Vanessa Manor
October 8, 2009
CECS 4100
Thematic Resources for Dr. Seuss
Description of Activities
Activity: Reading with Cat in the Hat
Each student will learn several phonograms and identify those phonograms through several words from readingCat in the Hat.Also, the students will learn to read more difficult words, they will be able to enhance their reading aloud in an interesting way for the children to learn phonograms.
Activity: Onset Rimes and Hop on Pop
The students will have the opportunity to improve their word identification skills and expand sight vocabulary while reading Hop on Pop. They will be creating a chart of rhyming words that they will be creating as a class.
Activity: Domino Phonics
In the class the children will learn about long vowels, short vowels. While they are gathering words from one of Dr. Seuss’s reading and learning about long and short vowels they are able to match the vowels together creating their own dominos.
Activity: Parts of Speech Staircase
The children will create their own parts of speech staircase; they will be able to answer these questions when they have completed their staircase. What’s the difference between a noun, verb, adverb, and adjective? When they are complete their staircase the child will chose a Dr. Seuss book and find words inside the book that are a noun, verb, adverb, and adjective.
Activity: Rhyme Time Flipbook
The students will be able to recognizing rhyming words which is essential for success with phonics and spelling. So, they will create a pocket-size flipbook that grows right along with their vocabulary and from Dr. Seuss.
Vanessa Manor
October 8, 2009
CECS 4100
Thematic Recourses for Dr. Seuss
Summaries of Activities
Activity: Reading with Cat inthe Hat
The children will be given note cards and read each words on the note cards so, the students will be able to become familiar with the words. As the teacher reads the book to the students, have them hold up and say a word on their notecard whenever it is read in the story. If a student misses one of their words while the teacher is reading, stop and ask, "Do you have any of the words in that sentence?" Asking the students questions helps them to look for the word and help them to identify it. When the reading is finish then, give each child two word strips. The teacher would ask each student if they can read the
Words, and have them do so if they can. Give the page number for each word.When the students identify the word on each page and the students read the page with assistance if needed. The children are able to enhance their reading kills and learn through a phonogram method.
Activity: Onset Rimes and Hop on Pop
The children will learn how to explain the concept of onset-rime analogy. The children identify the words that end in the same letters usually end in the same sound, words beginning with the same letter which begins with the same sound, and they can apply that knowledge that will help figure out the unknown words. When the children are finish reading the book, they will create a chart with five columns using five different phonograms and find words that relate to those phonograms they discovered. For instance, day, say, may and then the children will write words that have the same ending (that rhyme) as the ones they read in the book.
Activity: Domino Phonemics
Knowing how letters and words are pronounced is essential. Making a set of dominoes with your choice of different sounds or letter blends will help those students who are visual learns to gain an understanding of long and short vowels. Using recycled foam trays from the cafeteria the students would cut about 20 rectangles to write two words on there, the word and sound. One once half of the rectangle the children will write long or short vowels and on the other side write words that have those sound on the other side. The children can mix up the sounds and words to make it fun when they connect the dominos.
Activity: Parts of Speech Stair Case
Each student will create an attributes chart to show the parts of speech your class is studying. For example, label four rows noun, verb, adverb, adjective. Label two columns what it is and examples. Then, they would work together as a class to define each part of speech and generate some word examples. The students will make their own Parts of Speech Staircase by folding the top of one sheet of construction paper over about 1/4 of the way. Then, crease and fold a second sheet so the top edge reaches down about 5/6 of the way crease that as well. Now, they will place the second sheet inside the first, gluing along the folds with a glue stick. Next, they would write the name of one part of speech on each flap in large letters and write some word examples around each part of speech. On the back of each flap write the definition and draw a picture to remind yourself of what that part of speech does. For example, draw some people, places, and things on the back of the noun flap.
Activity: Rhyme Time Flipbook
The students will learn that if the words share the same endings, they rhyme. Using a marker, write a common rhyming ending syllable on the right half of a colorful index card. They might start with –at or -ine. Now, they will cut several index cards in half with scissors. On each half, write a letter or letters that connects with the ending letters you wrote on your first card to form a word. So if you wrote –ine, for example, you might write the word that beginning such as m-, p-, or fel-. The students will punch holes in the same place on the left side of all cards and secure the halves on top of the bottom card with a brass paper fastener. Now, they can flip through their book to find rhyming words. As they think of other words that have the same ending letters, fill in a half card. Finally, watch your flipbook grow wherever you go.
Software Resource:
Living Books Dr. Seuss ABC-Windows XP and Macintosh Compatible (Jewel Case) -found on
Video Web site:
The Cat in the Hat -found on
Jasmine reading Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss -found on
Online Project:
#470.Meeting and Reading Dr. Seuss- found at