The Vietnam War & Beyond: 60s, 70s, and 80s in America

How did US involvement in Vietnam shape American society and domestic politics and foreign policy?

What are the lessons that can be learned form the social, political, and economic upheaval of the 1960s and 1970s?

To what extent was the rise of conservatism in the 70s/80s a backlash against liberalism in the 1960s?

What’s most memorable and/or important to you about US history?

Monday /


/ Friday
Final Research Paper Overview
HW: / 4/20
Comparative Social Movements
HW:finish readings/responses for HW / 4/22
Comparative Social Movements
Gallery Walk/Written Responses
Overview of Vietnam War
HW:HW #1 Due 5/6 / 4/27
Final Research Paper Due!!!
Vietnam War
HW:HW #1 Due Wednesday / 4/29
Vietnam War
Music analysis activity—Library (2nd half)
5/2 AP Exams Begin
Legacy of Vietnam War
HW: HW #1 / 5/4 HW #1 Due
1970s: Nixon/Watergate
HW: HW #2 / 5/6
Intro to Final Project
1970s Issues
HW:HW #2
HW: HW #2 / 5/11 AP Comp Exam
Work Time in class
Library—2nd half
HW: HW #2 / 5/13 HW #2 Due
Rise of Conservatism
Library—2nd half
HW: HW #3
Project Time in Class
HW: HW #3 / 5/18 SBAC Test
HW #3 Due
Work Time on HW #3
HW #3 due at end of class
HW: HW #3 / 5/20 SBAC Test
HW: Final Project
Project Time in Class (Lab)
HW: Final Project / 5/25
Panel of Vietnam Veterans in class
HW: Final Project / 5/27
Debrief on Veterans
Project Time in Class—Lab (2nd half)
HW: Final Project
Memorial Day!
No School! 
HW: Final Project / 6/1
Project Time in Class
1st half—Library
2nd half—Computer Lab
HW: Final Project / 6/3
Project Time in Class
1st half—Library
2nd half—Computer Lab
HW: Final Project
6/6 Monday
1st period Final


/ 6/7 Tuesday
2nd Period Final
3rd Period Final / 6/8 Wednesday
4th Period Final
5th Period FinalPresentations / 6/9 Thursday
6th Period Final
7th Period Final / 6/10 Friday
1st Day of Summer! 
Thanks for a great year!Have a wonderful summer!Let me know early if you will need college letters of rec. from me next year.

See reverse side for Assignments

HW #1: Chapter 22DUE: 5/4

Read Chapter 22 and response to each question below, incorporating the relevant key terms into your responses. (You do not need to write out separate definitions of each key term.)

Key Terms: Ho Chi Minh, Vietminh, Vietcong, domino theory, Tonkin Gulf Resolution, Agent Orange, credibility gap, Robert McNamara, draft, New Left, dove/hawk, SDS/Free Speech Movement, Tet Offensive, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., George Wallace, Richard Nixon, Kent State Massacre, Vietnamization, silent majority, Pentagon Papers, War Powers Act

  1. How did both the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the Tet Offensive shape America’s view toward the war in Vietnam?
  2. How did the war affect both the public’s view of the government and the government’s Social Programs?
  3. In what ways could the year 1968 be seen as a turning point in American society and politics?
  4. What were the Vietnam War’s long-term effects on American society and politics? (Consider the presidency, public view of government, youth movement, etc.)?

HW #2: Chapter 24 DUE: 5/13

Read Chapter 24 and response to each question below, incorporating the relevant key terms into your responses. (You do not need to write out separate definitions of each key term.)

Key Terms: Richard Nixon, New Federalism, stagflation, OPEC, détente, realpolitik, SALT I Treaty, impeachment, Watergate Scandal, Committee to Re-elect the President, Rachel Carson, Earth Day, EPA, Three Mile Island, environmentalist

  1. What was Nixon’s foreign policy philosophy and how successful it?
  2. What was the significance of the Watergate scandal? How did it impact America?
  3. What factors increased Americans’ concerns about environmental issues in the 60s/70s? (How does that early movement compare to the environmental movement today?)

HW #3: Chapter 25 DUE: 5/20 (Due at end of class)

Read Chapter 25 and response to each question below, incorporating the relevant key terms into your responses. (You do not need to write out separate definitions of each key term.)

Key Terms: New Right, conservative coalition, Moral Majority, affirmative action, Ronald Reagan, Reaganomics, supply-side economics, Strategic Defense Initiative, deregulation, EPA, Geraldine Ferraro, AIDS, pay equity

  1. How did the leaders of the conservative movement of the 1980s want to change government?
  2. What are the main ideas of “Reagonomics”? What were some of its effects?
  3. What issues surrounding health care, education, and urbanization emerge during the 1980s?
  4. How did civil rights for minority groups and equal rights for women continue to change in the 1980s? How is this connected to the social movements of the 60s and 70s?
  5. What contemporary issues, events, and people do you think will end up in a future textbook about our current decade? Explain why.