/ HUM 2270: East/West Synthesis
Instructor / Dr. Kevin Morgan
OfficePhone / 727- 394-6198
OfficeAddress / Seminole: LI 268
OfficeHours / Mon, Tues, Thurs 9:00 AM -1:00 PM, Weds 6;00 PM- 9
E-mail /
Required Text
Gardner's ArtThrough the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 13 th ed. byFred S. Kleiner, Thomson-Wadsworth, ISBN 0495573671
Humanities Department Contact Information
Program Chair: Dr. Kevin Stanley, Seminole Campus UP 337G, 727-394-6011
Dean: Dr. Jonathan Steele, Clearwater Campus, CR 154C, 727-791-5987
Course Description
Prerequisite: ENC 0020 or satisfactory score on the SPC Placement Test. A consideration of non-Western arts and ideas to bring about awareness of a world community. Examines cultures of Africa, the Near and Far East, and the Native Americas relative to the Western tradition. This course partially satisfies the SBE 6A-10.30 writing requirements outline in the General Education Requirements. Credit is not given for both HUM 2270 and Honors HUM 2270.
Course Objectives
  1. The student will be able to specify distinctive ideas, values, forms, etc., of selected major Non-Western cultures expressed through visual arts, literature, philosophy, religion and music.
  2. The student will be able to synthesize the historical, religious, philosophical, and artistic relationships among the various cultures.
  3. The student will be able to evaluate Non-Western cultural ideas and arts in relation to Western culture and arts.
  4. The student will be able to apply his/her understanding of non-Western Philosophical concepts of self, society, nature and religion toward a broader more coherent understanding of self.
  5. The student will demonstrate increased ability in composition.
Tentative Schedule
HUM 2270 East-West Synthesis
Content Module / Readings / Topics / Activities
Module 1 / Gardner's ArtThrough the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 13th ed.
Introduction, pp. 1-7 / Humanities Approach to World Cultures
What is Art History? / Explore Cyber Journeys
Discussions: Post introductions and respond to focused questions anddiscoveries fromCyber Journeys.
Quiz: Chapter 1
Module 2 / Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 13th ed.
Chapter 1, pp. 9-31 / The Art of South and Southeast Asia before 1200:
Paths to Enlightenment / Explore Cyber Journeys
Discussions: discoveries, focused questions, and replies
Quiz: Chapter 1
Module 3 / Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 13th ed.
Chapter 2, pp. 32-54 / The Art of South and Southeast Asiaafter 1200:
Sultans, Kings, Emperors and Colonists / Explore Cyber Journeys
Discussions: discoveries, focused questions, and replies
Quiz: Chapter 2
Module 4 / Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 13th ed.
Chapter 3, pp. 54-71 / The Art of Early China and Korea:
The Silk Road and Beyond / Explore Cyber Journeys
Discussions: discoveries, focused questions, and replies
Quiz: Chapter 3
Module 5 / Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 13th ed.
Chapter 4, pp. 72-87 / The Art ofLate China and Korea:
From the Mongols to the Modern / Explore Cyber Journeys
Discussions: discoveries, focused questions, and replies
Quiz: Chapter 4
Discovery Essay #1 Due
Module 6 / Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 13th ed.
Chapter 5, pp. 88-103 / The Art of Early Japan:
Shrines, Statues, and Scrolls / Explore Cyber Journeys
Discussions: discoveries, focused questions, and replies
Quiz: Chapter 5
Module 7 / Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 13th ed.
Chapter 6, pp. 104-119. / The Art ofLater Japan:
From Shoguns to the Present / Explore Cyber Journeys
Discussions: discoveries, focused questions, and replies
Quiz: Chapter 6
Midterm / Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 13th ed.
Review Chapters 1-6 / Midterm Reflections:
The Art of the East / Discussions:SendParticipation Iself-analysis
Midterm: Multiple-Choice and Essay Responses
Module 8 / Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 13th ed.
Chapter 7, pp. 120-143 / The Art of the Islamic World:
In Praise of Allah / Explore Cyber Journeys
Discussions: discoveries, focused questions and replies
Quiz: Chapter 7
Module 9 / Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 13th ed.
