Australasian Piano Pedagogy Conference 2017

Keys to a Changing World

10 - 14 July 2017

The University of Adelaide, North Terrace, South Australia, AUSTRALIA, 5000

Presenter Detail Sheet

A completed Presenter Detail Sheet must be submitted with all Conference Submissions and Proposals

Title (Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms, Ms etc):

Surname: Given name/s:

Institution (if applicable): Position (if applicable):

Submission type:

Submission title:

Biography. Please insert here a biography of no more than 100 words.

Abstract. Please insert here an abstract of no more than 150 words. Full papers are not required at this stage. Please see below: Lecture Recitals/Discussion and Workshops.

List relevant conference presentations or recitals in the last five (5) years (if applicable):

Do you wish to have your paper considered for publication on the website as a:

Part 1: Peer reviewed paper (papers will be reviewed by independent referees). Yes/No

Part 2: Paper not submitted for review. Yes/No

Scholarly Papers

·  Scholarly papers should be 30 minutes in length. An additional 10 minutes will be allowed for questions at the end of the paper.

·  The Chair must receive full papers electronically no later than their date of presentation at the conference.

·  It is suggested that the APPC template is used. This may be downloaded as a separate document from

·  Papers to be considered for publishing in the conference proceedings must use the Harvard name/date system of referencing.

Lecture Recitals, Discussions and Workshops

·  Submissions for Lecture Recitals, Discussions and Workshops are to be presented as an abstract of not more than 350 words.


·  Proposals for recitals must include a recent recording of the performer/s together with the program details and any other relevant details. A biography for each performer must be submitted.

Please forward conference submissions/proposals no later than Friday 20 January 2017 to:

Rodney Smith

Chair of APPC 2017


Notification of acceptance can be expected by no later than the end of February 2017. It is expected that presenters will attend the conference as a delegate.