The University of Warwick s1


Minutes of the Meeting of the MRP Full Team

held at 1.30 pm, Wednesday 21st February 2007

Present: Geoff Lindsay (Chair)

Alan Brown, Sue Bennett, Ruth Ayres, Marie Garnett, Sue Law, Robert Lindley

Apologies: Mark Childs, Gillian Hundt, Kate Hughes, Nikki Muckle, Paul Blackmore,

In attendance: Sharon Neal

7/06-07 Membership of the Full Team


Geoff Lindsay welcomed Sue Bennett to the MRP Full Team and agreed to set up another meeting with her to discuss CAPD’s input to the MRP project. Sue Bennett’s involvement with the MRP full team will be as Director of CAPD.

Paul Blackmore and Sue Law are both members of the MRP Full Team and are both now at Coventry University. Sue Law is now Chair of the M1/M69 network, which is to be approached for support in the next phase of the project, and has also been involved in the research activity undertaken in CAPD. Sue will continue to be a member of the Full Team in both these capacities.

Geoff Lindsay and Marie Garnett have agreed to meet regularly to brief each other on progress.


Geoff Lindsay would write to ESRC to confirm Sue Bennett and Sue Law’s roles in the project.

8/06-07 Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th November 2006

The minutes of the meeting were agreed.

9/06-07 Matters Arising


Marie Garnett and Geoff Lindsay had discussed the assurances made to interviewees regarding confidentiality.


That the assurances made so far should be honoured, and that the principles on which confidentiality was agreed at the last meeting should be followed from now on.

10/06-07 Analysis of Interview Data


Marie Garnett reported progress to date with data analysis. Analysis is almost complete. Nikki Muckle and Kate Hughes are also analysing data.

Marie Garnett raised the issue of quantifying qualitative data and the possibility of quantifying how many respondents were recorded against each statement. It was acknowledged that the sample was small and that this might therefore not always be relevant.

Robert Lindley asked the team what new ideas or evidence is emerging from the project. Marie Garnett indicated that there are repeated themes and concerns: staff at different stages on their careers need different resources.

Geoff Lindsay asked the CAPD project team to be mindful of the timescale in completing the data analysis


i)  the CAPD team ensure that quotations taken from the interviews can be traced back to their source, if necessary;

ii)  That data should be used as a prompt for the next phase of the project; and

iii)  That there is a management issue for the CAPD team in ensuring that the project timescales are met

11/06-07 Future Plans


Marie Garnett reported on a useful meeting with Leicester University to identify the scope of the Leicester/Loughborough/Cambridge project. Opportunities to collaborate were identified. A member of the MRP team may be invited to join the project Steering Group. Notes from the Leicester focus group meetings have been shared with the MRP project.

As Chair of the M1/M69 network, Sue Law agreed to solicit the support of the network for the next phase of the project

12/06-07 Evaluation


Marie Garnett presented the evaluation plan discussed with the external evaluator. Marie reported that electronic questionnaires will be sent to the whole MRP team and not just the PI. This, Phase One evaluation, will be for MRP Full Team use only. Sue Bennett will also be included in the questionnaire evaluation.


Geoff Lindsay to determine whether ESRC undertake Phase Two evaluations on behalf of the projects.

13/06-07 AOB


Geoff Lindsay reported that changes of personnel, including Ruth Ayres’ involvement with the project will be reported to ESRC as part of the regular reporting mechanism.

Robert Lindley reported that the ARCISS workshop, identified in the project proposal, had been undertaken. The programme for the workshop, entitled Survival/Prosper will be sent to the Full Team. The evaluations will also be shared with the Full Team.

14/06-07 Date of the next meeting

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 26th June at 2pm