The University of Zambia



We, the students of the University of Zambia, having attained full awareness and consciousness of the undoubted great responsibility bestowed upon us as a dynamic, energetic force in whom depends the future and destiny of our nation and in vested the hopes of fathers and mothers, and realising the vital need that the students be properly guided and prepared to take their rightful place in society, therefore resolve to form a dignified University of Zambia Students Movement.

Article 1: Name.

The body shall be called Students Anti-corruption Movement University branch, thereafter called University of Zambia Anti-corruption Movement or UNZAAMO.

Article 2 : Membership.

There shall only be one category of membership;

a)  Individual.

b)  Membership shall be by invitation only.

c)  A member shall cease to be due to the following;

I)  Resignation/ Dissolution

II)  Expulsion due to serious breach.

III)  Non-payment of membership fee.

IV)  Death.

V)  One day after graduation ceremony of the affected member.

d)  Membership fee shall be paid every semester.

e)  No refund of admission or subscription fee shall be made upon termination of membership of the movement.

f)  Upon termination of membership, a person shall relinquish all positions and responsibilities held by virtue of his/ her membership of the organisation.

Article 3 : Rights of members.

A member of the movement has the right;

a)  To demand the fulfilment of what is enshrined in this constitution, resolutions, directives, and obligations of the movement.

b)  To participate in forums and meetings of the movement and to freely discuss in them the policies and activities of the movement.

c)  To put forward propositions and defend his/ her opinions before agreement is reached on any matter under discussion.

d)  To elect or to be elected to or appointed into leadership of the movement and positions of authority.

e)  To vote at meetings.

f)  To receive concrete and timely answers to his/ her questions of positions of clarification.

g)  To express in meetings and communication his/ her opinion freely without prejudice and to contribute to discussions and participate in the adoption of the decisions of the movement.

h)  The list of rights herein given will not be interpreted as being exhaustive. A member shall enjoy any other rights as long as they do not infringe on the rights of another UNZAAMO member or bring the name of UNZAAMO into disrepute.

Article 4 : Obligations of members.

A member of the movement has an obligation;

a)  To be committed to the realisation of the aims and objectives of the organisation.

b)  To serve and provide the highest moral and have conduct with civil responsibility.

c)  To respect the image, take care of and protect the property of the movement.

d)  To observe and comply with decisions, resolutions and directives of the majority.

e)  To attend meetings and functions called by the movement.

f)  To be sincere, honest and truthful.

g)  To observe and protect the movement’s confidentialities and,

h)  To contribute to the strengthening of the movement.

Article 5 :

a) Motto.

The motto of UNZAAMO shall be;


b) Mission Statement.

UNZAAMO is a non-political, non-profit, non-religious, non-racial Zambian Student Movement that aims to:

a)  Create a corrupt free society.

b)  Groom morally upright future leaders from the student populace.

c)  Create awareness that corruption is immunisable.

c) Our Vision.

A prosperous Africa led by corrupt free leadership.

Article 6 :

a) Aim.

The basic aim of UNZAAMO is to create a corrupt free society.

b)  Objectives.

To achieve this aim UNZAAMO will undertake the following objectives;

a)  To groom morally upright future leaders in general and in particular, tertiary students such as university and college students.

b)  To play an active role in developing student leadership that is empowered by the Holy Spirit and reflect Christ’s holiness in all it’s practices by inviting pastors and other church leaders in various workshops and seminars.

c)  To oppose corrupt practices in all it's forms.

d)  To encourage students to participate in anti-corruption issues through research, seminars, workshops and similar activities organised by other anti-corruption bodies at national and international level.

e)  To lobby for the introduction of legislation promoting anti-corrupt practices and it's enforcement.

f)  To promote the formation of branches in other institutions of learning such as colleges and secondary schools.

g)  To encourage students to participate in anti-corruption community education in both rural and urban areas.

Article 7 : UNZAAMO structure.

a)  (1) The annual general meeting.

(2) The executive committee.

(3) Individual members.

b)  The Annual General Meeting.

The AGM shall be the supreme authority in matters concerning UNZAAMO. It shall be attended by all and all with a single voting right. It shall also have the right to invite cooperating partners who will have no voting rights.


I)  To review the performance of the executive committee.

