal correction to Energy= 0.323239

Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.324183

Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.262796

Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -758.789224

Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -758.773084

Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -758.772139

Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -758.833526

No negative Frequencies

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: THF

8 0.000039 -1.203739 -0.294765

6 -1.132055 -0.471677 0.157265

6 1.132122 -0.471588 0.157154

6 -0.777379 1.017325 -0.050146

1 -1.999323 -0.808237 -0.417527

1 -1.320417 -0.679986 1.224538

6 0.777267 1.017426 -0.049998

1 1.320694 -0.680014 1.224366

1 1.999329 -0.807981 -0.417829

1 -1.200115 1.649601 0.736900

1 -1.164089 1.378824 -1.007801

1 1.199752 1.649557 0.737300

1 1.164126 1.379238 -1.007475

Zero-point correction= 0.117628 (Hartree/Particle)

Thermal correction to Energy= 0.122568

Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.123512

Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.088540

Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -232.327772

Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -232.322833

Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -232.321888

Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -232.356861

No negative Frequencies

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: norbornene

6 1.279519 0.669765 -0.507773

6 0.088421 1.128493 0.322988

6 0.087287 -1.128537 0.323105

6 1.278562 -0.670998 -0.508116

1 1.921621 1.327914 -1.085403

1 1.919807 -1.329769 -1.085990

6 0.041481 0.000064 1.380781

1 -0.877818 0.000576 1.980124

1 0.912919 -0.000341 2.043156

6 -1.190867 0.781383 -0.516474

1 -2.088275 1.178813 -0.028250

1 -1.145895 1.207071 -1.523366

6 -1.191849 -0.780363 -0.516080

1 -2.089598 -1.176500 -0.027424

1 -1.147625 -1.206582 -1.522777

1 0.120777 2.157587 0.689553

1 0.118761 -2.157614 0.689793

Zero-point correction= 0.153715 (Hartree/Particle)

Thermal correction to Energy= 0.158914

Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.159858

Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.125196

Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -272.568979

Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -272.563779

Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -272.562835

Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -272.597497

No negative Frequencies

Cartesian coordinates, energies and negative frequencies: 1

77 -1.576986 -0.005461 -0.202864

8 0.002862 -1.260308 -0.754189

6 0.004044 -2.673405 -0.707604

1 -0.944913 -3.056652 -1.099344

1 0.141002 -3.055933 0.313563

6 -2.779207 1.352403 0.900258

1 -2.153207 2.170830 1.258805