CV 304

Leadership and Management

Mission Statement

To educate and equip students to know themselves and intentionally create a personal plan for a lifetime of leadership development as authentic leaders and effective managers who inspire others to do the same in their communities, organizations, and ministries.

Instructor: Kevin Yoho


Phone: 201-207-1544 (c)

Course Description

The purpose ofLeadership and Management at City Vision University is to build the student’s capacity to be an authentic leaderand an effective manager for profit and non-profit organizations across all sectors including corporate, business, entrepreneurial, civic, and religious.This course is designed to resourcethe student’sjourney of personal leadershipdevelopment and tolearn how to motivate and inspire others in their organization to be authentic leaders, too. Students will reflect on their own professional leadership experiences, read case studies of successful business leaders, interact with fellow classmates and instructors, and then synthesize their own philosophy and practice of leadership in their final project. Successful students will actively participate and share in class forum discussions, learn theory and practice, andreflect on social,political, religious and other dynamics as organizations solve problems, face critical challenges, and serve local and global communities.

Course Objectives

  1. To examine their personal and professional leadership journeysby critiquing examples of successful leaders.
  2. To reflect upon and effectively integrate their own experiences of stress, anxiety, and other crucibles of leadership into a narrative about their leadership principles, values, and ethical boundaries.
  3. To evaluate their extrinsic and intrinsic leadership motivations and how they influence their leadership effectiveness.
  4. To compare and contrast leadership styles and determine how their style supports their leadership purpose.
  5. To design a management workflow demonstratingthe four critical behaviors of an effective manager through feedback, coaching, and delegating.
  6. To create a synthesis of the above understandings into a Personal Leadership Development Plan that combines a mature reflection, application of authentic leadership theory, and effective management in their profit or non-profit organization.

NOTE: Grading in this course will reflect the student’s demonstration of their ability to achieve the above course objectives.

Required Reading

  • George, Bill..Discover Your True North: Expanded and Updated Edition. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, 2015. (Abbreviated “TN”)
  • Craig, Nick, George, Bill, and Snook, Scott. Discover Your True NorthFieldbook: A Personal Guide to Becoming an Authentic Leader.. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, 2015. (Abbreviated: “FB”)
  • Horstman, Mark. The Effective Manager. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2016. (Abbreviated: “EM”.)


  • Benefiel, Margaret. The Soul of a Leader: Finding Your Path to Fulfillment and Success. New York, NY: Crossroad Pub., 2008.
  • Blanchard, Kenneth H., Phil Hodges, and Phyllis Hennecy Hendry. Lead like Jesus Revisited: Lessons from the Greatest Leadership Role Model of All Time. 2016.
  • Drucker, Peter F. Managing the Non-profit Organization: Practices and Principles. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 1990.
  • Heifetz, Ronald A. Leadership without Easy Answers. Cambridge, MA: Belknap of Harvard UP, 1994.
  • Maxwell, John C. The 360 Leader: Developing Your Influence from Anywhere in the Organization. Nashville: Nelson Business, 2005.

