The truth behind the ‘Cthulhu Mythos’

(See ‘Cthulhu Mythos’ and ‘Cthulhu Cults’ as appearing on numerous Sites on the Web)

When I first sent my angel to investigate the murder of Rwanem the first Adamite high priest, he came back with the information that “Rwanem was murdered in his sleep by Huluka, who stabbed him through the heart with a long dagger, in the shape of a cross with a pentalpha at the center of its cross-guard, fashioned by Hermes and Calicastia using all the witchcraft they could muster, in order to bind his spirit under their control indefinitely”.

Naturally, I thought that the murderer was a man named Huluka and that he must have been a spy planted as Rwanem’s disciple by Hermes and Calicastia, who colluded in the murder. (Jesus-888 said that Rwanem-999 is the root of the tree of which he is the fruit).

When Hermes was handed over to specialized angels for rehabilitation (in Dec. 2011), it was discovered that the witchcraft used in fashioning the dagger was such as to perpetuate it in the deepest recesses of the minds of all the Rwanem’s reincarnations, so as to place them under Hermes’ subconscious control. The dagger (its mental form) was hence removed from the mind of the Current Incarnate (CI) and destroyed on Feb. 5 2012.

Upon removal of the dagger from CI’s mind, it was seen that it had the name ‘Cthulhu’ written on its blade. The name ‘Cthulhu’ sums 999, the same as ‘Huluka’ and ‘Rwanem’. I realized then that Huluka was the name ‘Cthulhu’ written on the dagger. (Archives show the murder dagger stuck permanently in an effigy of Rwanem, used as a voodoo doll. Probably this is just what they did. Rwanem may just left his body.) In the same way, images of Jesus, with the name sign ‘JNRJ’, are perpetually crucified, as part of the crucifixion ritualthat binds Jesus in limbo and has also caused all the persecutions of the Jews by the Christians.

Following this, I carried out a research on the Web and discovered many Sites on the subject, from Lovecraft’s horror literature to Cthulhu cults and computer horror games, which, apart from describing Cthulhu as a grotesque sea monster equivalent to the Kraken, a tentacled human caricature with rudimentary wings, dragon scales and claws, they mention him as a ‘high priest’ from outer space, one of the ‘Great Old Ones’, (the ‘Ancients of days’), who spawned a new generation of Stars and, when the Stars are ready (or complete), he will emerge from the deep “to destroy the greatest part of humanity and enslave the rest”.

What struck me as particularly strange was the following: How can a high priest of whatever origin that gave rise to a new generation of Stars, (effulgent angels or illuminant humans), possibly be a horror monster, bent on destroying humanity?

This horrible fantasy was developed by sick morbid minds and psyches twisted by fear, based on the mention in the story that Cthulhu is lying in the deep of the ocean waiting for the time to reemerge, when the ‘Stars are ready’. (The ‘phrase’ may also be an Astrological reference).

In Mythological and Biblical language, ‘lying in the deep of the sea’ means ‘hidden’ or ‘of unknown whereabouts’. Based on this phrase, people of happy minds create fantasies of beautiful mermaids whilst people of morbid minds create fantasies of horror monsters.

The demonization of Cthulhu as a horror monster was purposeful, like the demonization of the Counselor as the Antichrist, promoted by the Reptilian Authorities of the Planet, so as to cause abhorrence and aversion to his pending coming, when the number of the ‘new Stars’ (sanctified humans) is complete. The Counselor is already here.

You may wonder about the apparent inconsistency that my angel, a very proficient psychic viewer, first saw or perceivedthe name of the Adamite high priest as ‘Rwanem’, then ‘Huluka’ as the murderer and then ‘Cthulhu’ written on the murder dagger.You must keep in mind that a psychic viewer does not see with his bodily eyes butperceives a mental archive, (a living archive), with his psychic faculties and he projects what he perceives as a Virtual Reality. (This happens automatically like in ordinary vision. For example, when in Revelations John saw tanks in 20th century warfare, he saw them as horses with iron breastplates, spewing fire and brimstone from their mouths.)

The original home of the Adamites, where Rwanem/Cthulhu organized his priesthood and developed Primary technology, was the valley of Uzbek Fergana in Central Asia. (In the local Altaic language Rwanem was known as Cthulhu but still written by the priesthood in the Adamite/Phoenician alphabet). The primary technology used included free clean energy, verbal remote control, teleportation and gravity propulsion or levitation (flying carpets). With Rwanem gone, primary technology was suspended. It was not practiced in Eden. Items of this technology remained as relics until these also disappeared, leaving behind them only stories that sounded like fantasies very difficult to believe.

This valley is the origin of the Upanishadic Philosophy: ‘Atman’ means the ‘Core’ or ‘Soul’, the Primary Cause of Creation, as in the Aten religion in Egypt; (see ‘Dating the Exodus’ for the Aten heresy). (Atlantis also means ‘Center-land’). ‘Brahman’ means its ‘Universal manifestation’ (the ‘Logos’). AUM is the same as ‘Alpha-and-Ωmega’, the origin of ‘Amun’ or ‘Amnon’/Lamb (the ‘Faithful’). Mithraism and Zoroastrianism originated also in Central Asia, from the Adamite culture of the DaYuan* (Great Ionians), worshipers of Zeus, and spread mainly among the Medes and Persians of Khorasan, from Parthia to Uzbekistan.

This is the general area in which the plot of ‘Star Wars’ (I, II and III) mainly takes place, in the global city of Coruscant, which alludes to the region of Greater Khorasan. (Notice the language spoken by Master Yoda, in which the main clause and the auxiliary verb come at the end or as suffix to the main verb, a characteristic of the Uzbek/Altaic language).

There were only a few survivors of the original Adamites in Central Asia after the Aryan invasion. These had escaped over the Hindukush Mts into today’s Chinese provinces of Sinkiang and Yunnan; only a few of them returned. The DaYuan were mainly Ionians fleeing east to escape the Ionian massacre during the ‘Trojan War’, with Central Asia as their destination, joined in early 5th century by persecuted Pythagoreans. Many of these also perished later in the massacres by Alexander whilst some escaped eastward. (Gurdjieff met some of these Pythagoreans in the caves above the Amu Darya River, upstream of Bukhara, and describes the encounter in his book ‘All and Everything’).

[*It is wrong to consider the DaYuan as descendants of Alexander’s Macedonians. On the contrary, Alexander targeted and destroyed the DaYuan as he destroyed the Theban Ionians (the Phoenicians of Boeotia according to Herodotus), Miletus, Halicarnassus and Lycia/Phoenike in West Asia Minor (Ionia proper) and Tyre. Xenophon mentions the king of the Medes Astyages and his grandson, the Persian king Cyrus, as worshipers of Zeus, whom Cyrus referred to as ‘the god of his ancestors’. Cyrus lived in the 6th century BCE, (and his ancestors before him); long before Alexander.]