II)  To elect the new Executive committee at the end of the current executive’s term of office.

III)  Consideration of accounts and reports of the Executive committee and Auditors.

IV)  The AGM shall discuss the matter on agenda as circulated to the participants two (2) weeks before the meeting date.

V)  The AGM shall convene in urgent matters as need arises.

VI)  Appointing of Auditors and Lawyers.

Article 8 : The Executive committee.

1) The executive committee shall consist of the following;

a)  Chairperson

b)  Vice Chairperson

c)  Secretary General

d)  Publicity and Information Secretary

e)  Treasurer

f)  Fifteen (15) committee members

g)  Patron/ Matron (Ex-official)

h)  Technical Advisor (Ex-official)

2) The executive committee shall meet at least four times per month during the semester period.

3) The quorum for all meetings shall be two thirds of the required number.

4) During school vacation, only programmes approved by the executive committee shall be undertaken.

5) Functions.

a)  To co-ordinate the activities of the sub-committees.

b)  To interpret the policies, programmes and to ensure implementation of activities.

c)  To form an electoral body of persons in an event where the chairperson is not outgoing.

6) Sub-committees and their Functions.

a)  Finance and Project Review.

1)  To monitor the utilisation of funds as per laid down procedures.

2)  To solicit for both material and financial support for the movement.

3)  To examine, sanction and direct new and old projects.

4)  Te review programmes of the movement.

b)  Publicity and Information.

1)  To act as the mouthpiece of the movement.

2)  To protect the good image of the movement.

3)  To collect, document and disseminate information.

c)  Religious Desk.

1)  To organise religious workshops, seminars and other religious training programmes.

2)  To coordinate with religious organisations in the fight against corruption.

3)  To support legislation that empowers the welfare of the church.

Article 9 : Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee.

a)  Chairperson.

1)  The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of UNZAAMO.

2)  The chairperson by virtue of his position is a member of any committee formed by UNZAAMO.

3)  He/ she shall appoint persons of high integrity in society to form an electoral body when he/ she is outgoing.

4)  Shall sign the minutes of all meetings he/ she chairs.

5)  In consultation with the displinary committee, the chairperson may take displinary measures against any member off UNZAAMO.

6)  Shall coordinate the day-to-day affairs of UNZAAMO with others associations and interested parties.

7)  Shall approve of all expenditure of UNZAAMO.

b)  Vice-chairperson.

1)  The vice-chairperson shall act as chairperson when the chairperson is absent or incapacitated.

2)  He/ she shall be responsible for all projects undertaken by UNZAAMO.

3)  He/ she shall be in charge of coordination of projects of UNZAAMO.

c)  Secretary General.

1)  The secretary general shall prepare and keep minutes of each UNZAAMO executive and general meeting.

2)  He/ she shall handle all UNZAAMO correspondence with approval of the chairperson.

3)  He/ she shall in consultation with the executive members prepare all agenda for UNZAAMO executive and general meetings.

4)  He/ she shall give notice of UNZAAMO executive and general meetings through the Publicity and Information Secretary.

5)  He/ she shall present UNZAAMO reports at the general meetings through the Publicity and Information Secretary.

d)  Publicity and Information Secretary.

1)  Shall be the mouthpiece of UNZAAMO.

2)  Shall release press statements that member/s intend to issue in the name of UNZAAMO.

3)  In conjunction with the Secretary General, the publicity and Information Secretary shall give notice of executive and general meetings.

4)  In the absence of the Secretary General, he/ she will assume the duties and functions of the Secretary General.

5)  He/ she shall publicise activities of the movement in conjunction with the chairperson.

e)  Treasurer.

1)  Shall keep proper and up-to-date financial records of UNZAAMO.

2)  Shall prepare a financial report at every year-end at the AGM and any other meetings as requested.

3)  Shall be the custodian of all the monies of UNZAAMO.

4)  The Treasurer shall present budget reports as planned to be undertaken by UNZAAMO.

f)  Committee Members.

1)  These will carry out duties of committees as stated in the constitution.

2)  Shall assist other members of the executive in carrying out their duties when called upon.

g)  Ex-Officials.

a)  Patron/ Matron.

1)  Shall assist UNZAAMO in trying to realise its objectives.

