Seems like just yesterday that the library opened for a new school year and as we come to the end of the yearI would like to take the opportunity to thank our PTA board for their continued support of our library, whether it be money to purchase books or paying for presentations for Reading Week, our PTA is always fully committed to the needs of this library.

I would also like to thank Carrie Nelson and Marsha Lafferty of CaMaEducation for their generous donation of 308 new library bound non-fiction books to our library.

Thank you as wellto my shelf-elves: Mrs. Fenn, Mrs. Giolito, Mrs. Meredith and Ms. Zoe Harmer, whose weekly commitment to our library has kept the ever flowing tide of books at bay all year.This library would not function as smoothly without them.

A special thank you to the Reading Week committee: Mrs. Capurro, Mrs. Chandler, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Kover, Mrs. Fritz, Mrs. Mullen and Mrs. Thorson, for organizing yet another great Reading Week experience for our students.

Thank you to our students who stepped it up by exceeding our Reading Week challenge goal once again and choosing to have Mr. Cordell and the teachers kiss a pig. Thank you to Biscuit the pig, and his owners, for making our Reading Week challenge a reality, and a final thank you to Mr. Cordell and all the teachers, your willingness to go along with our Reading Week antics year after year really shows your commitment to reading.

As the warm and lazy days of summer are almost upon us I would like to wish everyone an enjoyable and relaxing summer. No matter what your plans are don’t forget to include a good book and although this library may be closed, there is always the public library. Our nearest branch is the South Valleys Library, 15650 A Wedge Parkway, Reno,

phone #: 851-5190.

Students in lower grades don’t forget you can use the BookFlix website on the internet to practice your reading over the summer. Just go to username: pves and password: bookflix will get you there.

I look forward to seeing everyone again this August in a revitalized library and in addition to my regular volunteers I thank my additional packing help, Mrs. Wills and the mother and daughter Barber team, who made it possible to pack up this entire library (no small task for sure) in time for the construction crews.

To this year’s 5th Graders, my best wishes as you move on to Middle School; make the most of what is being offered to you. Don’t forget to visit the library and read, read, read, it is truly the key to your future success.

Mrs. Pirtle