Course Outline

Period / Assignments / Est hrs / Weight / Objective #’s
Week 1 / Leadership Journey- Read TN (Intro., Ch. 1), Discover FB (Intro., Ch 1) / 4 / 1
Listen/View / 2
Forum 1a. Student introductions; Journey to Authentic Leadership / 1 / 1% / 1
Forum 1b. Your Life Story and Leadership Journey / 2 / 2% / 1
WrittenAssignment:Where you are on your leadership journey (e.g. novice, journeyman, legend)?Describe yourself as a leader choosing supporting examples from your Path of Life drawing. / 3%
Week 2 / Read TN (Ch. 2), FB (Ch. 2) / 2
Forum 2a. Why Leaders Lose their Way / 3 / 2% / 2
Forum 2b. Leadership Insight: Strengths and Weaknesses / 3 / 2% / 2
Written Assignment: Describe a situation in which you tried to work with a leader’s weaknesses and compare this experience to working with their strengths. What strengths of your own did you employ to add value to the organization? / 3%
Week 3 / Read TN (Ch. 3), FB (Ch. 3) / 2
Forum 3a. Crucibles of Leadership / 3 / 2% / 2
Forum 3b. Learning from Your Crucibles / 3 / 2% / 2
Written Assignment: How do you respond to adversity? Propose what coping skills, including faith and spiritual resources,you will employ to become more resilient or robust when you next face a crucible experience. / 3%
Week 4 / Authentic Leadership- Read TN (Ch. 4-5), FB (Ch. 4-5) / 5
Listen/View / 2
Forum 4a. Discovering Your Authentic Self / 3 / 2% / 2
Forum 4b. Values, Principles, and Ethical Boundaries / 3 / 2% / 2
Written Assignment: Evaluate the impact on yourself-awareness thelast time you received honest feedback that was difficult to hear. What did you learn about your values from this feedback experience? / 3%
Week 5 / Read TN (Ch. 6-8), FB (Ch. 6-8) / 6
Forum 5a. Motivations and Motivated Capabilities / 2 / 1% / 3
Forum 5b. Building Your Support Team / 2 / 1% / 4
Written Assignment: Compile your list of three intrinsic and three extrinsic motivators. Describe a significant leadership moment when you had to prioritize, balance, and leverage your intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. / 4%
Week 6 / Acts of Authentic Leadership- Read TN (Ch. 9-12), FB (Ch. 9-13) / 8
6a. The Integrated Leader / 2 / 1% / 4
6b. Leadership Purpose / 2 / 1% / 4
6c. Empowering Others to Lead / 2 / 1% / 4
Written Assignment: Complete the DISC Profile and assess the results. Compare and contrast your DISC profile with other assessments you may have taken recently. Construct a synthesis describing your leadership style. / 6%
Week 7 / Effective Management- Read EM (Ch. 1, 2, 4, 7) / 4
Listen/View / 1
Forum 7a. Four Critical Behaviors / 2 / 2% / 5
Forum 7b. Managing Meetings / 2 / 2% / 5
Week 8 / Effective Management & Final Project- Read EM (Ch. 10, 12-14) / 2 / 5
Forum 8a. Feedback, Coaching, and Delegating / 2 / 2% / 5
Final Project / 59 / 50% / 6
Overall / Total estimated hours based upon 17 hours per week for 8 weeks / 135 / 100%

Estimated Activities and Times

●Reading is measured at reading 25 textbook pages per hour and reading 20 journal pages per hour. Total reading for this course is40 hours.

●Listening to recorded audio/video elements or live sessions (in-class equivalent) - 12.00 hours

●Discussion (in-class equivalent) - 24 hours

●Written projects - 65 hours

Forum Expectations

Responses to separate discussion questions will be assigned based on case studies taken from the required readings. We expect that students will spend an estimated one-two hours to post one initial message, one hour to read posts from 5+ students (presumes that a student doesn't read every post), and an estimated 1 hour to post two reply messages. Forum grading will be based on the following items:

  • Forum posts should be 400-600 words although these are not strict limits.
  • Students must demonstrate comprehension of the material and achievement of the related learning objectives related to that forum. Be sure to read the learning objectives.
  • Students should demonstrate critical thinking and use outside material researched beyond the assigned readings.
  • The goal of course forums is to have scholarly dialog among peers combining both the strengths of in-person class discussion and providing concise, professional quality writing (similar to a well thought-out academic or scholarly blog) and responding in a way that adds value to others writings
  • Students are not required to use APA format for references in forum posts, but instead students are encouraged to hyperlink relevant information when possible.
  • Grading rubric: forums use the same high level grading rubric as for the final project including
  • Content Knowledge (25%)
  • Critical Thinking (25%). Note that critical thinking is very different from criticism.
  • Communication (15%)
  • Application (35%)

Final Project Instructions

Final Project Formatting

The final project uses the final project template linked in the online course. Except for Class Forum posts, all written assignments should be double-spaced using 12-point font and 1-inch margins, and include a relevant heading (name, date, assignment title), and subheadings where appropriate, which can be viewed in a Navigation Pane. Please correct spelling and grammatical errors before submitting all assignments.Spelling, grammar, and writing style will be taken into consideration in evaluating written work. Assignments should be submitted to the Course Dropbox within Moodle. Every assignment should carry a filename that MUST include your name (Student Name) and the assignment number, e.g. Jan_Smith_Minor1.doc.

