Irina Kozina
The primary trade-union organization of Open Society " Motor " is recognized as the best in region, and has come in ten the best branch "первичек" across Russia. This organization also became the winner of branch review - competition on the best collective agreement. Distinctive feature of trade union at the enterprise is preservation in process of opportunities Soviet практикtrade-union participation, and those forms which have been lost for years of crisis, are actively restored. The basic ideology is in this respect aphoristically formulated by chairman профкома: it is necessary to restore all as after act of nature. For a factory the situation of " social solidarity " interests of different groups inside the enterprise is characteristic, interests of workers and management in many respects organically coincide, and the authority of trade union is supported by the administration interested in adjustment of contacts, communications with workers, in maintenance of stability of labour collective. Trade-union leaders are organically entered in administration of all levels.
The characteristic of the enterprise
Open Society " Motor " - one of the largest defensive factories ofRussia. The enterprise specializes on manufacture of wide scale of engines, and also impellent installations and drives for газоперекачивающихunits. All Soviet time the factory was in exclusive position of the large defensive enterprise, with the high salary, extensive соцкультбытом, prestigious workplaces. The enterprise was one of leaders in city, around of him(it) the area with a huge infrastructure is constructed by whole a vein. To the beginning of reorganization the quantity(amount) working made 25000 person. Per 1994 the factory has been transformed into Open Company. The basic share holding (51 %) now belongs to the state, about a quarter of actions(shares) belong to workers of a factory. With the beginning of economic transformations and reduction of the military program, began the period of crisis of the enterprise. In the beginning of 90th years the enterprise has been practically deprived the state order that has led to to slump in production, multimonthly nonpayments of wages and as consequence(investigation) – to reduction of number working almost three times. Only since 1998 began the period of gradual rise of the manufacture, connected all over again with results of "soft" conversion and modernization of engines for needs of Gazprom and the Russian Open Society "United Power Systems", and then and with increase in the state order. By 2003 number was stabilized and makes at present about 11000 person. Now the need(requirement) for the personnel of the basic working specialities is kept. The level of wages low, in a breach to year the average size of wages at the enterprise made 6000 roubles. Specific feature of social structure of the enterprise is prompt ageing collective. Only due to actions of an active youth policy(politics) of employment middle age managed to be lifted till 47 years, and a share of young workers till 35 years - up to 20 %. But, thus, the share of working pensioners on age makes – 24 %. About 80 % of the personnel work at a factory more than 15 years. More than 25 years have worked 34 % of workers.
The trade-union organization
The trade-union organization of the enterprise – one of the largest in area. In trade union 94 % of workers of Open Society, including the maximum(supreme) management will consist. Work on maintenance of membership of new workers begins directly at receipt: In ОКconstantly the person explains advantages of membership and accepts applications(statements) in trade union. Practically everyone write - in our conditions if you go to be arranged, whether it is necessary to be obstinate[1]. The active of trade union is made by 85 chairmen цехкомов. In the trade-union device 6 released(exempted) members work. As representatives on a labour safety and members of 12 commissions профкомаparticipate 550 person.
To chairman профкома– 62 years, it(he) the candidate of economic sciences, practically has worked all life at a factory. Worked as the deputy chief of manufacture, the deputy director on economy and the personnel, 5 years held a post of chairman обкомаof trade union of the aviation industry, last 8 years heads завкомthe enterprises.
The control system of the trade-union organization is organized up to trifles. There are some mechanisms for collective informing on work of the enterprise, discussion of the current problems. Every Monday passes meeting of all of 85 chairmen цехкомов, on which as on industrial планерке, them inform on orders, position for manufacture, prospects, what hopes for the salary (who and how many should the enterprise and when debts it is planned to receive). These планерки carry out function of an independent trade-union channel of information, that is, chairmen цехкомов in this plan are independent of the heads of divisions. For ordinary workers the most convenient channel of information are the factory newspaper, intrafactory radio. Besides in each shop there are boards of trade-union announcements « the Voice of trade union » which are operatively updated.
In interview chairman профкома has named main, in his(its) opinion, the purpose of trade union of the enterprise is the help of the organization of manufacture: the organization of work, the labour schedule has suffered. It is necessary to restore competition, изобретательскую work, to conduct search of optimum decisions. First of all, it is amplified(strengthened) work in new shops. The important directions of work: a labour safety, the salary. The attention to a labour safety is caused by complexity and manufactures and dangerous working conditions (foundry, thermal, гальваника), the aggravated old worn out equipment. Besides the trade union is included into system of 3 step controls of a condition of the labour safety, the special commission is engaged компенсаторными in payments.
