For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ.

Romans 8: 38-39

This statement from Paul clearly demonstrates an advanced consciousness; a consciousness that could see, that can perceive that the living Christ permeates all of existence and that there is nowhere that that Presence does not exist. This is the conscious awareness of Omnipresence.

In this statement, it is said life cannot separate us from the love of God. Your life, my life, this life that we seem to be living, cannot separate us from the love of God and yet elsewhere we have read, “God is not in the human scene.” Those two statements seem somehow contradictory. This life cannot separate us from the Presence of God and yet God is not in the human scene. What is the answer to this dilemma, to this quandary?

The answer is that this life is not the human scene. Something else is present, something we have not been aware of. The answer is that the human scene does not exist, because nothing can separate us from the Presence of God. Nothing can separate us from Omnipresence and so if we seem to be separated, in consciousness, in conscious awareness from Omnipresence, well then it must be a nothing and we must not really be separated.

I know all of us are striving to gain the conscious awareness of Omnipresence, of that one impersonal spiritual life. Now it is time to reverse all of that.

I remember reading in the Wisdoms, in the back of The Infinite Way book, one sentence that said, “Stop seeking”, or stop striving and I feel that I am finally beginning to understand what that means.

In the first chapter of Genesis, we are told that consciousness forms Itself as Itself, as Omnipresence and that that Consciousness looked and everything it looked upon was pronounced as not just good but very good, and that that Consciousness then rested. To come into the conscious awareness of Omnipresence, all that we have to do is recognize the fact that it is already here. That we are standing in the midst of it and it is standing in the midst of us because nothing can separate us from that.

This morning, in the Mystical Principles list we had a little message about Omnipresence and in it was the line that said, “God is Omnipresence, therefore God is our Supply.” Suddenly it dawned on me, “that’s right, that’s right!” I remember reading that God doesn’t send you an apple, God is the apple. God doesn’t send you an automobile, God is the automobile. God doesn’t send you supply, God is the supply and IS and AS are two very important words. God appears as an automobile. God is appearing as an automobile. Now that doesn’t mean that God is an automobile. It means Omnipresence appears as an automobile because you have need right now of an automobile. It is sort of like having Aladdin’s Lamp but instead of rubbing on the Lamp and making three wishes, we recognize that Omnipresence appears as our need fulfilled.

We must break down the concept that the Kingdom of Heaven is something that is going to happen in the future when we strive and finally attain it. We must sooner or later begin to reverse all that in the recognition that Omnipresence is my supply; Omnipresence is my companionship; Omnipresence is the health of my countenance; Omnipresence is my life; and the word is ‘IS’.

Consciousness, forming itself, appears as my need fulfilled. Then my work, my task, is to recognize, to gain the conscious awareness of that consciousness in my midst. Once I have the awareness of consciousness in my midst, I have the secret to all supply. That awareness then transforms itself and appears outwardly as the need fulfilled—whatever that need is.

Well, we talk a lot about the Word. In the first chapter of Genesis we talk about the Word is made flesh; Consciousness forms Itself. In the second chapter of Genesis we talk about mind, thoughts, the belief in good and evil forming itself. But we already know that the belief in good and evil doesn’t last. Whatever forms it appears to manifest, they are good today and they are bad tomorrow, good the next day, bad the next—they constantly vacillate back and forth between the opposites and they don’t last. Not one of the forms appearing to be good or evil is eternal, not one. Have you ever noticed that?

A beautiful person with a perfect body eventually becomes decrepit and aged and so that form is not eternal. A promotion at work, into a v.i.p. status, eventually there is a downturn in the business and that disappears. A brand new Cadillac Seville eventually is run down and will no longer function. Even the planet earth has a force acting on it, known as entropy which winds everything down, and eventually will come to a standstill. The sun in our galaxy will eventually burn out or go nova.

So all these mental images, not one mental image is eternal and in the second chapter of Genesis, if we are looking only at our mind’s pictures or our pictures in the mind, then we are seeing a universe that God did not make because it is not eternal. We are seeing a universe that is not Consciousness formed.

Now we are not trying to move into a new universe. We are not trying to get Consciousness to form itself and make something brand new. This is the whole crux of the matter. We are not striving to get Consciousness to form something new.

