The World Around Me: 5-Themes and 4-spheres Photo/Video Assignment

In yesterday’s class we spent some time going over tools that geographers use to organize the world around them, such as the 5-themes and 4-spheres of geography.

This is a Photo-Book/Video Assignment and it is quite simple. Over the next couple of days I would like you to take pictures/videos in your community that relate to the above themes. You are to paste the pictures/videos onto a moviemaker/powerpoint/booklet/ and describe how the picture relates to each theme.

Here is your checklist-place a checkmark next to the box once you have completed the task:

5-themes (MR. HELP):

·  One picture/video of absolute location and an explanation of how the picture relates to the theme ( ) One picture/video of relative location and an explanation of how the picture relates to the theme ( )

·  Three pictures/videos of Human-Environment Interactions (remember the concept of MAD-One picture each for A) how we modify the environment, B) Adapt to the environment, C)Depend on the environment and an explanation of how the picture related each of the themes ( )

·  One picture/video of Movement and an explanation of how the picture relates to the theme ( )

·  One picture/video a Region and an explanation of how the picture relates to the theme ( )

·  Two picture/videos of Place-A) one picture of a physical landscape and an explanation of how the picture relates to the theme, B) one picture of a human (man-made) landscape and an explanation of how the picture relates to the theme ( )

4-Spheres of Geography (BLAH)

This part is a little more complex! Here you are to take the 4 spheres and take pictures that show the connection (interaction) between them.

·  One picture/video of an interaction between the Biosphere and the Lithosphere and an brief explanation of how the picture shows this interaction ( )

·  One picture/video of an interaction between the Biosphere and the Hydrosphere and an brief explanation of how the picture shows this interaction ( )

·  One picture/video of an interaction between the Biosphere and the Atmosphere and an brief explanation of how the picture shows this interaction ( )

·  One picture/video of an interaction between the Lithosphere and the Hydrosphere and an brief explanation of how the picture shows this interaction ( )

·  One picture/video of an interaction between the Lithosphere and the Atmosphere and an brief explanation of how the picture shows this interaction ( )

·  One picture/video of an interaction between the Hydrosphere and the Atmosphere and an brief explanation of how the picture shows this interaction ( )

Did I miss any?

Here are a couple of examples:

For 5 themes I will provide you with an example of movement:

This is a picture of the skytrain and it represents the movement of theme because it transports people throughout the GVRD (Which is also an example of REGION) Surrey, Richmond, and Vancouver.

Here is an interaction between for 4-spheres (and please don’t use my examples!!!)

This vehicle that we (humans-biosphere) use is emitting harmful chemicals into the atmosphere that contribute to environmental issues such as Global Warming (CO2) and Acid Rain (NOX and SOX) – you can also tie this with the hydrosphere

Total Value: 28 marks (May double the value!)-Basically one mark for the photo and one mark for the explanation.


October 3rd, 2011

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I am planning to take my students on a short nature walk to Bear Creek Park this Friday October 7th, 2011, as a means of studying the five themes and four spheres of Geography (see assignment above!).

Students are expected to be on their best behaviour and must abide by Frank Hurt Secondary School rules and the student code of conduct as outlined in the school agenda on page 5.

Students must also wear appropriate clothing such as longs pants and sweatshirt, good footwear (runners/hiking boots), raingear & gloves, and extra clothing and footwear.

Please sign the attached consent form and have your son or daughter return it to us with payment by Wed. October 5th, 2011.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.


Mr. Koutsonikas

Social Studies Teacher


______is hereby given permission to participate in a fieldtrip to Bear Creek Park from Frank Hurt Secondary, Surrey, BC. Should the need for emergency medical treatment arise during this trip, any or all of the guardians are empowered to engage medical personnel and to authorize treatment.

Signed at Surrey, British Columbia, this ______day of ______.


Signature of parent or legal guardian

Medical Information Sheet

STUDENT’S NAME: ______Care Card#______

HOME PHONE #:______