Northwest Middle School

5501 Murray Rd.

Winston-Salem, NC 27106


Teacher Contact Information:

*You may e-mail or call the school and leave a message. We schedule conferences upon request on Mondays and Thursdays between 12:45 and 2:00. We will do our best to work with your schedule. Please contact us with any questions or concerns. We always conference with the entire team of teachers.

  • Mrs. Holly Hodges

Language Arts: Room 235

  • Mrs. Joyce Irby

Science: Room 228

  • Mrs. Chris Smith

Social Studies: Room 227

  • Mrs. Misty Grossheim

Math: Room 236

  • Ms. Cherika Boyd

EC Inclusion Teacher

School Fees:

Your child must pay a 50 cents lock fee to his/her homeroom teacher. Students are required to purchase a $4.00 Time For Kids magazine subscription through Mrs. Hodgesin Language Arts.


Students should expect Language Arts and Math homework most nights, Mondays through Thursdays. Some projects and weekend homework will be assigned as the year progresses. Science and Social Studies may assign additional homework. Each student is given an agenda to write down homework assignments for each class. It is your child’s responsibility to write down his/her homework assignments each day. Please check your child’s agenda to make sure he/she writes down assignments.

Grading Scale:

90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

59 or Below F

Daily Schedule:



1st Period—7:45-8:40

2nd Period—8:42-9:42

3rd Period—9:44-10:44

4th Period 10:46-12:24


5th Period Encore—12:27-1:12

6th Period Encore—1:15-2:00

Restroom breaks are scheduled throughout the day. Students will go to lockers during homeroom and before Encore classes.

Be Prepared!

Everyday your child is expected to have the following materials in class:

  • Binder with paper, folders, pencil pouch to hold supplies, and completed work and notes
  • Sharpened pencils, pens and highlighters; lead if you use lead pencils
  • Handheld pencil sharpener
  • Homework
  • Agenda
  • Core class composition notebooks
  • Library book/novel
  • Crayons, markers, or colored pencils

VIP Envelopes:

Mark your calendars! VIP Envelopes go home every Wednesday with important papers from the team and school. Please sign the envelope and return each Thursday. You will also receive progress reports every quarter to update you on your child’s grades. Please check Parent Portal for weekly grade updates. If you need your Parent Portal login information, contact Ms. Simmons inthe school’s office.

Team Expectations:

  • Be prepared for class.
  • Follow the CHAMPS guidelines for all assignments and classroom activities.
  • Be respectful to self, teachers, and other students and adults.
  • Follow the FALCON FOUR
  • Adhere to the Bottom Line Rules.
  • Follow the NWMS and WSFCS Handbook rules and procedures.
  • NO GUM or candy allowed unless given as a reward by the current teacher.

NWMS’s Bottom Line Rules:

  • No Violence
  • No Bullying/Harassment
  • No Drugs or Weapons
  • No Stealing
  • No Blatant Disrespect

Consequences for Classroom Misbehavior:

*Please note that these are only guidelines, and a teacher may choose to contact a parent or an administrator at any time, especially if a student breaks a bottom line rule. Please refer to the handbook for more discipline guidelines and Bottom Line rules.

1st Offense: Verbal Warning

*2nd Offense: Classroom Timeout (in class or another teacher’s room)

3rd Offense: Call home

4th Offense: Team/student conference. Parent will be notified and may be present.

5th Offense: Office Referral

*Silent homeroom or silent lunch may be used as a time of reflection.


Northwest Falcons are a strong and diverse family, building future-ready leaders and scholars.


  1. Falcons fly straight: Follow expectations for behavior.
  2. Falcons fly right. Do the right thing at the right time.
  3. Falcons fly to great heights. Maintain high expectations for yourself and others.
  4. Falcons fly free. We are free from harassment and bullying.


Conversation: May I talk and at what voice level?

Help: How do I ask for help?

Activity: What am I supposed to do?

Movement: May I get out of my seat?

Participation: What does my behavior look like when I am participating?

Success: How do I make a good grade or complete the assignment successfully?