The Top 10 Ways to
Use Them Effectively!
By Dr Barbara Sturm
First, you MUST ask for them. In our office the 8th visit was testimonial visit. Here’s how we asked for them and GOT them. PLEASE follow my lead here as you will have better results. Don’t waiver when asking for them or you won’t get them.
“Hi Sam, congratulations, today is your Report Card visit. It’s your opportunity to grade us on how well we are caring for and serving you. We value your opinion and seek to serve you EXTRAordinarily. Please have a seat right over there and take a few minutes to complete this brief Report Card. It’s your ticket to be adjusted today.”
Notice, I did not ask them to complete it when they have time or to take it home. We all know that those approaches don’t work. Also, this visit commands that you’re ready. We had the testimonial forms already on clip boards with the member’s name and the date on it for them. We knew in advance that this visit was coming and we were prepared. Isn’t that WELLNESS? A wellness practice is just that-PROACTIVE!
Make your Report Cards just a few questions long. I recommend no more than 6 questions. Ask them the questions that MATTER. Make certain to have a place at the bottom that they’ll sign giving you permission to “use your words as a source of encouragement for other members of our community…” Most people are excited to help others.
I recommend reviewing the testimonial form during your extended consultation on your 13th visit. We rescanned and re-examined every 12th visit. Therefore, the visit right after that was an extended consultation. Thank them for their kind words as well explore any “recommendations” that they may have given you. Ask, "Who is just one person that they wish was coming with them to our office?" Ask how you can assist them in seeing that person in your office. NOPE! I absolutely do NOT recommend offering to call the referral. CARE, don’t carry.
Let’s explore the Top 10 ways to share testimonials.
- Verbal
After collecting testimonials choose your weekly favorite or favorites and share them with your members. The visit may sound something like this. “Susan, would you like to be encouraged today?”
“Sure, doc.”
“John, a newer member to our community, recently shared with me that since beginning care that he has not had to pop even one pill. This is quite a change for him seeing as though when he began care here he was taking up to 4 Tylenol a day on top of a litany of other drugs. Isn’t that exciting?”
“Susan, who’s the first person that comes to your mind when you think of a drug consumer?”
“My friend, Sarah.”
“Really? What’s up with Sarah?”
“She takes pills for everything. I know it’s eventually going to make her very sick.”
“You’re so right; Susan and I applaud you for your awareness of drugs. Out of curiosity, have you suggested that she schedule a consultation with me?”
“Well, kind of…”
“How can I best assist you with your concern for your friend, Sarah?”
“Can she do one of those phone consultation things?”
“Sure. Here’s what I recommend that we do. Take a referral packet and tell Sarah and you and I were discussing the success of one particular member who has stopped taking drugs now that he’s under chiropractic care. Let her know that you’re concerned about her health and that you would like to help. Ask that she read the articles in the referral packet about drugs and the benefits that chiropractic offers. Let her know that I have given you a very substantial gift certificate which affords her a FREE phone consultation to determine if I could possibly assist her. We’ll make it as easy as we can but understand that it’s still up to Sarah to follow-through. How’s that sound?”
“I know she’s getting more and more worried about the drugs, so maybe now would be a good time.”
“PERFECT! Thanks for your confidence in me, Susan. I thoroughly enjoy being your chiropractor and wellness coach. Thanks for being on this team with me.”
- Written- hung on your walls
Simply place your testimonials around your office. I recommend rotating them every 3 weeks. Pottery Barn has some great frames that you can easily move documents in and out.
- Written-Practice Member of the Month
We had our practice member of the month on a board right up in the front of the office. We took a Polaroid picture of them, included their written testimonial, posted their scan(s), and thanked them for their referrals. Our members LOVED this! After it was on the Practice Member of the month board, we transferred it to a binder-“Meet the SFC STARS!”
I fully understand that this may seem cumbersome to do every month. That’s why I did not do it every month. Instead I did 3 at a time. Therefore, I only had to carry out the creation of these a 4 times per year. Get it? SYSTEMS, baby!
