Taking A Guest Survey Online
Oregon SEC Collaborative
The Surveys of Enacted Curriculum ask teachers to respond to questions on a wide variety of topics that range from instructional practices to teacher opinions and beliefs. Taking a guest survey online will give you a sense of the depth and breadth of questions that are asked, as well as an understanding of the data that is generated.
To register as a guest:
- Go to
- Click on “Register” in the Log-in box
- Click on “Guest” in the Registered Users box
You are now logged in as a visitor and will be able to review sample data. As mentioned above, the survey asks questions in many different categories and consequently displays them in many different charts. You must select the type of chart you want to view (e.g., Instructional Content, Teacher Opinions and Beliefs, etc.) and the format in which you wish to view it.No data that you enter here will be saved.
To view sample data:
- Click on “View Results” for High School Math 2004
- You are now in the “Report Generator” which creates displays of the data.
Sample Report 1
For the purposes of the first sample you are going to view the Professional Development Scales chart. The information in this report can be used to evaluate how much and what kind of professional development teachers have participated in during the survey year in the survey content area selected (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies).
- Select Professional Development Scales and Floating Bar from the drop down menus.
- Click Submit.
- The format of this report is a floating bar chart:
- The numbers in ( ) are the sample sizes
- The colored bar represents the range of responses of participants
- The black strip in the middle of the colored bar represents the mean
- The responses of teachers in each grade band are represented with a different colored bar
- Two columns of data can be displayed on this report. This allows you to compare data from two different groups. To view a comparison, use the Sample Selection drop down menus to select ”SEC Collaborative” in one column and “All Data” in the other.
- Click Update to view the comparison. You will need to scroll down the page to view all the data.
Sample Report 2
For the purposes of the second sample you are going to view an Instructional Content chart. The information in this chart can be used to compare grade level instructional content being taught at a particular school with grade level Oregon Content Standards. This report shows where there are gaps in alignment between classroom instruction and the content standards.
- Click on “Return to Report Generator” at the bottom of the Professional Development report.
- Select Instructional Content and Tile Chart from the drop down menus.
- Click Submit.
- The format of this report is a tile chart:
- Each row represents a different math topic
- The five columns represent different levels of cognitive demand (listed at the bottom of the chart)
- The darker the color of the tile, the greater the amount of instructional time is spent on a specific topic and level of cognitive demand.
- To view a comparison, use the Sample Selection drop down menus to select ”OR PASS Stnd. (05) Gr. 10” in one column and “OR Stnd. (03) Gr. 10” in the other.
- Click Update to view the comparison. You will need to scroll down the page to view all the data. These results show how closely aligned the PASS standards are with the CIM standards in mathematics.
Taking a sample of the survey
The survey takes time and resources. It causes teachers to think deeply about how they teach and at what level of cognitive demand they expect their students to demonstrate understanding of the content. This is the most time consuming and thought provoking portion of the survey.
- Return to the screen that lists all of the sample data. This can be done by using your back button.
- Click on the “Edit This Survey” button for the SEC 201 Orientation Meeting/2006 ELA.
- Click on Continue.
- Click in the Instructional Content box and select Submit.
- Click on Re-Enter Data
- Check the Comprehension boxand click on Complete Sections
You are now looking at an actual survey that has already been completed. This section of the survey asks you to indicate the amount of time spent in the target class covering each Comprehension topic listed. A legend is listed at the top of the page that describes the levels of emphasis to choose from.
As you take the sample survey, change the answers as necessary to reflect your instruction. Please note that it is OK to mark “0” if the topic is not taught at your grade level. When you are finished with this section, click on Save and Continue with This Topic.
The next section of the survey asks you questions about the same Comprehension topics, but this time you are asked to think about the emphasis you place (% of class time) on expectations of student performance (cognitive demand). A legend is again provided at the top of the page, with descriptors of each of the levels of cognitive demand to the right (you can change the descriptors by moving your cursor over the levels of cognitive demand listed in columns in the survey). More that one level of cognitive demand can be marked, but it is best not to mark more than 3 in order to show an emphasis.
When you click on Save and Continue to Next Topic you will be sent back to the SEC Survey data sample page. You have now had a taste of the level of detail and commitment required by the survey as well as the kinds of data available. The results of the survey can provide the opportunity for data-driven decision making at the school and district leveland can be an effective tool in the Continuous Improvement Process.
The Oregon SEC Collaborative is a partnership between the OAESD Instructional Leader Council and the Oregon Department of Education
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SEC 101b(Updated 12.07.06)