The Way to Hear God Better

In Touch Ministries

Matthew 17:5

Our ability to hear the Lord is directly related to our relationship with Him. For example, without hearing the call to repentance and salvation in Jesus Christ, an unbeliever cannot become part of God’s family. Unless this vital step has been taken, nothing else God does or says to that person will make a difference.

But what about believers? How does a Christian’s closeness with God impact his or her listening? This is primarily an issue of identification. Once we receive Christ as Savior, then we certainly have salvation and are eternally secure in Him. But beyond that, God wants us to grow and mature in our faith.

We grow in Christ by identifying ourselves more and more with Jesus. That continual process brings us closer to God. And so when we pray, we are not talking to some distant god out there somewhere. Instead, we are praying to a God who loves, sustains, and molds us into His own image.

That changes how we approach Him, doesn’t it? Instead of crawling facedown before Him, mourning and wailing because of our sin and pleading for His mercies, we can come to Him boldly and joyfully, assured that He loves us, forgives us, and rejoices in our prayers.

When we have unimpeded fellowship with the Father, we definitely hear Him better. As we grow closer to Him, our spiritual hearing continues to improve. Through Jesus, we can have unimaginable clarity and intimacy in our two-way communication with almighty God. Let the Lord know that is your desire.

Prayer List

Pastor Boone, 1st Lady & Family Our Country

Mr. & Mrs. Iseral Nelson Our Community

Mother Grace Henderson Our Church

Sister Emma Darden Our President

Mother Retha Boddie Our Government

Sister Flora James Our Military

Mother Jessie Henderson Our City

Mother Lela Harris Our Meals on Wheels Ministry

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Patton

Mrs. Olevia Legardye

Brother Roosevelt Williams

Brother Claude Legardye

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Randolph

Mr. & Mrs. Cleavin Williams

New Hope Missionary Baptist Church

is the Provider for the Miller County Senior Center

1007 Jefferson Street Texarkana, Arkansas

Calendar of Events

September 10 900am Clean Up Day-Landscaping, Kitchen, Entire Church cleaned,

Finance Office painted

1200pm Business Meeting

September 11 600pm Ozan Baptist District Association Monthly Fellowship

September 16-17 Regular Arkansas Baptist Convention Women’s Auxiliary

2016 Christian Leadership Conference & Women’s Day Worship

New Hope

Thank you for your donations for the “Salvation Care Packages”

Sponsored by the Ozan Baptist District Association Woman’s Auxiliary.

620 MC 192

Doddridge, Arkansas 71834

870-691-2872 Church

870-691-3069 Pastor