Written work must be reflective, balanced, analysis and be well-supported by references. Deep familiarity with the biblical text will be appreciated as will the ability to showcase extensive theological reading and reflection and to critically examine an issue from many points of view.

Students should use APA format for references. It is recommended that students use a bibliography tool such as Endnote,Sente, EasyBib (free), Zotero (free), Mendeley (free), etc.

Chapter 1. Literature Review (2-3 pages)

Write a review of the literature and media presented in this course. You should plan on approximately 8 double-spaced pages to review the materials. Dedicate one paragraph to each of the readings/videos below. Your review should cover the following:

  • What are the big ideas or takeaways from the material?
  • How do you see those ideas being applied to 1) yourself and/or 2) your organization and/or 3) the world in general, especially from your Christian, or other religious, world view?

Chapter 2. Project (20-25 pages)

Your Personal Leadership Development Plan: Your final project is intended to be a synthesis of this course.You will describe the purpose of your leadership, and the core principles and values that will nurture, inform, and guide your leadership. Reflect on and discuss the areas of your development as an authentic leader that you plan to focus on in the years ahead, and the steps you plan to take to become a more effective and authentic leader.It should be a more polished narrative and cohesive integration of your previous assignments as well as including the following elements:

  1. Your leadership journey that has brought you to your current professional, ministry, or personal context.Formulate your theory of authentic leadershipincorporating yourleadership experiences, including both challenges and disappointments, crucibles, purpose, and values.
  2. The core of the document should be to write your own plan of action to become a more authentic and effective leader.

The end goal is to design a useful document related toimproving the exercise of your leadership and management for yourself and/or your profit or nonprofit organization or ministry. Some examples projects include:

  • Create a professional development plan for yourself to become a more authentic leader.
  • Develop a staff management plan for your organization that will include implementation of effective management behaviorsthat will empower everyone to become authentic leaders while achieving results.

Note on alternative media formats. If you prefer to do some portion of your project in an alternative media format (Web, Powerpoint), then the page requirements should be such that they take the same amount of time as producing the content in a paper format.

Chapter 3. Self-Evaluation, Reflection and Suggestions (2-3 pages)

This section is to provide room for self-evaluation, reflection and suggestions including the following elements:

  1. Reflects what you learned during this course and whether it met what you anticipated based on the course’s desired learning outcomes (goals or objectives), as well as your personal goals for the course.
  2. We view all our whole program as an “open source” project where we are looking for students to contribute to make it better for the next group of students. What resources, materials or people would you suggest that might be able to contribute to this course? Any other suggestions for improvement?

Use the Final Project template:

Late Assignment Policy

Week Eight is the last class session with assignments posted. All course work must be completed by the student and submitted to the instructor by the end of the week after the course ends (the ninth week since the start of the course). No credit will be given for work submitted after this date, unless the student is granted an extension on the course, as described below. This policy applies to weekly assignments, as well as examinations and final projects.

The following rules apply to the grading of late assignments:

  • Each assignment is due by the end of the day on Sunday in the week it was assigned.
  • Assignments submitted more than 1 week late (after the following Sunday) will lose 1 letter grade (i.e. "A" becomes a "B")
  • Assignments submitted more than 2 weeks late will lose 2 letter grades (i.e. "A" becomes a "C")
  • Each week after that until the end of the term, the assignment will lose a further letter grade ("A" becomes "D", and so on)
  • Extensions: professors may grant an extension on an assignment if the student has a prolonged sickness or major family crisis. The length of the extension is up to the professor’s discretion.

For more academic policies, visit