Helping Teens Cope with Stress
by Jennifer Dyl, PhD,BradleyHospital psychologist
Seventeen-year-old Marissa is juggling many roles. She has a demanding part-time job, plays two varsity sports, is studying for the SATs, and is trying to decide where to go to college and how to pay for it. She also has a term paper and an Internet project due this week, needs to find a date and a dress for the prom, is worried that she has gained five pounds, and is afraid that her best friend is mad at her. While Marissa used to feel confident and excited by life's challenges, she has recently been feeling overwhelmed, out of control and "stressed out."
Marissa's story is typical of the daily pressures teens face.
"Stress" is defined as the way our bodies and minds react to life changes. Since adolescence is a period of significant change, including physical, emotional, social, and academic changes, many teens are under more stress than at any other time of life.
Teenage Stress Factors
- academic pressure and career decisions
- pressure to wear certain types of clothing or hairstyles
- pressure to try drugs, alcohol or sex
- pressure to fit in with peer groups and measure up to others
- adaptation to bodily changes
- family and peer conflicts
- taking on too many activities at one time
Teenage "Stress Overload" Signs:
- increased physical illness (headaches, stomachaches, muscle pains, chronic fatigue)
- "shutting down" and withdrawal from people and activities
- increased anger or irritable lashing out at others
- increased tearfulness and feelings of hopelessness
- chronic feelings of worry and nervousness
- difficulty sleeping and eating
- difficulty concentrating
Stress Management Skills for Teens
- Taking deep breaths accompanied by thoughts of being in control ("I can handle this")
- Progressive muscle relaxation, (repeatedly tensing and relaxing large muscles of the body)
- Setting small goals and breaking tasks into smaller manageable chunks
- Exercising and eating regular meals, and avoiding excessive caffeine
- Focusing on things you can control and letting go of things you cannot control
- Rehearsing and practicing feared situations (e.g., practicing public speaking or asking someone out on a date)
- Talking about problems with others, including parents, older adults and friends
- Lowering unrealistic expectations
- Scheduling breaks and enjoyable activities, such as music, art, sports, socializing
- Accepting yourself as you are and identifying unique strengths and building on them, but realizing no one is perfect!
Your Assignment has four tasks.
- Take two of the following online quizzes.
The Stress Reliever Personality Test
The Stress Symptoms Quiz
Anxiety Self Test: Do you worry too much?
Are you an optimist?
2. Submit a 1-2 paragraph reflection on what each tests reveals about you. Due Thursday, April 24.
3. Prepare a creative presentation on one stress reduction technique to the class.
-Choose one of the following topics which you will present to the class in a fun and interesting way. Make your presentation interactive – get the students to try your activity. Use drama to bring your stress reduction technique to life. Use other internet sites and/or any other resources
-Limit your presentation to 5 minutes.
If you are unable to present this with your partner, you must come in after school next Wednesday or Thursday to present to the teacher. Be sure to bring a note from your parent verifying your absence from class on the day of your presentation.
4. Write a one page reflection on stress reduction tools that you have, or would like to use.
Stress Reduction Techniques
1. Top 10 StressRelievers: Hobbies
2. Attitude, Self Talk and Stress
Reduce Stress and Improve Your Life with Positive SelfTalk
3. How An Internal Locus Of Control Can Lead To Stress Relief and
How To Develop An Internal Locus ofControl
4. Mindfulness: Being more aware of each moment
5. Spirituality and Mental Health: Benefits ofSpirituality
How To Use Spirituality for StressRelief
6. The Benefits of Journaling for Stress Management
7.How To Reduce Tension with Progressive Muscle Relaxation
8. Using Guided Imagery for Stress Management
9. Using Self-Hypnosis for Stress Management
10. Meditation -
11. Music Relaxation: A Healthy and Convenient Stress ManagementTool
12. Top 5 Non-Addictive Online Games for StressRelief
13. Art Therapy: Relieve stress through creativity
14. Stress Management and Laughter
How To Maintain A Sense ofHumor
15. How To Become More of an Optimist
16. How and Why to Use Positive Affirmations as a Stress Management Tool
17. Test Anxiety: How To Deal With Test Anxiety and Actually Do Better OnTests
18. Exercise and Stress Relief: Using Exercise as a Stress ManagementTool
19. The Benefits of Yoga for StressManagement
Yoga for Stress Management