Chapter 8, pp. 144-171 / Native Arts of the Americas before 1300:
From Alaska to the Andes / Explore Cyber Journeys
Discussions: discoveries, focused questions and replies
Quiz: Chapter 8
Discovery Essay #2 Due
Module 10 / Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 13th ed.
Chapter 9, pp. 172-189 / Native Arts of the Americasafter 1300:
Before and after the Conquistadors / Explore Cyber Journeys
Discussions: discoveries, focused questions and replies
Quiz: Chapter 9
Module 11 / Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 13th ed.
Chapter 10, pp. 190-203 / Early African Art:
South from the Sahara / Explore Cyber Journeys
Discussions: discoveries, focused questions and replies
Quiz: Chapter 10
Module 12 / Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 12th ed.
Chapter 11, pp. 204-223 / 19th and 20th Century African Arts:
Traditionalism and Internationalism / Explore Cyber Journeys
Discussions: discoveries, focused questions and replies
Quiz: Chapter 11
Module 13 / Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 13th ed.
Chapter 12, pp. 224-241 / The Art of Oceana:
Flourishing of Island Cultures / Explore Cyber Journeys
Discussions: discoveries, focused questions and replies
Quiz: Chapter 12
ResearchEssay #3 Due
Module 14 / (No textbook readings this week.)
Cyber Journeys: Internet Resources only on Music and Preforming Arts of the World / Music and Preforming Arts throughout the World / Explore Cyber Journeys
Discussions: discoveries, focused questions and replies
SubmitParticipation II self-analysis
Final / Gardner's Art Through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 13th ed.
Review chapters 7-12 / Final Reflections: Arts of the World: Islam, Africa, Native Americas, andOceana / Final Exam: Multiple-Choice and Essay Responses (since the midterm)
Course Evaluation
Grading Policy
All Assigments should be submitted through the course drop box as attachments.
Late Assignments will be deducted 5 points/day at the instructor's discretion. No assignments will be accepted once grades have been submitted at the end of the course.
Note: Early weekly discussion postings will be rewarded with more points than discussion postings latter in the week.
Participation 200
Quizzes 100
Midterm 200
Essay 1 100
Essay2 200
Final 200
Total 1000 points
Note:The Summer Session will only include 2 papers. The second essay will be the largerresearch essay, worth 200 pts.
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to be active onlineeach moduleor week in discussion. Although this online course does not involve regular on-campus class meetings, it is expected that you will access course content andpost in discussionon a regular dailybasis.
Note: Inactivity in discussion for two consecutive weekswill result in a withdrawl from this course.
Withdrawal Policy
Beginning the semester
Instructors will verify that students are in attendance at least once each week during the first two weeks of class. Students classified as “No Show” for both of the first two weeks will be administratively withdrawn.
During the semester
Immediately following the 60% point of the term, each instructor will verify which students are actively participating in class as defined in the course syllabus. Students classified as not meeting the criteria for active class participation will be administratively withdrawn with a “WF”. Students will be able to withdraw themselves at any time during the term. However, requests submitted after the 60% deadline will result in a “WF”. Students and instructors will automatically receive an e-mail notification to their SPC email whenever a withdrawal occurs.
The last day to withdraw without grade penalty can be found in the SPC College Calendar. It is important that you make note of this date and assess your progress by the Midterm Exam in order to protect your GPA from the effects of a failing grade. If you should find that circumstances require you to withdraw, there is an online withdrawal form available at My SPC site. Just a reminder that 3rd attempt students cannot withdraw from this course for any reason.
Active class participation for this class is defined as posting in discussion forums weekly.
Academic Integrity
Cheating and plagiarism of any kind are serious violations of college policy and will not be tolerated. Students are expected to know and follow all class policies found in the syllabus and academic honesty policies found in the student handbook. It is the responsibility of the student to act above suspicion when completing any assignment. Ask your instructor for clarification on any policy before taking any action.
Examples of cheating and plagiarism include but are not limited to: presenting another person’s work as if it were the work of the presenter, allowing someone to copy your work, using published information without proper citations, using unauthorized references (cheat sheets or programmed information) on a test or examination, or allowing another individual to take a test or examination for you.
Disciplinary measures for academic dishonesty can range from a failing grade for an assignment to a failing grade in the class to expulsion from the college. Instances of academic dishonesty will also be referred to the Associate Provost to be filed in the student’s permanent record.