Consciousness forms itself as itself eternally. In the beginning God formed Itself and so it is already finished. It’s a finished Kingdom; it’s a finished formation. The Word became flesh—not the flesh which is grass, which today is and tomorrow is cast in the oven—but the flesh which is eternal. The Word became flesh; Consciousness formed itself and it is an eternal creation. So we talk a lot about the Word and did you know that you are the Word of God? You are the spoken Word of God and therefore you are eternal, you shall never pass away.

“The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.” So if you are the Word of God, you are Spirit and you are Life now. You are not becoming; you are that Spirit.

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereunto I sent it.

You have been sent into expression and shall accomplish where to you have been sent. The Word is made flesh. The Word was made flesh and dwells among us as us.

So you are not a human being; you are not dust that is formed into matter walking around in a material world that is good today and bad tomorrow with a material body that is healthy today and sick tomorrow, with companionships which are here today and die out of existence tomorrow. That is not a creation; that’s a mental image. Looking at that, we do not see the real creation which is in our midst. It is not a tomorrow creation. It is not a yesterday creation. It is an eternal now creation which you live in, which you are. You are the Word of God sent into expression; that is what you are and that Word of God is Omnipresence.

Your consciousness is the Word of God sent into expression and that Word, your consciousness shall accomplish whereto it has been sent and it has been sent to accomplish only one thing and that one thing is to glorify the Father, to express the Father’s glory, to express the Father’s, God’s Omnipresence which forms Itself as companionship; to express, to show forth the Father’s, God’s Omnipresent supply which shows forth and manifests as every good and perfect gift; to show forth the Father’s Life, God’s Omnipresent Life, which shows forth and manifests as your very body, as your very life as the form of your body, as the form of your home, as the form of your business, as the form of your relationships, as the form of your universe.

So we must begin to see ourselves as we really are and in our meditation, rather than striving or seeking, let us see if we can now rest back. Let us do what God did and is doing. After seeing that this entire creation was very good, on the seventh day He rested and this is the seventh day. You are standing in the seventh day and you are to rest. You are to be a beholder. You are to rest back in the conscious awareness that the Word that was uttered is you. You are the Word sent forth into expression.

I in the midst of you am the Word of God and you are to call no man on earth your father. You are the Word of God. I and you are one; your consciousness and you are one and God sent forth the Word which you are into expression.

It is not your job to make something happen. Your job is to stand still and witness that Word come forth; to stand still in the conscious awareness that you are that Word and that It expresses Itself; that the Father has expressed all of Itself as you, the Word. You are to gain the conscious awareness of this for this is your true identity and then to rest in it and be a witness, a beholder as it manifests Itself.

Do we see that? Do we see the difference? We are no longer striving and seeking. We want one thing only—the remembrance of who we are; that God uttered Its Voice and sent us forth as that Word expressing and manifesting the perfect creation and in the stillness, in the standing still, we gain the conscious feeling of this Word, of the I within and it is the conscious feeling of it that makes it so. “Be still and know that I am God.” That I within you am the Word of God sent into expression. You have no obligation other than to stand still. It will accomplish whereunto It was sent.

So now in our meditation, we are not trying to attain or achieve or strive or make something happen. We are simply resting:

I have but one Father, God Itself, Consciousness. Consciousness has already spoken the Word, the Word which is what I am and It is manifesting, expressing Its perfect creation. I have only to rest and to be at peace in the assurance that God is my Father, that I am the expression of that Father; that I and the Father are one. One Word sent forth to express perfection.

Thank you Father. Thank you. This is the only prayer that is left. Thank you.

We gain a sense of Omnipresence expressing Itself and we rest in it and It does the work. It is not your job to know truth with the mind. This is no longer your job. Your job is to stand still and let Truth express Itself and this it does wherever one recognizes that their true work is to rest. In this rest, a doorway is opened and that which has been knocking flows in and expresses Itself. In this rest you experience the Sabbath where the Truth becomes you, where the Truth expresses you. In this rest, God and God’s spoken Word flows forth into manifestation, right in, through and as your very consciousness. This Presence has already finished the Kingdom.

