Mrs. Gillett


(Not necessarily in order of importance)

1. You will have a “GOTCHA”question every day at the beginning of class that you must write in your journal and answer in the first 2-3 minutes of class.You will have random, unannounced JQ’s (Journal Quizzes) several times throughout the year on your “GOTCHA”questions. They are open journal and are how I grade your class journals! Be sure to date them!!

2. You will earn stickers when you participate positively in class or do well on a test or quiz. The total points will be converted to a test grade each marking period.

3. Your grade will be determined by the criteria below. Notice they are not all weighted equally.

  • Tests: 50%Quizzes: 30%Homework: 20%

4. You will not be allowed to go to your lockers. Don’t ask. Be prepared. Do not be late without a legitimate pass.

5. Restroom requests must be presented before or at the end of class. Don’t make it a habit.

6. Your parent must sign up for parent portal if they have internet access and haven’t already. I communicate primarily by email through this tool.

7. If you are absent I will let you know what you missed. The rest is up to you. You have one week to make up missed work.

8. You must NEVER EVER EVER complain about how hard, difficult, stupid, impossible, …this class is if you are not paying attention in class and asking questions, prepared, doing homework with your best effort, coming in for extra help as soon as you do not understand something, doing labs, GIZMOs and projects to the best of your ability, and studying for quizzes and tests!

9. You will want to compliment me on a variety of attributes daily because I am funny, smart, pretty, and a fantabulous teacher!

Please fill out the information below with your parent and return it to me by5 September 2014.

I communicate with parents primarily by email. Please NEATLY write the appropriate email address IF you do not have one registered through parent portal.______

Student’s name ______Date ______

We have read the “TOP 18THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT EXPLORING PHYSICAL SCIENCE: CHEMISTRY EDITION” and understand the requirements for the class and the implications of not meeting the requirements on my child’s grade/average and on the final exam.


(Parent or Guardian signature) (Student’s signature)