The University of Manchester and Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust

R&D Executive Risk Management Sub Committee

October 28th 2004. 8-30am CAG Meeting Room


Present: David Thompson, Peter Crowe, Linda Coulston, Martin Gibson, Lloyd Gregory, Linda Gibbons

  1. Apologies:- Margaret Hoadley, Chris Griffiths. Julia O`Toole, Judy Hadfield
  1. Minutes of the previous meeting

Recorded as Accurate

  1. Action Points from the Last Meeting
  • Disability Act –Problems in the CSB SS

Deferred to next meeting.

  • SHIFT- Feasibility study PTC

Completed and passed onto SHIFT :

  • BSU PTCOne user identified and feedback received. The Situation will be discussed with the Central BSU..
  • Radiation E A. Report PTC

The document is now on the website.

  • Emergency Showers LCG/PTC

A report has been circulated to both the Biomed Management and the Risk Management committees. The document has been approved by both bodies.

  • Freezer PTC

Meeting arranged for November 3rd

  • Resusitation Equipment PTC

Interim measures have been taken to provide resusitation equipment in the Shared Research Area, necessitating a collection of funds from the users. The old equipment was removed because the resusitation committee deemed it not fit for it`s purpose, and it was not replaced. The Committee suggested that this was a safety issue and the TRUST has a responsibility towards the patients. PTC will discuss the cost of refurbishing the old equipment with the Chair of the Resusitation Committee and report back

  • Coded Lock on D-BlockPTC

PTC is monitoring the situation and will discuss with the fire officer PTC

  • Shared Research Area in the Irving Building See SHIFT (7) PTC
  • Induction Booklet to New University. PTC has passed on the booklet to the TDU and also Epidemiology. LC will monitor feedback on shared policies within the faculty..

Standing Items

  1. Research Governance JOT. Deferred to November meeting.
  2. Building Maintenance SS Deferred to next meeting
  3. Ark TherapeuticsDT

A report had been circulated regarding the meeting with Ark Therapeutics on October 19th. It was agreed that a positive but direct approach to R&D would have avoided all the confusion and excess misdirected communication. The Risks all appear to understood and of a minimal nature. The proposal has now to be discussed at R&D level. The item will be removed from our agenda, until further notice.

  1. Clinical Research / Academic SHIFTPTC

A strategy is being formulated by the SHIFT group regarding movement on site, (there will be a meeting on Monday 8th November).

Users will be monitoring risk in the Shared Research Facility in the Irving Building and will report back to CG. PTC will report back on both of these issues

  1. Radiation Protection RB Deferred to next meeting.
  2. Incidents/ Accidents/ Security PTC
  • A member of staff acquired a burnt finger from a spillage on a laboratory bench in B300. All policies are in place to prevent this sort of accident.
  • A false alarm regarding freezers occurred. This incident has been reported to th e Biomedical Management Committee for action.
  • An e-mail was sent to DT about university staff and university areas not being covered by the incident reporting system. This was passed on to PTC, who explained that the new AIR was not 100% appropriate for Division/ R&D
  1. Updates from other Committees LC

The new committees and structures within the new University are not yet established. LC will keep us informed.

  1. Health & Safety Updates LG

A copy of the Ark Therapeutics report will be circulated to members of the GM/Biohazards Committee and the Biomedical Management Committee. In future all Health & Safety Reports will be placed on the website.

  1. Training & Development PTC

Mandatory Training:- PTC has gone through the records manually and will report back, when the electronic records are reinstated.

There is a need to identify Training needs in the Division, both for the TDU and R&D. PTC will monitor the both the staffs` career and Health & safety requirements. It was suggested that more courses should be formulated for Academic needs. PTC feels that this will be facilitated through the reviews and appraisals. PTC will activate.

  1. AOUB
  • Melanie Taylor the new Head of Health and Safety Services at the University will be invited to our January 2005 Risk Management Committee Meeting. She will also be discussing Health & Safety matters with the Heads of Division and hopefully the Division Managers
Date of next Meeting: 25th November 2004