Sunday School Lesson No. III – June 17, 2018
Lesson Presented by Rev. Frank A. Davis, III Pastor-Teacher
Lesson Texts:Matthew 15:1-11, 18-20
Required Reading: Exodus 20:1-17; Matthew 15:1-20; Mark 7:1-23
Lesson Motto Text:Matthew 15:8-9, “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”
Reliable Resources: Union Gospel Press Expositor and Illuminator; Standard Lesson Commentary; Precepts for Living (UMI);Willmington’s Guide to the Bible; Word Search 9 and 10 Electronic Library; TheMaxwell Leadership Bible by Dr. John Maxwell
Definition: Elucidate – “To explain in detail; synonym - expand, illuminate, enlighten.”
Modern as well as ancient life is filled with traditions. We especially see it today at holidays. Some traditions have caused family heartaches and numerous headaches. The story has been told of the woman who cut both ends off her ham before baking it. When asked why, she simply replied, “My mother always did.” Upon inquiring of her mother and even her grandmother, the answer was the same: “My mother always did.” But thank God for the sister of the great-grandmother on behalf of her now deceased sister, who said, “My sister did this because her pan was too small to hold the huge hams of that day!” So behold, three generations of wasted ham because of unquestioned tradition. Let us walk with Jesus as He describes the “wasted ham” because of unquestioned tradition. In our lesson we see our Lord being confronted by the great religionists of His day, the Pharisees and Scribes. They had been summoned by the local leaders from Jerusalem to examine the young Rabbi of Nazareth, whose fame had spread like a flood, to seek some fault or deficiency.
What would these philosophers of religious conformity find in the preaching and ministry of the Lord? Well, let us focus on their fault-finding mission and learn from their questions and Christ’s answers. What really defiles a man – that which enters his stomach or that which proceeds out of his heart?
Anticipated Power Points:
•The Request of the Pharisees. Matthew 15:1-2
•The Response of the Perfect Preacher. Matthew 15:3-9
•The Report Personified. Matthew 15:10-11; 18-20
I. The Request of the Pharisees. Matthew 15:1-2
Their requests came as a result of the previous work and ministry of our Lord. His popularity was now facing adversity among the religious leaders, called the Pharisees. “The Pharisees valued ceremony over character, keeping the letter of the law rather than the intent. They wanted to be known for their position rather than their actions, seeking prestige over purity…” (Quoted from Standard’s Commentary Bible).
A.Their fault-findings. vs. 1. (They sought to find some lawless deed of Jesus.)
B.Their faithless rituals versus the reality of God’s authoritative Word. vs. 2. (Note: Hand washing and other such rituals gave the appearance that the Jews were better than their neighbors. Strictly outward appearances!) It was the belief of the Pharisees that the verbal traditions of the Rabbis were more weightier than the written Word of God! Psalm 119:130 tells us, “The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.” Tradition should never supersede the inspired Word of God!
II. The Response of the Perfect Preacher. Matthew 15:3-9
In response to the accusations and questions, Jesus resolves to use the words of the prophet Isaiah in Chapter 29:13 as well as the written Law of Moses to rebut the debate of the Pharisees.
He declared the dangers of…
A.Ritual replacing relationship. vs. 3
B.Tradition versus truth. vs. 4
There’s always great danger when the words of men are given equality with God’s truth! Traditions that had been established by teachers of long past were supplanting the real truth of God. (The Jews said Moses had given them not only the written law, but also a wealth of “oral traditions,” which were equal to the written commandments. This was not true!)
(*The Christian must do as the Bereans of Acts 17: search diligently the scriptures, remembering the words of Isaiah 40:8, “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.”)
C.Divine Teaching.vs. 4
Since the Pharisees had subverted the teachings of Moses with their own traditional doctrine, Jesus reached back into the Pentateuch (the teachings and writings of Moses) in order to combat the ritual of the religionists. Scriptures state in Exodus 20:12; 21:17 (from the mind of God by Moses): “Honor your father and mother,”“…he that curseth father or mother shall surely be put to death.”
D.Diluted tradition. vss. 5-9
“But you say…”Beloved, that statement alone means trouble. “…let God be true and every man a liar.” Romans 3:4. It is here that the system of perverted teaching had upset the commands of God. God provided that parents would be honored both in youth and maturity, but the Pharisees devised a twist in the teachings of the Pentateuch to serve their own interests called “Corban.”Instead of a person using their substance to support their elder parents who may need assistance, they could declare their substance as Corban (“dedicated unto God”) and get religious recognition while dishonoring the Commandment of God! This was unacceptable and defiling to the true laws of God. And besides, they could use the “Corban” for themselves, but dishonor their parents by not assisting them in their work. Jesus quotes Isaiah 29:13, “Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men” and rebukes the traditionalists for their hypocrisy.
III. The Report Personified. Matthew 15:10-11, 18-20
Jesus turns to the disciples and the people to give the true teachings of God’s expectation. The Pharisees were claiming defilement through tradition, but Jesus declared defilement through their deficiency to follow commandments of God. Their problems weren’t from the outside, but came from within. Christ declares defilement is not in the stomach but comes out of the heart. This uncovered the Pharisees and Scribes’ ignorance. The problem is not in the hands but in the heart and motivated by man who is influenced by damnable heresies!
If we are going to overcome the defilements of the world, it will not be done merely by a veneer of religion or by displaying a sanctimonious mask. It is not what goes in a person that defiles, but what proceeds out of the heart! Where do you get your theology? Jesus Christ is God’s authority on the Law. He is the ultimate heart fixer and mind regulator. Call on Him and be clear from the inside out!
Bibleway Missionary Baptist Church, New Orleans & Little Bethel Baptist Church, Amite City, LA
Mailing Address: Post Office Box 19768, New Orleans, LA 70179
Phone: (504) 486-7876
TV Broadcast: WHNO TV-20, Sunday, 6:30 a.m.
Looking Ahead: June 24, 2018 Luke 16:19-31
All are invited to join us at Noon on Wednesdays at Bibleway where Pastor Davis teaches the Sunday School lesson.