The Ten Kingdoms
Below is a map of the world, divided into the ten economic regions, which the United Nations and the Club of Rome call “The Ten Kingdoms”. These ten regions have ten rulers over region. These ten rulers—represented by ten horns, or power centers—give their mind to the world ruler.
Revelation 17:1214: These ten kings fight with the Lamb but are is overcome at the Lamb’s return.
Revelation 17:15-18: These hate the “whore”—the political control of the Vatican, the church and its system of world rule, and so burn it with fire. This is when the whore is destroyed from “riding the beast”.
These ten regions are headed by the first three: NAFTA, the E.U., and Japan.
These are the three power economic/money regions of the earth. The anti-messiah will take out these “original three”, so that the earth’s wealth will be controlled the “anti-messiah” only.
From Daniel 7:21-27: “…the fourth beast is the fourth kingdom on earth, which is different from all other kingdoms, and it devours all the earth, tramples it down and crushes it. And, the ten horns are ten kings from this kingdom. They shall rise and another shall rise after them, and it is different from the first ones, and it humbles three kings.”
The fourth beast is Rome revived, led by the Caesar--Pope of the Vatican—“Vicar of Christ”—the one who sits in the place of “Christ”. The Papal system has kept the Roman Empire alive all through the centuries.
The ten horns are from this kingdom—the revived Roman Empire. It joins with the revived Babylonian empire—America--until that empire is destroyed (Jeremiah 50, 51, Isaiah 47, Revelation 18, etc.)
Daniel 2:44, speaking of Messiah’s Kingdom to come: “In the days of these kings(the ten kingdoms—the 10 economic regional rulers), the Elah of the heavens shall set up a Kingdom, which shall never be destroyed, nor the reign pass on to other people—it crushes and puts to an end all these reigns, and it shall stand forever”. (Italics mine)
Here the ten are represented by ten toes—part of iron and part of clay—they mix with all mankind, they don’t cling to each other, they are partly strong and partly weak (brittle). Just as the economic structure of the world now—there are strong nations, and weak nations, and these kings, led by a world ruler, will try to bring them into one unit, but can’t—they are not adhering together well…just as weak nations do not do good business with strong nations.
From Gary Kah’s En Route to Global Occupation, page 40: “The Club of Rome had its beginnings in April of 1968…The Club of Rome has been charged with the task of overseeing the regionalization and unification of the entire world; the Club could therefore be said to be one step above the Bilderbergers in the one world hierarchy…On September 13, 1973, the Club released one such report entitled “Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System”…The document reveals that the Club has divided the world into ten
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political/economic regions, which it refers to as “kingdoms”.
This “Club” is a major think tank for such things as picking the U.S. Presidents
four to eight years ahead, and how to create diseases, famines, and wars, and other means of eliminating billions of people from planet earth. The goal is to get the earth’s population from 6.3 billion down to 500 million. It was this think tank that gave Fort Detrick, Maryland, the job of creating such things as AIDS and Anthrax viruses, and other things to decrease the excess population.
As the ten kings come together even more in preparation for the reign of the world ruler, we will see the regionalizing of money, then a globalization of monetary exchange or the “cashless society”. (Revelation 13)
Regarding the world and its division into economic regions:
Here are the countries for each region: Since this map was drawn in 1973, the first region also includes Mexico. The first three are called: “The Trilateral Commission”, and with three main representatives from each of the first three regions, run the monetary system of the world.
- NAFTA (America, Canada and Mexico)
- The E.U. – countries of the European Union, Western Europe as a whole
- Japan
- Australia, New Zealand, South Africa
- Eastern Europe, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia and the former countries of the Soviet Union
- Central and South America, Cuba and Caribbean Islands
- The Middle East and North Africa
- The rest of Africa, except South Africa
- South and Southeast Asia, including India
- China (Mongolia is now included with China)
The islands of the seas, for the most part, fit in with the closest region.
The ten regions originated with the Club of Rome “think tank”, and was established by the United Nations. The Club of Rome was given the task of uniting Europe, and dividing the world into manageable blocks.
In 1973 the Club of Rome issued a report titled the "Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System." In this report a map is shown which divides the world into 10 political/economic regions.