The University of Bath & Gama-Bell Teacher Training College, Krakow

Krakow Study Centre

29 January – 1 February 2010

Multilingual and Multicultural Education

The University of Bath, UK, in conjunction with Gama-Bell Teacher Training College, Krakow, offers an opportunity for qualified educators to participate in the University’s MA in Education programmes. The full MA programme typically comprises five or six taught units and a dissertation. Each taught unit is followed by individual research and the submission of a 5000 word written assignment.

The unit to be taught in Krakow in March will be Multilingual and Multicultural Education. The unit addresses issues relating to bilingualism, multilingualism, intercultural awareness, Content and Language Integrated Learning, and teaching other subjects through different languages. It will be of interest to educators, managers and administrators working in multilingual and/or multicultural settings.

The unit sessions will take place at Gama-Bell Teacher Training College, ul. Michalowskiego 4, 31126Krakow, as follows;

Friday 29th January 2010:1600-1900

Saturday 30th January 2010: 0900-1200/1300-1600/1630-1800

Sunday 31st January March 2010: 0900-1200/1300-1600/1630-1800

Monday 1st February 2010: 0900-1200/1300-1600

The fee for this 12 credit unit will be £650 for UK and EU registered students (£800 for non-EU students) payable in pounds sterling in advance. For details of payment methods, please see reverse side.

An administrative charge of PLN 600 will also be levied locally to cover the costs of the lecturer’s travel and accommodation in Krakow, refreshments for students and other relevant organizational costs. This should be paid direct to Bell Krakow.

Students new to the MA Programme must complete all pages of the Part-time Application Form and send this to Kath Earle () so that the University can ensure that they meet the Programme’s entry requirements. Students already registered on the MA in Education Programme need complete only the Unit Enrolment section. Part time Application Forms and Unit Enrolment Forms are available on the website at:

If you wish to participate in this course, please contact the Advanced Courses Office, at the University of Bath, on , byno later than Thursday 17th December 2009*.

Local co-ordination for this unit is being undertaken by Elzbieta Jarosz,Bell Krakow. For all enquiries about domestic issues: email: tel: +48 12 634 1249 or +48 12 634 1259

Why study a Masters unit at a Study Centre?

The Department of Education, University of Bath, offer students a number of ways of working towards the IB teaching award and/or Masters degree in Education – by distance learning, full time study, or by attending our popular Summer School (July, in Bath) or one of our successful Study Centre programmes around the world. The Study Centre method of study involves being taught by a University Lecturer and enables local and international educators to share their experiences and learn together. Students enjoy working with other teachers and educators in an intensive learning environment with the guidance and full support of an on-hand, experienced unit tutor.

Payment Methods

You may pay using a variety of methods:

  • Pounds sterling cheque made payable to the 'University of Bath'
  • Credit card using the credit card payment form
  • Via bank transfer to the University's bank account, details below:

Barclays Bank plc
37 Milsom Street
Bath, BA1 1DW
Account Name: University of Bath
Account No: 00981303
Sort Code: 20-05-06
IBAN GB 90: BARC 2005 0600 9813 03

NB. Paying by bank transfer usually incurs bank charges of £6 - £12 per transaction which are deducted at the time of transfer from the amount payable, resulting in a shortfall on your account with the University - please take this charge into account and increase the amount payable accordingly.

Important Reminder *Please note that if less than 10 students have registered for the unit once the deadline has passed the unit maybe cancelled or postponed.We recommend that you do not book your flights until the course is confirmed.