HG3204 review

I’m not going to get into any thing technical about this model or any model for that matter. I’m looking for something that is visually appealing, a good paint and markings application and parts that fit well. Just the general things most average collectors will look for and appreciate. I’ll leave any technical points of view up to others.

The tank comes in a window box and held in place on top of a black plastic stand by two screws. The front left corner of the stand has the name and information of the model embossed in silver letters.

The model still has a heft factor because of a metal cylinder inserted inside the metal chassis. The wheels and tracks seem to be properly placed and look good. They are fixed in place and do not roll. There is no sign of weathering and the paint is smooth and evenly applied. Hobby Master has created a fine texture to the turret surface that adds that little extra touch of realism.

The deck is plastic as are most tank decks. This is the only way to achieve all the detail of the hatches and guns and vents and so on.

The markings on the tank are few but are very well done even the smallest one is clear and readable. They have all the storage boxes and lights in place as well as hatches and guns. The lights have silver painted on them to make them look like real lights. To me this is a nice looking tank. The turret and gun are metal and the gun can elevate and the turret turns. The gun barrel is bored to add some realism. The machine gun comes mounted in place on the turret. There is a spare track link mounted on the left side of the turret. The paint is smooth and evenly applied. There is no sign of weathering.

This model doesn’t jump out at you because of a brightly painted finish but it rather appeals to me because it portrays what the real tank looked like when it was embroiled in combat in Korea. Accuracy is more important than a pretty color.

All opinions expressed in this review and on the Hobby Master Collector website are those of the site owner and do not necessarily reflect those of Hobby Master Limited. My HMC site is a personal collection of models and opinions and is solely financed by me with no outside funds going to finance it. This is why you won’t find any paid advertising spam or pop-ups.