- White Board Topic
Many of you have taken my famous White Board Topics teleclass and I trust are fully utilizing that system to generate endless referrals as well to have a BLAST educating your members. Using the White Board Topics concept to share testimonials further opens doors of opportunity for growth and to ask for referrals.
Simply have your CA write stellar testimonials on your White Boards and share it with your members. Asking for referrals from here goes as outlined in number one above.
* If you would like to order the White Board Topics list and CD of the teleclass, please send me an email at . It’s revolutionizing the educational experience…
- Written Communication
Begin your written communication with your data base with a powerful testimonial. Yep, put it right at the beginning. Rotate your sources-children, athletes, women, men, etc Pepper them throughout your written work as well.
- Email newsletters
Similar to number 5 above, start each of your email newsletters with an inspiring testimonial. If you have my White Board Topics list (there are over 346 of them now), tie the testimonial in with one of the white board entries. Yes, keep it short. Create 30-40 at a time and have your team send them out every Monday morning as “Principles of Performance.” This quick and effective email newsletter looks like this:
Quick health tip
Drink more water today than you did yesterday.
Or Park as far out in the parking lot as you can and get in a few more steps.
Or Health-a Family Affair…
Or Eat sugar one less time this week than you did last week.
Keep it simple, BUT stay in front of your database OFTEN!!!
Yep, again, SYSTEMS-baby! Create a whole host of these at one time and then date them for when they go out. For an even greater ease, go to godaddy.com and find out about their email service. It’s easy and impactful.
- Advertising
Hey, we know 3rd party testimonials work. If they did not why would Coke, Pepsi, Nike, etc pay a fortune to have big-time celebrities endorse their products?
Find your small-town heroes and use their words and testimonial in support of YOU! Let them speak for you like the big stars speak for the global companies.
I know, some states and countries are very restrictive, so, BE CREATIVE!
- Health Talks
Have your written testimonials on PowerPoint or on overheads for your health talks. I recommend using them throughout your entire presentation. Make certain that they fit seamlessly into your talk. ASK A MEMBER OF YOUR AUDIENCE TO READ IT WHEN YOU POST IT! The written words will have more power when read by a member of your audience.
- Voice Broadcast
Through Automatic Response Technology you can create voice broadcasts that broad cast your great testimonials. If you have not asked your STAR members to record their personal testimonials TODAY is a great time to ask them. You’ll be amazed how excited and honored your START members are to share their experiences with others.
You can also create an 800-number that records these testimonials to be listened to by ANYONE at ANYTIME!
To find out more about ART, simply contact Jeff Troyer at 888-408-4222 ext 9009. Please tell him at Dr Barbara Sturm sent ya…He’s a great guy and VERY helpful!
- Testimonial Sheet
We had a sheet of testimonials that we put in to EVERYTHING that went out of our office. On a standard piece of paper (we used golden rod for the color) we had experience testimonials on one side-those supporting the uniqueness and EXTRAordinary service we provided. Then on the other side were clinical-related testimonials.
This sheet was included in all of our referral packets, NPM packets, Clinical packets, and all envelopes that did not already have 3 sheets of paper in them (HEY every stamp on an envelope pays for you to send 3 sheets of paper. Don’t waste your money. No matter WHERE the correspondence is going include a promotional piece for your office. You’re paying for the stamp anyway…).
- Brochure
It’s really easy to make brochures these days. Click over to and highlight the vistaprint.com button. You’ll be whisked away to the vista print website where you can VERY affordably and VERY easily create your own brochures.
Use your most inspirational testimonials throughout your brochure. Be certain to write about the BENEFITS of your unique service and not the features. When writing, solve what keeps your potential members up at night as well as what causes them stress. Give them the ever-increasing benefits of YOUR care in answer to their struggles.
HINT: Not sure which of your testimonials are the BEST…Put them up on a dry erase board in your office. Draw a line under each one and ask your members to put a check mark under the one that they like the best. Allow your current members to be your R & D team to attract more members just like them.
Be personal and respectful and follow up their “voting” with a hand written post card addressed to the “Greatest Mind in Chiropractic Member Attraction…” Every chance you get APPLAUD your members!