Attachment 1


The University of Toledo Board of Trustees

Clinical Affairs Committee Meeting

May 24, 2011

Committee Chair Dr. S. Amjad Hussain was present, as well as Committee members Ms. Susan E. Gilmore and Ms. Sharon Speyer. Committee members Mr. Carroll L. Ashley and Mr. William C. Koester were absent. Faculty representative Dr. Roland Skeel attended as well as Administrative Liaisons Dr. Jeffrey Gold and Dr. Scott Scarborough. Additional attendees included Mr. Dan Barbee, Ms. Lauri Cooper, Dr. John Kane, Mr. Chuck Lehnert, Dr. Ronald McGinnis, Mr. Matt Persinger, and Ms. Joan Stasa /


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. by Committee Chair Hussain in the Mulford Library Board Room on the Health Science Campus. / CALL TO ORDER
Dr. Hussain requested a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the April 14, 2011 Committee meeting and accept them as written. A motion for approval was received by Trustee Speyer and seconded by Trustee Gilmore. The minutes were approved by the Committee. / APPROVAL OF MINUTES
Dr. Scott Scarborough, Sr. VP and UTMC Executive Director, discussed revision of the UT Medical Center Mission Statement. He reported that as work was being done on the Strategic Plan for UTMC clinics and physician groups, it was agreed that the UTMC Mission Statement also needed work. Many found the former Mission statement too long. The new statement now reads: “The Mission of The University of Toledo Medical Center is to improve the human condition by providing patient-centered, university-quality care.” The Clinical Affairs Committee agreed that this was a good change and that the new statement reinforces what is already instinctive to people. Dr. Scarborough also reported that progress is being made on improving patient-centeredness and scores are starting to rise. / UT MEDICAL CENTER MISSION
Dr. Jeffrey Gold, Chancellor and Executive VP Biosciences and Health Affairs/Dean of the College of Medicine, introduced the digital campus update and reported that this is the phase used for the clinical roll out of the Clinical Information Systems (CIS). This is linked to Directions 2011 Goal V-4: UTMC will continue to utilize state-of-the-art information technology. The metric/milestone for this goal is that UTMC will comply with Federal “Meaningful Use Guidelines” by 2013 and that a paperless inpatient and outpatient care delivery system will be achieved by 2015.
Dr. McGinnis, UTMC Medical Director, reviewed the following strategic goals:
·  Mission Congruence – Education, Research, Clinical
·  Enhancement of quality and safety of service for patients
·  Improvement of electronic workflows for operations
·  Utilization of electronic workflows for operations
·  Reduction of multiple types of cost for care
·  Enhancement of analytic tools for decision making
·  Development of a national “Site of Excellence”
·  Leverage of integrated information sources for decision making
·  Increased patient safety and financial reimbursement
Dr. McGinnis reviewed 11 completed projects for the digital campus that have been fully operational for some time. He also provided details of the following three projects currently underway.
·  Ambulatory Medical Record
·  Computerized Provider Order Entry
·  Upgrade System to Meet Meaningful Use
The digital campus will require continuous updating to make the system better and faster, which will be done over time with new software and hardware. A GANT chart showing the timeline of the roll out of all projects was displayed and reviewed with the Committee. / DIGITAL CAMPUS UPDATE
Dr. Hussain requested a motion to enter Executive Session to discuss privileged information related to the evaluation of medical staff personnel appointments. The motion was received by Trustee Speyer, seconded by Trustee Gilmore, and a roll call of the Committee was taken by Ms. Stasa: Ms. Gilmore, yes; Dr. Hussain, yes; and, Ms. Speyer, yes. After discussion, the Committee voted to exit Executive Session. / EXECUTIVE SESSION
Chair Hussain requested a motion to approve the Chief of Staff Report – Attachment 1. A motion was received by Trustee Gilmore and seconded by Trustee Speyer. The report was approved by the Committee. / CHIEF OF STAFF REPORT
With no further business before the Committee, Chair Hussain adjourned the meeting at 8:35 a.m. / ADJOURNMENT


May 24, 2011

Medical Staff Reappointments 2011-2013

See attached table.

Medical Staff Changes of Status

Kesari B. Sarikonda, M.D.

Internal Medicine Service

Courtesy Staff Status to Leave of Absence Status

Effective June 1, 2011

Mayer Wainstein, M.D.

Urology Service

Leave of Absence Status to Provisional Staff Status

Medical Staff Reappointment from Provisional to Full Staff Status

Michelle M. Ariss, M.D.

Surgery Service

Courtesy Staff Status

Privileges in Ophthalmology

Gary J. Butchko, M.D.

Pediatrics Service

Active Staff Status

Privileges in Pediatrics

Jeffery N. Stepehens, M.D.

Surgery Service

Courtesy Staff Status

Privileges in Ophthalmology and Moderate Sedation

Shawn L. Thompson, D.D.S.

Surgery Service

Courtesy Staff Status

Privileges in Dentistry

Revised Medical Staff Family Medicine Privileges

Gerry Steiner, M.D.

David Weldy, M.D.

Kamal Yoakim, M.D.