There is no sense to describe all organizational activity of trade union is a classical sample включенности профкома in all traditional directions of work, with the numerous commissions, assemblies and so forth. The Trade union supervises system of a labour safety, public catering, health services, kindergartens, constructions of habitation and so forth. Is engaged in restoration of the organization of work - systems of competition, encouragement of invention and an efficiency work, advice(council) of youth, etc.
Attitudes(Relations) with the employer
Chairman профкома is integrated into structure of the maximum(supreme) management, it(he) - a member of Board of directors, one of three representatives of the enterprise present in the given controls. Therefore for the trade-union leader the problem of knowledge of affairs of the enterprise does not cost: all I know, is $more often even before official acquaintance. I build the position that scrupulously I trace the information, on this basis I can put forward the concrete proved requirements. When solves any question administration, it is impossible to get off the general(common) phrases - on board I one, and them 12 person. At once: « whence you have taken? » And I – under specifications was so much, we gave so much, concrete surnames.
The representation in Board of directors is used for protection of interests working. In particular, the last year under the initiative of trade union the question « About perfection of a policy(politics) of wages has been considered with the purpose of stage-by-stage approach(approximation) of the size of the minimal salary size of a living wage ». As a result of his(its) discussion the plan of measures has been planned. One of the important items(points) of this plan is already executed – the standard of the enterprise « the Payment of workers, experts and employees » is authorized. It characterizes participation of trade union in development of a policy(politics) of wages though chairman профкома rather moderately estimates opportunities профкома in struggle for increases of a level of wages: I initiated a question on a policy(politics) of the salary and stage-by-stage promotion of a level of the minimal salary to a living wage and it is brought in the plan up to 2007г. But, really, I listen to instructions, no more. If in scales of Russia cannot solve a problem of increase of the salary up to a living wage it is impossible to demand impossible.
The collective agreement
Practice of the conclusions колдоговоров did not stop at the enterprise even during the most complex(difficult) time. The present collective agreement is made for three years (operates with 2003 on 2005) . Nevertheless, колдоговорная campaign passes annually from September till March, then report-back election conference which considers(examines) results of performance of the contract for a year is carried out(spent) and makes changes to the text of the contract. Включенность in колдоговорную campaign, by conversations with workers, rather high. The text колдоговора is issued by the big circulation and is present on hands almost at each worker: Yes, we know. In April we submitted our remarks on колдоговору for 2005. We every year can make changes. On assembly we direct representatives of shops, from shop – the chief of shop, chairman цехкома and 3-4 delegates from workers. All is discussed vividly (interview to workers, from field materials of research « Management and labour attitudes(relations): practice of management at the modern Russian enterprises »).
Realization of the collective agreement also constantly is in sight профкома. First of all, through the 12 commissions. Once a year this work is analyzed at bilaterial session where necessarily there is a general director and his(its) assistants. A result of such meeting becomes the report where the stated remarks are fixed and terms of their elimination and concrete executors are established. Under the certificate of chairman обкома workers of the aviation industry колдоговоры in Open Society " Motor " last years are realized practically completely. At trade-union stands in shops the precise information on performance of positions of the collective agreement under clauses(articles), with reduction of volume of the spent means each direction and action (by results of supervision) is resulted.
The maintenance(contents) of the collective agreement on all sections extremely precise, with the instruction(indication) of target groups, volume of financing under clauses(articles). Rules of the internal labour schedule and the concrete definition of actions on sections of the contract contains in 18 appendices to the contract. In колдоговоре the measures undertaken by administration at falling of volumes of manufacture are stipulated: the termination(discontinuance) of reception of workers from the party(side), a cancellation overtime, translation into the incomplete working day within 6 months, maintenance of employment, workers subject to reduction and so forth. Dismissal on reduction of the staff is made as agreed with профкомом. Besides it колдоговор guarantees to the workers who have worked at the enterprise over 10 years, компенсационные payments at dismissal on reduction which size is defined(determined) by quantity(amount) of the worked years and monthly average earnings.
In колдоговоре various compensations on results of annual work, payment for a uninterrupted length of service are stipulated also.
According to chairman профкома, the problem(task) of the bilaterial agreement between collective which represents trade union, and administration not only in that « more expensively to sell a labour and to create normal working conditions. His(its) applicability also to promote the realization of economic policy of plant management approved by labour collective ». In this connection профком on negotiations with administration does not put forward unreasonable requirements (it basically concerns increase of the salary), but, consistently achieves increase of "rod" of social guarantees, observance of requirements of the Labour code, attention to a labour safety.
Social payments and privileges
"Motor" to the full can be named socially - guided the enterprise. Social guarantees and privileges are considered(examined) by managers as the important element of personnel selection of the company directed on stimulation and deduction of the personnel. Guarantees are provided in full and their observance is watched(kept up) strictly by trade union. In the collective agreement rather wide set of side benefits is fixed also. Besides a lot of single payments (on burial, at a birth of the child, having many children and to mothers - singles and so forth), indemnifications of 80-90 % of cost of permits, payment of the maintenance(contents) of children in садиках are most significant.