In our Father’s house, in God Consciousness, there are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you. In the awareness of this Omnipresence, you experience these many mansions as the Word flowing as your consciousness forms itself in infinite form and variety. You come into the conscious awareness of the spoken Word flowing through your consciousness, manifesting Itself. It is like standing in a room that was filled with smoke and there is a fan on blowing the smoke out the door. Slowly the room gets clearer and clearer and clearer until you can see everything. There is no more smoke, not even a smell of smoke. This is how you awaken to the Kingdom in your midst which dwells within you and without; which dwells within you and which you dwell within. It is a gentle process; it is an awakening process; it is a becoming aware of process. It is an already finished Kingdom but you come into the awareness by becoming aware of Omnipresence. It then lifts the veil until it becomes lighter and lighter and you come into the conscious awareness that consciousness has formed itself; Infinite God Consciousness has formed Itself and that form is your life, is your living, is your Kingdom.

The greater your degree of rest and sensing and receptivity, the greater the feeling of this Presence. When God spoke Its Word, Its Word went forth as this Presence. This Presence in your very midst, in the very midst of you and you are in the very midst of this Presence, for this Presence is your presence when there are no more concepts or beliefs. This Presence is the Word spoken forth and this Presence is you. But it is only you in that moment of rest, of stillness, of quietness.

“Cease ye from man whose breath is in his nostrils.” You are not a man; you are not a woman. That is the false sense of what you are. You’re not going to fix it; do not try. You are simply now going to come into the awareness of what you really are. God is your Father. “God is a Spirit,” says Christ. If God is a Spirit and spoke forth Its Word, then you are spiritual, the spiritual Word Itself. If your Father is a Spirit then you are spirit.

From now on our meditation should be resting back, standing still until we come into the awareness, the conscious feeling of that spiritual Presence. “I and the Father are one,” means that this spiritual Presence and you are one. This spiritual Presence is what you are. This spiritual Presence is what I am. So stand ye still and become a witness as the spiritual creation begins to manifest. Here it is, over there! Over here! It’s everywhere. You live and move and have your being in that spiritual creation. And now it will be consciously.

The more you come into the awareness that God’s Word spoken, into expression, is what you are, the more you will see it manifested, for your “eye”shall be single and your whole body, the whole body of creation shall be full of light.

God sent forth Its Word. You are that Word. And God knows why It sent that Word forth. You do not have to help. Now as you stand aside, as you rest, as you lean back into the arms of your Father, the Word will show you Its expression. I have come that you might have life, the real life, the Word made flesh.

This is how we live by Grace. The illumined walk without fear, they live by Grace. Which means as your awareness of this expands, you no longer live by thoughts, by fears, by beliefs or concepts. You live by Grace, the Word spoken into expression.

This really does become your living experience. You see it manifesting, things come to you that you did not set in motion, you find yourself in the right place at the right time, harmony is happening to you. It’s happening—you are not making it happen, you’re not trying to get it, you awaken to discover yourself in the middle of it. Harmony is happening—the right people show up at the right time, the right person, the right contact and you know in your heart of hearts you had nothing to do with it. It appears to be but a coincidence but you know it is the Word appearing, it is part of the spiritual creation becoming clearer to you as the smoke of beliefs are disappearing.

Something that plagued you for weeks or months or years in your human sense of body begins to dissolve or is met in a seemingly normal natural way and is no longer a problem. You are recognizing the Word has already been spoken. Consciousness formed itself and now the smoke is leaving. You are seeing clearly, no more glass darkly but now you are starting to see face to face.

So we understand “awake thou that sleepest” means simply become aware of who your Father is, that you are God’s Word spoken into expression; that you are God’s child. You cannot leave home; you can only dream for awhile that you have a human existence that you live in the human, material world. But now as you awaken and in your meditations have the conscious awareness of the Word as you, you come to see you are living in and through a perfect creation; that the Kingdom was finished and is finished and is eternal and that the Word spoken forth into expression, that you, as the Word, are eternal because My Word shall not pass away. And nothing, no dreams, can separate you from the love which the Father hath for you, His child.

When our brother John came to this within his being, he was so overwhelmed with the realization of what he was and who his Father was that he exclaimed: Oh, behold! What manner of love the Father has that we should be called the sons of God. And he recognized all of us are the children of God, the Word sent forth into expression. That is what I am, that is what you are and it does not need your help. But if you will stand still, if you will become as a little child and trust that the Word knows how to form Itself, if you will stop taking thought and rest back and see what happens, you will discover a most magnificent creation, all the joys and perfect gifts of the Father. More blessings than you can ever count. Love streaming to you from all over the universe; abundance of every good and perfect gift; a body made for you, a temple, not made by hands, eternal in the heavens; all of this, the Father’s gift to his beloved.