June 2014

Dear Parents:

The year has come to an end and summer break has begun. Please take notice of the following information as you prepare for the fall.


No student is allowed to park on campus without a parking permit. Junior and Senior permits will be purchased at the convocation on August 14. The cost of a permit is $15. Students will need to supply certain information: proof of license, make and model of car, year of car, color of car, and license plate #.

Sophomore parents are reminded that Sophomore parking permits are limited and are provided only to those sophomores with a valid driver’s license and to those who can alsodemonstrate an exceptional need. Parking requests for Sophomores must be received in writing by August 1. Address your letter to the Dean of Student’s office. You will be notified in writing whether or not the request was approved. Please be advised that you may not receive a reply by the first day of school and your request may not be approved. Therefore, you should proceed with making arrangements for your son’s transportation to school.


The link below will take you to the Rockhurst website where you will find information regarding forms that must be completed for your son(s). Please print a copy of each form appropriate for your son, complete it, and return it to the Dean’s Office by August 1.


If your son must take medication during school hours the school requires the following: 1) a supply of the medication must be sent to school in the original container (should state dosage and how many times per day medication should be taken; and 2) a note signed by a parent or guardian (found at the bottom of the Medical and Operative

Permit) giving the school permission to dispense the medication. NO MEDICATION will be dispensed without written consent. We cannot accept phone calls as consent to dispense medication. It is the student’s responsibility to come to the Dean of Student’s office for his medication as we cannot send reminders to the students. This permission must be renewed each year.


If your son is going to be absent for reasons of illness or medical purposes, please call the attendance line (Ext. 250) no later than 9:00 the morning of his absence. Please leave his name, grade, reason for his absence and a phone number where a parent can be reached. Also, if your son is absent due to a contagious illness, we ask that he remain home until he has been on an antibiotic or has been fever-free for 24 hours. For all other absences, please refer to the Student/Parent Handbook for the proper procedures to follow.

Parents are reminded that the expectation of the school is that family vacations be scheduled to coincide with school vacation periods. Parents should not take their sons out of school early before a calendared break, nor return them to school late after a calendared break. Moreover, the expectation of the school is that parents not misrepresent to the school the reasons for their son’s absence. Should there be an exceptional need for a student to be absent from school (excepting illness, medical appointments and funerals), parents must submit a written request for an excused absence one week prior to the anticipated absence. Any such requests for an advanced absence will be approved only for exceptional reasons.


Matt Darby

Dean of Students