2)  Shall officiate at important functions of UNZAAMO.

3)  Shall help coordinate the performance and projects of the movement.

4)  Shall act as a link between UNZAAMO and outside institutions/ associations and shall source projects for UNZAAMO.

b)  Technical Advisor.

1)  Shall advise members on technical matters relating to activities of the movement including sourcing projects for UNZAAMO.

2)  By virtue of being the technical advisor, he/ she shall attend any executive meeting he wishes to make himself available.

3)  Shall source literature and any other mode of imparting knowledge to the members.

4)  He/ she may be required to attend functions of UNZAAMO and will be required to coordinate fundraising projects and programmes.

5)  Shall resume powers of the executive in an event of it being impeached.

Article 10: Eligibility for elections to UNZAAMO office.

a)  Members of the Executive.

1)  Shall be full time and resident student of the University of Zambia.

2)  Shall have been in the University for at least one academic year. Graduating students shall equally be eligible to contest UNZAAMO elections.

3)  Any member of UNZAAMO shall be eligible to contest to the position he/ she wishes.

4)  No member of UNZAAMO, who has not served for at least two (2) academic years consecutively shall be eligible for the post of President, except at the inception of UNZAAMO.

5)  Only UNZAAMO members who would have served for one (1) or more academic years shall be eligible for positions of the Vice-chairperson, Secretary General, Publicity and Information Secretary and Treasurer except at the inception of UNZAAMO.

6)  Any fully paid up member of the movement shall be entitled to vote at any by-election by secret ballot of one man, one vote.

7)  Must be a fully paid up ember of UNZAAMO.

b)  Election Rules.

Elections shall be held:

1)  Towards the end of the academic year in the first week of the last month of the academic year on the expiry of the executives’ term of office. The elected executive shall assume office immediately.

2)  Within three (3) weeks in the event of the executive committee having a vote of no confidence from the members of the movement. In an event of the entire executive being impeached, the Technical Advisor shall take charge of the running and operation of the movement.

3)  A by election will be held when any member of the executive committee ceases to be a member or is by act of displinary measures taken on him/ her. The by-election shall therefore take place within three (3) weeks or the third week from the time when displinary measures were taken against the executive member.

4)  The outgoing chairperson shall appoint two (2) persons of high integrity in society who will form the electoral body.

Article 11: Discipline.

The displinary committee shall comprise of the chairperson who shall appoint five (5) committee members and a legal advisor.

-The disciplinary committee under the leadership of the chairperson may suspend or expel any member of the executive or committee member to the movement with two-thirds (2/3) majority of the movement- UNZAAMO.

-The suspended/-expelled member(s) shall have the right to appeal to the next highest organ.

-A vote of no confidence may be passed in any one or more or all members of the executive committee by at least two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members.

Article 12: Bank signatories.

a)  There shall be two panels of bank signatories namely panel A and panel B.

b)  Panel A shall consist of the Chairperson and the Treasurer of UNZAAMO.

c)  Panel B shall consist of any two- (2) committee members duly appointed whose functions shall include being bank signatories.

d)  Signing of the cheque shall be done by one signatory from each panel.

e)  The chairperson shall approve all expenditure.

f)  All chequebooks shall be kept by the treasurer.

Article 13: Amendment to the Constitution.

a)  The Movement’s constitution shall be amended following two-thirds (2/3) majority vote from the members present at the annual general meeting or extra ordinary meeting when the constitution is presented for amendments.

b)  A proposal for amendment shall be circulated to the members two (2) weeks before the date of sitting to amend the constitution by the Secretary General.

Article 14: Dissolution of UNZAAMO.

1)  The dissolution of UNZAAMO may be proposed at the Annual General Meeting and must be approved by three quarters (3/4) of the members present and voting at the AGM.

2)  The proposal for dissolution of UNZAAMO shall be circulated to the members one month before the date of sitting to dissolve the movement.

Article 15: Entry into Force.

This constitution shall come into force immediately after it is adoption by consensus by the first Annual General Meeting.

Article 16: Approval and Adoption of Constitution.

This constitution was approved and adopted by the first annual general meeting held at the University of Zambia on 30th may 2001.

Signed. Chairperson: ______Date: ______

Secretary General: ______Date: ______