The Students’ Union

Officers Committee

Date: 26/09/16 Location:SU Offices

Officers Present:In Attendance:

Heidi Vistisen, Student President (HV)

Megan Richardson, Student Vice-President (MR)

Vacant, Environment & Ethics Officer

Jenny Smith, Marketing & Communications Officer (JS)

Stewart Sands, Events Officer (SS)

Aisling Ni Bhrolchain, Sports and Societies Officer (AB)

Jillian Mackay, Welfare Officer (JM)

Vacant, Postgraduate Officer

  1. Welcome and Apologies

HV welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies were received fromFerdi, he is still in Canada. KB is on Annual Leave.

  1. Minutes of the Last Meeting

No matters arising, minutes were approved.

  1. Matters Arising/Action Points

SS has been in touch with Esk Mills and other venues. Prices remain an obstacle, however would pursue it further with Esk Mills to see if they can compete with Jam House if prompted.

  1. Sabbatical Reports

HV reported work centred on developing Board of Trustees with new membership being appointed. Membership packs and the collating of papers for the next meeting would take up some time, especially as doing it without KB. While catching up on emails a number of administration tasks needed done as well.

MR reported that she has met with all sports team captains at a meeting all together but has also made an effort to meet all teams and as many societies as possible. MR is finalising the S&S Guide with Dave (Union Affairs Assistant).

  1. Officers’ Reports

JS – finalised changing the language of the document sent by KB. JS reported she had seen the text in the university with no change in language.

JM – working with Res Life on a suicide prevention walk on the 9th of October from campus to Portobello Beach, all officers are encouraged to attend.

AB – meeting with teams and societies and offering support. MR suggested that when meeting with students and teams it is important to tell her for consistency and not doubling work.

SS – requested details for the requirements for Grand Ball to be able to better contact possible venues. A short discussion was had around whether we should search for a bigger venue and lose the good location or whether we should stick with the Jam House and cap numbers as other universities do.

  1. Representation events update

Pop up union – 4th October.

Campus Life Forum feedback available from website, next meeting 20th October.

Equality and Diversity forum coming along, event is about Brexit and is on 19th October and it would be good to have as many officers present as possible.

S&S committee – 3rd October

Academic Council – 11th October

By elections – voting 13th and 14th of October, officers will possibly be needed to lend a hand if available.

  1. Events

A Christmas pub crawl was discussed, more to be decided at the next meeting. “ 12 pubs of Christmas” was suggested, “6 Pubs of Christmas” might be more feasible.

  1. Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy – paper attached

Officers received the policy and was asked to feedback if there were any comments on the policy. Officers were happy to see this policy and were notified of the launch on the 12th of October in the Piano bar.

  1. Students’ Union Business


  1. Any other competent business

HV handed all officers printed copies of the constitution section that describes the role and remit of the Officers Committee. This also includes a description of the remits of each individual officer for reference of duties.

Officers discussed priorities for the coming year:

SS – Club Excellence and general support to all events, especially Sports and Societies wanting to host events.

AB – This Girl Can – not just around sport but also academically.

JM – Working with Beat for Mental Health Month and for Eating Disorder week in February

JS – Getting people involved and the message out to students, getting a bigger presence in the University

A short conversation around Maggie’s raised a couple of points:

-It is very dark when you walk from the University, hard to see if it is open

-Lit up sign

-Presence in the University?

-Banner in the square directing to Maggie’s

  1. Date of Next Meeting

Monday 10th October 9.15

Heidi will organise breakfast

Action Points:

SS – Follow up with Esk Mills about Grand Ball

HV – consider dates for Christmas Pub march

MR – Healthy Body Healthy Mind

MR – Speak to Nicola about HBHM and trans speaker from SSS conference

Minutes prepared by: Heidi Vistisen 06/10/2016