The basic directions of social support. Taking into account the general(common) постарение labour collective and a high level of occupational diseases, the basic direction for which real money – preventive maintenance of diseases and improvement of workers are allocated. To workers of joint-stock company the free-of-charge health services in territory of the enterprise, including preferential prosthetics is guaranteed. In territory of joint-stock company 4 health centers and a physiotherapeutic cabinet(study) where render medical and preventive services operate. Колдоговор contains the list of actions on preventive maintenance of desease and strengthening of health. Vaccination of all workers (under the contract with медсанчастью) are allocated money on regular профосмотры. Permits with дотированной in cost are allocated, first of all, to workers with the occupational diseases, working in harmful working conditions. In колдоговоре the additional sum is specified (besides соцстраха) which enterprise allocates in one year for payment of permits – 4 million roubles. Other direction of social policy – is support of young workers. Stimulating privileges for young are single payments to the workers who have come back from army, surcharge from means of the enterprise to holiday on pregnancy and sorts, payment of training of young workers of the enterprise in high schools and technical schools and so forth. The regulations about that during passage of conversion training behind members of labour collective the average wages are kept Are incorporated also.
Distribution of privileges. The system of distribution of privileges is regulated by the general(common) rules registered in колдоговоре. Each clause(article) undressed колдоговора devoted to social privileges contains precise definition of group of workers to which this privilege can be given. For example, preferential treatment and prosthetics of a teeth is given all workers « except for infringers of a labour discipline », quarterly surveys of workers of shops №№ and so forth. As a whole, social support is provided, basically, to groups of risk – working in harmful working conditions, to teenagers, women. Exclusive group are veterans of work, but as, they make more than 70 % of labour collective, to allocate them in a separate category there is no sense.
Соцкультбыт. In Board of directors chairman профкома actively opposed liquidations of a social infrastructure of the enterprise. Really, the enterprise has kept extensive (at present) соцкультбыт. On balance of the enterprise are: 6 hostels, the house of culture, a sports complex, a dispensary, children's camp, base of rest, teenage club. All these objects are used for the organization of leisure and development of sports. In due time the habitation, nurseries and medical institutions (a polyclinic and a hospital) have been transferred(handed) to municipality. Nevertheless, two kindergartens remain in economic conducting the enterprise, a feed(meal) of children and their maintenance(contents) дотируется. With former factory медсанчастью the contract on service of workers of the enterprise is made, own housing construction for workers of the enterprise proceeds also. In territory of the enterprise there is a whole complex of public catering. He(it) includes 6 manufactures, buffets and so forth.
Thus, the traditions of social policy "Моторостроителя" incorporated during Soviet time, in process of opportunities proceed and now though financing of social programs, certainly, is cut strongly down in comparison with the Soviet period of existence of the enterprise. Besides it 4 health centers and a physiotherapeutic cabinet(study) where render medical and preventive services operate.
In that the system of social support is kept in considerable volume, a considerable role the position of trade-union committee which consistently asserted a direction of social support as the important field of activity of Open Society has played.
Labour conflicts
The period of collective performances(statements) fell to the beginning of 90th years, the reason of them were delays of wages. Last mass conflict in this occasion concerns to 2002. In connection with a delay of wages of the woman have organized mass spontaneous meeting in front of the management case. Chairman профкома has explained the reason of a delay (debts of the customer) and has organized a meeting with director. At a joint meeting of representatives профкома and administrations the decision to issue the next credit was accepted, not waiting the means and to pay the salary. Now there are group labour conflicts concerning overtime works or situations connected, to revealing a marriage(spoilage). The procedures connected to the resolution of conflicts, basically, are formalized. Problems with payment of overtime works arise in connection with that at the enterprise strictly watch(keep up) excess of a limit of overtime works. Therefore in a situation « promised double payment, offer compensatory holidays » if the parties(sides) could not settle the conflict to the linear head. As a rule, address in профком. For the decision of disputable situations with a marriage(spoilage) the special commissions are created in structure of representatives ОКБ, service of the chief engineer, БТК. Individual conflicts understand the commission on labour disputes (КТС).
The used sources:
- Interview to chairman профкома (December 2005)
- Interview to chairman of the Samara regional organization of trade unions of the aviation industry (December 2005)
- Field materials of research « Management and labour attitudes(relations): practice of management at the modern Russian enterprises » (June - December 2004).
- Чугуевский В.А. On difficult turns // Accepting a call of time. Samara, Federation of trade unions of the Samara area, 2005, with. 185-189.
[1] In opinion of chairman профкома, the low salary too works on membership: if to raise(increase) the salary the person of deduction of payments of 1 % starts to notice.