Mr. Kenneth King-1-August 12, 2002
DATE:July 15, 2002
TO:Mr. Ken King, Assistant CEO, GEF Secretariat
FROM:Lars Vidaeus, GEF Executive Coordinator
SUBJECT:Burkina Faso: Sahel Integrated Lowland Ecosystem Management (SILEM)
Submission for Work Program Inclusion
Please find enclosed the electronic attachment of the above mentioned project brief for work program inclusion. We would appreciate receiving any comments by March 20, 2002.
The proposal is consistent with the Criteria for Review of GEF Projects as presented in the following sections of the project brief:
- Country Drivenness: B2 Main sector issues and Government strategy (p. 7); D4 Indications of borrower and recipient commitment and ownership (p. 36)
- Endorsement: see attached GEF Focal Point endorsement letter from March 7, 2002.
- Program Designation & Conformity: B1a Global Operational strategy/Program objective addressed by the project (p. 6-7); B3 Sector issues to be addressed by the project and strategic choices (7-8); C2 Key policy and institutional reforms to be sought (p. 23-24)
- Project Design: A1/2/3 Program Purpose and Project Development Objective and Key Performance Indicators (p. 3-5); B3 Sector issues to be addressed by the project and strategic Choices (p. 7-8), B4 Program description and performance triggers (p. 9-11), C1 Project components (p. 11-23); C3 Benefits and target population (p.24-27); D3 Lessons learned and reflected in proposed project design (p. 34-36); E3 Technical issues (p. 40-41), Annex 1 Project Design Summary including table 1 on Wildlife Biodiversity Reserves of interest, table 2 on officially protected forest/natural habitats of interest for the project, figure 2 locations of officially protected natural habitats of project intervention sites (p. 51-72)
- Sustainability: D3 Lessons learned and reflected in proposed project design (p. 34-36); F1Sustainability (p. 48); Annex 3 Incremental Cost Analysis (p. 77-86)
- Replicability: C1 Project components (p. 11-23)
- Stakeholder Involvement: C4 Institutional and implementation arrangements (p. 27-29);E4 Institutional issues (p. 41-43); E6 Social issues (p. 45-46); Annex 3 Incremental Cost Analysis (p. 77-86)
- Monitoring & Evaluation: B4.2 Performance triggers (p. 10-11);C1 Project components (see in particular component V) (p. 11-23 / 21-22); C4 Institutional and implementation arrangements (p. 27-29);E5 Environmental issues (p. 43-45); F2 Critical risks (p. 48-50); Annex 1a Project Design Summary (p. 51-57); Annex 3 Incremental Cost Analysis (p. 77-86)
- Financing Plan: C1 Project Components (p. 11-23); Annex 3 Incremental Cost Analysis (p. 77-86)
- Cost-effectiveness: C3 Benefits and target population (p. 24-27);E1 Economic issues (p. 37-38); E2 Financial issues (p. 40); E4 Institutional issues (p. 41-43)
- Core Commitments and Linkages:B1Sector-related CAS goal supported by the project (p.6); D2 Major related projects financed by the Bank and/or other development agencies (p. 31-34); Annex 1b “Related Bank programs activity comparison and differentiation matrix” (p. 58-61)
- Consultation, Coordination and Collaboration between IAs: C1 Project Component (in particular component V) (p. 11-23); D2 Major related projects financed by the Bank and/or other development agencies (p. 31-34)
Response to Review:
At time of GEFSEC review of the PDF-B proposal (07/11/00), the following requests to deliver detailed information were made:
(a)ecological and socioeconomic profile of the program sites and their global biodiversity conservation significance
The Project describes the integrated lowland ecosystem management values and benefits (see Annex 3 Incremental Cost Analysis, p. 77-86). The profile of the targeted intervention zones are listed in Annex 1 and its tables 1 and 2 (p. 51-72)
(b)root causes of biodiversity and land degradation at the program sites
The Project lists the identified root causes and threats in Annex 3, table 1 (p. 77-78)
(c)program components
The program components match and complement (incrementally) those of the base IDA project. Clear distinction of rural development and global environment activities has been made (see project description C1 and table in annex 1 “related Bank programs activity comparison”, p. 11-23 and p. 58-61 ).
(d)specific expected global environmental benefits
The document summarizes the expected benefits in A1/2 (p. 3-4), B1a (p. 6-7), B2 (p. 7), B3 (p. 7-8), in Annex 1(p. 51-57) and Annex 3 (p. 77-86).
(e)absorptive capacity of the intended beneficiary and executing institutions
The Project provides a detailed stakeholder analysis in C4 (p. 27-29), E3 (p. 40-41), E4 (p. 41-43).
(f)mechanisms and outcomes of stakeholder consultations
The Project’s mechanisms for stakeholder consultations and cooperation are described in Annex 1c (see “Implementation scenario/flow chart”) (p. 62-65).
(g)complementarity of proposed program with on-going GEF and non-GEF activities in the program area
The Project lists complementarities in particular with the Bank/GEF project PAGEN in Annex 1b (related Banks program activity, p. 58-61) as well with the GEF/UNDP Desert Margin Program and other projects (see p. 31-34).
(h)baseline and incremental actions to achieve global benefits
For detailed explanations see C1 project description (p. 11-23) as well as Annex 3 incremental cost analysis (p. 77-86)
(i)M&E plan including methodologies to verify performance and impact indicators
The Project will support a detailed and complex m&e system (see C1 component V on program coordination, administration and m&e (p. 21-22), logframe in Annex 1a (p. 51-57)).
(j)financing plan and measures to ensure financial sustainability of program activities
The Project’s financing plan is described under C1 (p.11-23) and in Annex 3 (p. 77-86). In addition, the Project designs supports sustainable financial arrangements under its component 1 (p. 14-15).
(k) implementation arrangements
The Project’s implementation arrangements are described in C4 (p.27-29).
Please let me know if you require any additional information to complete your review prior to inclusion in the work program. Many thanks.
Messrs.:F. Pinto, UNDP
A. Djoghlaf, UNEP (Nairobi)
K. Elliott, UNEP (Washington, DC)
M. Gadgil, STAP
M. Griffith, STAP (Nairobi)
Y. Xiang, CBD Secretariat
C. Parker/M. Perdomo, FCCC Secretariat
cc: Messrs./Mmes. Hopkins, Prudencio, Baah Dwomoh (AFTR2);Crepin, Pavy, Kini(AFTES); Esukeri, Khanna, Wedderburn, Aryal (ENV);ENVGC ISC, Relevant Regional Files
November 14, 2001
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